Friday, November 27, 2015

Looking Back on the Nov. 24th Chapter Meeting

There were nearly 60 Harmonizer men and many Friends of the chapter at the  memorial service for long-time member John (JP) Pence Sunday afternoon Nov. 22nd at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax church in Oakton. We sang “I’ll Walk with God” and “Deep River” with Andrew Havens singing the solo.  Joe invited us to all sing and pay tribute to our friend. Several guys offered memories or stories at the service.

Tuesday nite’s rehearsal was on-stage at Schlesinger Hall so we could prepare for some of our stage and theater movements.  And so we could work with other artists who will appear on the holiday show with us.  After associate director Tony Colosimo did the vocal warm ups, director Joe Cerutti helped us prepare for the rehearsal with opera singer Marilyn Moore.  When she arrived we did a couple runs on each of the songs she will sing with us.  It was quite a great experience for all.

Many men were absent as they were en route to family visits for Thanksgiving.  Good to see Joe and Tom Jackson, bass section leader, back on the mend after some serious flu or colds.  The operations crews worked hard to get the risers in place and get the stage ready for us.

Between songs, president Terry Reynolds announced a sing out for a few of us at Washington Middle School (where Casey Belzer is the music teacher) on Dec. 14th.

Craig Kujawa, chapter coordinator for our International convention and contest in Nashville, reminded all to get in their forms with housing and registration intentions by Nov. 30th.  He has to submit a report to the BHS about how many rooms we will need. Craig had just returned from Nashville along with a rep from all of the other competing choruses.

Steve Murane reminded men to get in their $10 payment for the holiday show shirts and scarves. Pay to Robyn or to Steve.

Tom Kern reminded singers that they should see if they need any uniform parts for the holiday show tonite!  Basically we will need our black suits.

Next week our rehearsal will be back at Durant at the usual time.

After break we worked on choreography for the show and chorus movement on stage with TBD and our movement into the auditorium.

Joe released us for the evening with his thanks for the extra work on the show music and for a promise to work on some of the music over the holiday.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 67th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd