Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Looking Back on the Nov. 30th Holiday Appearance at Strathmore  

The Alexandria Harmonizers appeared at the Strathmore Music Center in Bethesda as part of its holiday concert series.  The Harmonizers previously performed in the Strathmore productions of “I Am Harvey Milk” in 2016 and “Iron and Coal – Survivor and Son” in 2018.  This was the first time that Strathmore agreed to book the Harmonizers for their own show, which was designed and produced by the Harmonizers artistic team.

The chorus and their guest artists did the show on Sat. afternoon, Nov. 30th for a largely sold-out audience that included many new patrons,  plus many usual Harmonizer and barbershop fans.

The “Holidays in Harmony: An A Cappella Concert” featured the chorus plus the 2006 BHS gold medal quartet Vocal Spectrum from St. Louis,  and A Cappella! – a mixed chorus of students from James Hubert Blake High School in Montgomery County, MD, directed by Sandra Zinkievich. 

All groups performed holiday tunes for the enthusiastic audience.  The finale, a beautiful arrangement of  “Tribute to World Peace,” featured all three groups – the Harmonizers, Vocal Spectrum, and A Cappella! singing together in a moving performance that brought the audience to its feet. 

The chorus was directed by Joe Cerutti with associate director Tony Colosimo and assistant director Chuck Hunter.  The Harmonizers small group ensemble, TBD, also sang on the show.  And Will Cox recited his popular version of “The Night Before Christmas” for children in the audience.

The singers met at 10 am on show day at the Music Center for warm up, brief reviews, and then stage time for all groups.  Tech support for this performance was provided by the Music Center team which also dressed the stage with festive holiday decorations. 

Until next time – editorjack! 

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd