Thursday, May 16, 2019

Looking Back on the May 14th Chapter Meeting 

The Harmonizers music men –leaders and chorus singers – worked really hard again this week to make progess on their music for 2019.  And with the help of this week’s coach Cindy Hansen Ellis, they made solid progress in preparation for the performance for the US Supreme Court on June 3rd .

Will Cox, assistant director emeritus, did the warm ups this week and then when director Joe Cerutti took over, he had the chorus welcome Cindy.  As usual, she incited energy and classy performances for “America” and “I’m The Music Man” that are considered show openers.

Joe and Cindy spent a chunk of time on “Circle of Life” including several performance aspects such as the solos, background singers, and special language section.  It was sounding and looking mighty good be the end of the nite.

Before the mid-evening break for the chapter meeting, Joe announced that plans are finalized for a road trip for the Harmonizers to sing at Seneca Land District in the Rochester NY area at the end of Sept.  We will compete as well as entertain, do a masters’ class and enjoy a great bus ride trip.  Joe asked for members to get onto Groupanizer to confirm their attendance.

Steve Murane, communications director, conducted the meeting and announced the continuation of extra voluntary rehearsals to work on the music.  The next one is this week on Thurs from 7-9 pm  at First Baptist.

The major extra rehearsal/retreat with Cy Wood(our coach and designer of the package for “Brotherhood Of Man”) will be Sunday,  May 26th at Scottish Rite Temple. From 1:30-5:30 pm.  Make your plans to attend!

Chapter leaders announced a plan to reduce the number of emails sent to all members.  Starting this week, everything that is an announcement, learning materials, suggestions, uniform updates and the like will come out as part of the pre-meeting document prepared and sent by Dave Branstetter. We used to call this the HarmoGram.  And it sounds like it will be an important document for each member to read.  It will arrive regulary at the end of each week.  Video links will be in Groupanizer. The weekly Looking Back summaries prepared by Jack Pitzer will continue to be sent to all members and the many other readers outside the chapter.

President Shawn Tallant reported that some guys called Alan Wile at dinner time and find he is still on the mend at home.  He can take a call now and then and for sure messages.  Sandy Stamps is recovering from another surgery and she and Mick are at home. They would accept messages too. Jim Kirkland reported that members of the Mt. Vernon Chorus called on Bob Wachter today at his home and sang a couple songs with him.

Chapter secretary Chris Buechler presented membership renewal cards to Dave DesPortes for 12 years, Joel Golden for 14 years, and Jason Lee for 17 years.

Membership chair Calvin Schnure welcomed guests Nick Federick, Luqman Fulmer, and Robyn Leeesnyder (one of our show patrons)  and her dad from New Zealand, Barry Prior.

This time of year, a lot of our members have been working hard as quartet singers in preparation for division contests in our Mid Atlantic District. This weekend is the Central Division and we have two guys singing in quartets at the contest in Wyomissing (Reading), PA. Rick Taylor is singing in TAYLOR MADE along with Tom Halley, Douglas Beach, and Steve Kirsch.  Mike Kelly is singing in a seniors quartet, PERSUSION, with Broh Brohawn, Jon Clunies and Bob Keys.  Joe Cerutti is judging music for this contest and Tony Colosimo is judging singing. 

Here are the quartets with Harmonizers in them for the Southern Division contest which will be in Baltimore May 31st:
CLYDE’S CHORBUSTING CHORISTERS, singing 4th, Joe Cerutti, Clyde Crusenberry, Brad Jones, Tyler Carpenter
GET IT TOGETHER, singing 5th, Brian Ammerman, Ben Watsky, Jim Kirkland, Terry Reynolds
SILVER ALERT, singing 13th in seniors contest, Rick Savage, Mike Edison, Will Cox, Steve Murane
SIXTH SENSE, singing 15th, Aaron Simoneau, Brian Miller, Joe Cerutti, David DesPortes
BREAKFAST BLEND,  singing 16th, Mike Geipel, Scott Beach, Jerry Candrilli, Vinny Capaccio
VOICES IN MY HEAD, singing 19th, Cavan Potee, Tim Buell, Joe Chilcoat, Alex Burval
MISS OTIS REGRETS, singing 20th, Mario Sengco, Jordan Haedtler, Chris Leyan, Ken Rub
QUIRKS OF ART, singing 22nd, Bob Wilson, Roger Tarpy, Hardman Jones, Mike Wallen
Former member Dan Cook is singing with NEXT STEP, and Nick Aiuto is singing in a seniors quartet SYMPATICO.

Before we took down the risers to take to the division contests and adjourn for the nite, we had to bid farewell to one of our young singers – Josh DesPortes.  He has taken a new job in the Atlanta area.  We will miss his great voice for solos and as a lead in TBD for several years. AS is our tradition, we sang, “A Place on the Risers for You” with Josh in a chair facing the chorus!

Until next time – editorjack! 

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Looking Back on the May 7th Chapter Meeting 

This week’s meeting was another hard working rehearsal for the Harmonizers as they prepare for the Supreme Court show on June 3rd and learn lots of new music and stage presence for 2019.

Will Cox, assistant director emeritus, did the warm up sessions this week.  Prior to the meeting start Chuck McKeever helped guys who came early to brush up their moves for uptunes, and the front row did the same thing.

When director Joe Cerutti took over, he reminded everyone that coach Cindy Hansen Ellis will be with us next Tuesday nite to work on the visual aspects of the Supreme Court performance. Songs for that show are “American,” “I’m the Music Man,” “We Kiss..,”  “All You Need is Love” and  “Circle of Life.” 

Basic work time was spent on “Brotherhood” with associate director Tony Colosimo directing and Bruce Roehm coaching SP. 

Before the chapter meeting started, Joe congratulated Mario Sengco on being elected as president of the Washington DC Gay Men’s Chorus!

Communications guy Steve Murane conducted the meeting time which was brief this week.

Membership guy Calvin Schnure welcome singing guests Jerry Candrilli and Vinny Capaccio.  They are in a quartet with new member Scott Beach and longtime tenor Michael Geipel.  All of them drove up from the Richmond VA area. 

After a break time, it was back to work on our new music and the extensive staging work for the major uptunes.

Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd