Friday, August 9, 2019

Looking Back on the July 30th and August 6th Chapter Meetings

(Thanks to Tyler Carpenter for taking notes for these meetings while YeEd was on travel.)

For the Tuesday July 20th meeting, associate director Tony Colosimo started off with a visual, vocal, and mental warm up followed by a brief explanation of how the night would run by  director  Joe Cerutti.

Singers going to Scotland on Aug. 5th stayed with Joe and Tony while the non-Scotland crew went to the lodge room with Chuck Hunter and Jason Lee until the break period.

The evening was a full run-through in reverse in preparation for the trip.

Communications director Steve Murane led the business with a few announcements .

Heather Harrell from the Alexandria newspaper was present and taking photos for a story regarding our Scotland trip and the sister city of Alexandria.

Dean Sherick has tickets for the fall show. So far only about 30 of 1000 have been sold.

We will be having optional rehearsals at Scottish rite on August 14 and 21.

There was a table of barbershop recordings from Arthur Lewis that we’re donated to AH members by his widow.

President Shawn Tallant thanked Don Thompson for helping with shirts for Scotland and Brad Jones for putting the entire trip together. The chorus was asked for an additional $10 per person to help cover bus costs for the Scotland trip.

Calvin Schnure, membership director, presented renewals cards to Mike Edison for 28 years, and to Tony Colosimo for 26 years.  He also welcomed fifth time guest  Matt Nightingale and Vikram Akwei who was present for his first visit and first ever barbershop experience!

Scotland-only-singers went back to the risers while the others served as the audience.

Dean Rust took home a sizable 50/50.

On Aug. 6th, there were 12 members including bari section leader Jason Lee (who was director for the nite) present for an optional rehearsal to work trouble spots and run thru the show material. As promised the week before, there was free beer... after rehearsal at the afterglow. 

Until next time – editorjack! 

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd