Thursday, June 27, 2024

Looking Back on the June 25, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Send Off Before Cleveland

 Looking Back on the June 25, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Send Off Before Cleveland 

On June 25, the Alexandria A Cappella Collective hosted the annual send-off concert  (a performance for fans before the singers travel to the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) International Convention in Cleveland, OH, July 1-6, 2024).  Family, friends and patrons arrived at Beth El Synagogue on Seminary Rd. about 7:45 pm for the 8 pm performance. 

The singers arrived at 7 pm in their coordinated attire for the contest – a dress rehearsal, if you will, for the performers. EJ Herold helped coordinate volunteers to get chairs set up for the audience in the ballroom space.  Operations director, Gary Cregan, reports there was a good crew to help. Cy Shuster set up the sound equipment.

Associate director of the Harmonizers, Tony Colosimo, conducted the warm up for the combined ensembles.  Artistic director, Joe Cerutti, had a few announcements for the chorus members going to Cleveland.  First – everyone is expected to attend every rehearsal at the convention, but if anyone won’t be on time for a rehearsal, or they have an emergency, they must notify Terry Reynolds.  Second – there is a major movie filming crew slated to be in Downtown Cleveland while the convention is underway and that crew could be closing streets and walkways and disrupting things without notice.  Singers should note that the rehearsals for all competing choruses is about three blocks from the Westin in the Huntington Convention Center – Room 25.  The first rehearsal for the Harmonizers is at 2:45 pm on Wednesday and for Metro Voices at 5 pm in Room 25.

After announcements, each ensemble did some rehearsal time before a 15 minute break to get uniforms ready and to prepare to welcome the guests. 

Emcee for the event was Harmonizer, Rick Taylor.  He welcomed the large crowd to the AACC Send Off for Cleveland and introduced Metro Voices as the first performing group with Samantha Tramack as director and Maggie McAlexander as assistant.  They performed their two-song package they will use to compete in the 2024 Chorus Festival at the convention – “After You Who” and “It Don’t Mean a Thing.”

Next on the risers was the Harmonizers dressed in blacks and grays.  Their package consists of “The World Goes Round” and “Lullaby of Broadway” with great singing and a couple of surprises plus wonderful choreography led by the front row which includes Ken Rub, Randal Eliason, Matt Ambler, Chad Ross, Terry Reynolds, Bruce Roehm, Reed Livergood, Jacob Broude, Matthew Zorgoski, and Craig Kujawa

The audience showed their appreciation for the great performances by both groups with loud and long applause.

As the two ensembles reassembled on the risers to sing together, chapter president, Noah Van Gilder, recognized five quartets that have AACC members in them that are competing in Cleveland.  Each quartet received some financial support as they represent the chapter. A total of 60 quartets have qualified to be in the contest. The quartet quarterfinals contest sessions are on Tuesday, July 2, and Wednesday, July3. Singing 15th – WILDFIRE with Kevin Mendez; singing 19th - FIRST TAKE with Anthony Colosimo and Andrew Havens; singing 26th – SWEET AND SOUR with Samantha Tramack and Mert Tramack; singing 28th – PRAXIS with Lance Fisher and David Breen; and singing 56th – MIXEDTAPE with Cy Wood


There was a bandana check for members of the Class of 2024 which includes Mert Tramack, EJ Harold, Mark Oswald, Jimmy Miotto, William Vesilind, Ker Medero, Charley Rothermel, Jared Liscinsky, Kevin Mendez, Matthew Zagorski, Mireille Kouagou, Ashley Merryman, Dana Richardson, Leah Musico, Marsha Ansel, Catherine LaValley, Callie Cirillo, and Hannah Nesich


Membership director, Jacob Broude, presented a membership renewal card to Chris Huber for 32 years.  Chrisresponded that his wife Judy was with him and it was her birthday. Before we could sing greetings, it was confirmed that it was also Mick Stamp’s birthday.  Joe did the honors to direct all in singing “Happy Birthday.”


The last group to perform for the send-off was the combined AACC chorus directed by Joe.  They started with “I’m Still Standing.”


Terry then recognized all the 50-year barbershop singers in the room which led into the surprise announcement that the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) has named Joe Cerutti as the 2024 recipient of the Joe Liles Lifetime Achievement Award. Everyone rose to their feet to applaud and cheer for Joe. He will receive this recognition in Cleveland.


Joe expressed his appreciation for the recognition and shared a few thoughts including that he would need to “share the award with Terry and Tony” who are an important part of his musical leadership team of the AACC.  Joe also recognized Elaine Cooper who was a charter member of Metro Voices and also an important helper in his musical educator role with barbershop choruses. 


Those comments led into the introduction of “Why We Sing” and his dedication of the song to Elaine, who died in January.


The finale was the wonderful performance by the combined ensembles of “Defying Gravity” from Wicked, featuring Samantha Tramack, soloist, with Tony Colosimo


The audience filled every chair in the hall and included a contingent of Harmonizer folks from Richmond including Mike Wallen and Jim McConnell; several members who can’t go to Cleveland but came to cheer and support like Ben Watsky, John Taber, Alan Wile, Walt Page, and Michael Berkson; folks we have not seen in a while like Andrew HavensTom Kraus, John SifuentesCarlos Barillo, Dave Reyno, Drew Fuller, Jim Kirkland, Greg Tepe, Masahis Takahashe, Jerry Jayjohn; former community board member for the chapter, Bob Faherty; long-time fan and supporter, Ellen Dellert; family members and significant others; fellow barbershop singers from the DC Metro Area such as from Potomac Harmony Sweet Adelines; Metro Voices coach, Kim Newcomb; and a prospective member, Josh Berenhaus. Thanks to Susan Fitzpatrick, chorus general manager, for her help making arrangements for the event. 

Members and guests took down the risers and put the chairs away, and a large contingent adjourned to the Harmo House for another great afterglow. 

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 75th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)


The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.


Monday, June 24, 2024

Looking Back on the June 20, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Extra Meeting and June 21 Service for Elaine Cooper

 Looking Back on the June 20, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Extra Meeting and June 21 Service for Elaine Cooper

The musical leadership team for the Alexandria A Cappella Collective (AACC) scheduled an extra meeting for the two ensembles to prepare for their appearances in Cleveland.

Associate director of the Harmonizers, Tony Colosimo, conducted a warmup session for the combined ensembles. 

Artistic director, Joe Cerutti, thanked everyone for making the extra effort on a Thursday night to come to Beth El.  The riser crew came early to set up equipment.

Joe took the combined ensembles through three extra songs they will perform at the ‘send-off’ concert next Tuesday night, also at Beth El. (Joe has invited any AACC singers who sang at Wolf Trap but are not going to Cleveland to join in singing the three extra songs.) 

On June 25, there will be a need for chorus volunteers to set up chairs for the many guests who will attend the send-off – which might include members of the Beth El community who have been invited. Non-singers can arrive about 7:45 pm for the 8 pm performance.

Note: there will be another extra rehearsal on Thursday, June 27, at AlexRenew, in preparation for Cleveland.

Chapter president, Noah Van Gilder, reminded members that there 15 days until the choruses  will be on stage in Cleveland.  He repeated his cheer to “get excited, and get prepared!”

The correct date for the retirement ceremony for Craig Kujawa is July 13. Those attending should prepare for entry onto the military installation that day or ride with someone who has a pass.

Craig also alerted Cleveland singers that they must be sure their membership renewals are current (some expire about now); that everyone must have a full convention registration to compete; and that a riser crew will be needed in Cleveland about 4 pm on Tuesday, July 2.

There were some guests present at this meeting, Donell Torres and his wife Molly are in town from St. Louis to help Lance and Sophie move into their new apartment; and Jordan Zimmerman was in town to look for housing for he and his wife when they move back to the DC Metro area. Jordan sings lead in a quartet with Jason Lee, Ken White and Mike Fasano.

 The rehearsal went to 10 pm again so everyone helped with loading the risers in the Harmo truck(which actually stays in the back lot of Beth El these days). A good crowd came to an afterglow at the Harmo house.

On Friday, June 21, the AACC singers attended and sang at the Celebration of Life for Elaine Cooper, 77, who died in January.  She was a founding member of Metro Voices after many years as a barbershop singer and chapter leader. About 25 AACC members came to the service at Lyon Park Community Center, in Arlington, VA.  There was a space for the chorus to assemble and Tony conducted warm up for “Why We Sing.”  During the service Joe spoke about Elaine’s loyal service and courage as a chorus leader.  She was an active barbershopper before she joined Metro Voices, having sung with the Pride of Baltimore, Greater Harrisburg, Potomac Harmony, Vienna-Falls, and Scottsdale Sweet Adeline choruses. Her sons, Carlton and Matt Greene gave tribute to her many skills and talents. 

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 75th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)


The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.