Looking Back on the Oct
6th Chapter Meeting
The chorus came to Durant ready to work. Clearly it is contest time and many guys who are singing with us for the contest but not regularly for other shows were present. Great to have the help of these Harmonizers.
At 6 pm there was a major front row drill on stage and in front of the risers plus a class for new members to learn the presentation plan for the contest package for some new members.
Director Joe Cerutti was out of town with his SAI chorus, Pride of Baltimore, at their International convention. Associate director Tony Colosimo did the warm ups and was director for the nite. He was assisted by choreographer, Carlos Barillo, who was just off a plane from Germany where he was coaching. We worked the first half of the nite on the contest package. Many of the items we worked on were a follow up to work done last week.
Operations vp Todd Ryktarsyk conducted the chapter meeting. Thanks go to Gerry Fuller for helping with the storage unit move recently. Ike Evans is taking head-shot photos of guys to update the member photo board. Doug White is still looking to get his chorus shoes back from whoever has the wrong size.
Calvin Schnure promoted the Tag-A-Thon fundraiser that will be Sat Nov. 7th following the all-sectionals rehearsal at First Baptist Church, 1 pm. Members are encouraged to get sponsors for their tag singing.
Mike Edison invited Harmonizers to come to the show for the Germantown Chorus. Harmonizer Kris Zinkievich directs that chorus. The show is Sat nite Oct 17th after our retreat in Rockville. See Mike for tickets.
Secretary Chris Buechler presented a lot of membership renewal cards: Rusty Orvick for 11 years; Ken Henderson for 12 years; Bob Blair for 16 years; Bob Mattes for 17 years; Mike Schwartz for 21 years; Dick Dangel for 23 years; Don Thompson for 23 years; Chuck McKeever for 29 years; Ken Fess for 31 years; Terry Reynolds for 32 years, Bob Ulibarri for 33 years; Mike Kelly for 35 years (and a 35-year lapel pin); Mick Stamps for 36 years; Jack Cameron for 46 years and Jack Pitzer for 50 years!
President Terry Reynolds reports that Bill Conway is safe and not in a flood situation in SC.
Terry announced a new addition to the chapter’s musical leadership team – Vickie Dennis will join the team and assist with many important projects such as the Youth Harmony effort and the Certified Singer program. Her husband Dennis is about to become a new member of the chorus. She directed the Houston Tidelanders chorus for three years and the Houston SAI chorus. Welcome aboard!
Terry thanked the 56 members that responded to the chapter survey. Others are encouraged to do so ASAP.
He reminded us that the official chapter election for the BHS chapter is next week. His other reminders include: the all-day retreat on Sat. Oct. 17th at John Calvin Presbyterian Church on Columbia Pike with Cindy Hansen coaching; music for the April 2016 show will be available soon; if you want one of the older Harmonizer CDs, you should buy them now because we won’t be reordering.
Great to have some guys come sing for the nite: Geoff Berman, David Jarzen who is in the midst of another show at West Potomac, and former member Jack Stonesifer.
Membership vp Rich Hewitt welcomed a good group of guests and welcomed two new members who have completed their attendance requirement: Casey Belzer and Jordan Haedtler.
Until next time –
(This message is prepared for your review if you
were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record
of the great things going on each week during the 67th year of the
Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.