Looking Back on May 13th Chapter Meeting
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)
I got to the hall about 10 til 7 last nite and found the front row working hard in the lobby. (I gave a plug to a potential singer who was waiting there to teach another class in the building – always gotta be ready to promote joining us!)
Inside the main hall, the stage was full of guys working on SP with Chuck McKeever, risers were up and all the AV equipment in place, and guys all around talking and even a quartet singing in the corner.
Right on the nose at 6:59 pm, the call went out for RISERS and those who were not already in place (some guys, I note, make an effort to be on the risers about 5 til each week) climbed on board.
Tony took over for a solid warm up session on breathing and good singing—at all times.
Director Joe started work on “Drunken Sailor” and then sent the chorus out in sections, with members of CAMERON STATION taking the teaching duties for the song with the guys who also sing the same part. Back in 10 minutes. Joe was pleased with the results of the review and concentration.
Then there were sectionals to work on the future contest song “Star” and after that, two sets of the current contest package.
For chapter meeting, there were the usual plugs for 50/50 sales, gift cards and last chance orders for Harmo Anniversary watches.
Then there were several pleas to help the chapter manage hosting the Southern Division contest, May 23-24. Eckman needs helps with registration Fri. 5-7 pm and Sat. 5-7 pm. De Puy needs help with risers Fri. 8-11 am at the Hyatt in Reston. Keith Jones needs help with contestant guides/hosts Fri. at 5 pm. and Sat. 8 :30 am. Call them if you can help. There is always a need for three or four more helpers.
Bibens reminded the chorus that we are the mic testers for the Southern Div. chorus contest EARLY Sat. morning in Reston. New guys and returning guys get uniform parts from Tom Kern!
Gary also reminded everyone to mark their calendar for the trip to Lancaster, PA, where the chorus will do the contest package as part of a District Send Off Celebration for the quartets and choruses going to Nashville in July. It is not considered a singout but a mandatory performance. Plan ahead for the 2.5 hour or more drive. Watch for reporting times and such to be announced. Uniform is same as Southern Div.
The board meeting is May 21st.
NOTE these date changes: There will not be an extra rehearsal on June 12th, but instead there will be one on June 19th and 26th at the school adjacent to Durant. AND Cindy Hansen will be teaching us the SP for the future contest package on Monday, July 21st and so there will not be a chapter meeting on the 22nd.
Secretary Chris reminded all that have a June 2008 renewal due to get to work on it, as it takes time to get thru the system at Society headquarters.
And if you want any Harmo logo items ordered from Lands End, see Chris right away.
Membership VP Roger introduced some out of town barbershoppers who were in the DC area for visits or work, and then some fellows who are in the process of joining.
After a good break, new quartet promotion chair, Ken White, introduced FRiDAYS! quartet with Dan O’Brien, Bob Caldwell, Ken Ives and Steve Murane. They did a test run performance in preparation for their appearance at Southern Division. (Yes – that is how they spell the name of their quartet.) They are one of several quartets we hear are going to compete there. And the rumor mill is at work confirming some new college quartets with guys in them from our chapter, who are competing at other division contest in the next few weeks, hoping to qualify for the Collegiate Quartet Contest in Nashville.
The rest of the evening was mostly dedicated to the contest package, with several run-throughs, a chance to make a self-improvement tape, and a time to tweak some of the moves taught earlier.
Ken White also won the 50/50 money again, and like his friend Terry Reynolds, took off with his winnings and did now show up to buy drinks after rehearsal!
Until next time – editorjack!
Friday, May 16, 2008
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