Thursday, January 31, 2013

Looking Back on the Jan. 29th Chapter Meeting

This week it was so warm, guys arrived with their coats over their shoulders.  But again the hall was packed with members and guests and all of the equipment we use for a meeting.

Before the meeting, the director Joe Cerutti and the soon-to-be-announced visual row captains and Chuck McKeever met on the stage for a sneak-preview of the visual plan for the uptune.  Carlos Barillo is developing the plan and he and the team will begin teaching it next week, it appears.

The usual admin/sales tables were set up.  And the membership team was busy signing in guests.

This week’s listening time to get the guys up on the risers (which starts right at 7 bells) was a chance for all to hear the new contest ballad “All The Things You Are” arranged by Steve Delehanty.

Assistant director Will Cox did the warm ups and then turned the chorus over to Joe.  First Joe welcomed some Bobs we have seen for a while – Bob Sutton and Bob Wilson.

Then Joe had the chorus bring out “Hello My Baby” for review.  And then he sent us to sectionals to work on the ballad starting at measure 25.

When we came back onto the risers, Joe was able to pull the sections together and start adding some of his interpretation to the plan.

Midway into the evening, operations vp Bob Rhome began the chapter meeting period. Ken Fess was the first to come up and remind guys the need to make those payments for the Normandy trip.

Chapter secretary Chris Buechler presented BHS registration papers to our chorus section leaders who are make up a registered quartet, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.  This quartet has been registered by the chapter for 26 years.  This year’s version of the quartet includes Rick Savage, Tony Colosimo, Ken Ives and Mike Kelly.

Then Chris presented membership renewal cards to Brian Ammerman for 19 years; Drew Fuller for 23 years; Bob Sutton for 29 years; and Don Harrington for 33 years.

Ken White made introductions of a long line of guests present tonite, on behalf of the membership team headed this week by Jeremy Richardson.  There were a number of applicants in the guest line; a large contingent of family members with Ben Roberts; several first time guests of Carlos Barillo, and some gents from others chapters visiting us.

Regarding membership, Noah Van Gilder reminded all about the Open Audition event on Wed., Jan. 30th from 7-9:30 to at Durant.  There are already seven signed up and the audition team can handle lots more. Encourage your prospects to go to to sign up for a report time and to get the details.

Assistant director Terry Reynolds confirmed that self-recordings should start next week.

President Alan Wile was pleased to announce the recipients of the 2012 chapter Distinguished Service Awards that were presented at last Saturday’s awards banquet. They were reported in an earlier Looking Back summary.

Alan also read a letter from the M-AD thanking the chapter for its regular support to the District Endowment Fund – some of it is the result of the weekly monies collected in the 50/50 drawing (the winner gets half, the chapter gets the other half and it is sent to the Endowment Fund). The chapter donated close to $500 in the last six months of 2012.  He also reported on other gifts to that fund from a Harmonizer’s family.

Alan presented a check of over $1000 to the treasurer that was earned by the online Razoo donation program that allows friends and supporters of the chapter to make contributions.

Finally, Alan shared that there will be some Singing Valentine operations next month. Calvin Schnure will arrange for quartets to fill long-standing requests and already-received requests and any special requests the members might have.

After the break for coffee and goodies and various business matters and some tag singing and working with guests to get them set up, it was back on the risers. First off was associate director Tony Colosimo to give us another barbershop craft session on the maxims needed to be better and successful.  This session seemed mostly to stress ‘your voice matters.’

Then the chorus worked on “No More Sorrow” and “Great Day” for review and filming.

We sang and worked right up to 10 bells and rushed to put it all away again, so there was more time for tag singing and working with guests. During the evening, Sandy Ulibarri was taken to the hospital after a call to 911.  Joe reported at the end of the nite that she was stable but being kept overnite for observation.  Our thoughts are with she and Bob.

A small but dedicated crowd made it to the Hilton for an afterglow.

Until next time – editorjack!

 (This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —YeEd.)


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Looking Back on the 2012 Chapter Awards Dinner and Installation of 2013 Board

The 39th annual Alexandria, Virginia, BHS Chapter Presidents’ Awards Banquet and 2013 Board Installation was held Sat. nite Jan. 26th at the Durant Rec Center at 6 pm.

Immediate Past President Steve Murane, who had served two terms as president in 2011 and 2012, was host for the evening.  Steve and his special friend Robyn McQueen also did the organizing and work to pull off the event.  There were 11 tables of 10 Harmonizers and guests present.  Tables were bedecked with black and/or silver settings with balloon clusters for each table on mirror centers.  It was great to see so many of the new members at this year’s banquet.

The chapter provided the main entrĂ©e for the meal ( BBQ chicken or vegetarian lasagna) and all members and FRIENDS IN HARMONY brought dishes to share.  There was a huge spread of great foods and desserts.  Plus there was coffee and teas and a full bar the whole evening.

Social hour and visiting went from 6-7, then the meal and then the program.

IPP Steve invited special guests for the evening including the patrons from the Holiday show who had paid to have a dinner with director Joe Cerutti.  Current Mid Atlantic District President Bill Colosimo and family also were present; as was Paul Dolinsky from the George Washington Masonic Memorial; and FRIENDS OF HARMONY president Sandy Stamps.

The event was co-hosted by all the past presidents of the chapter including ten present: Steve, Brad Jones, Mick Stamps, Alan Wile, Rick Wagner, Ken Fess, Bob Wells, Chris Buechler, Chuck Harner and Jack Pitzer.

Steve thanked those who came early to set up, his nephews who came to be servers (they did get to sing some tags in the kitchen after the event); operations vp Bob Rhome for getting licenses for the bar and for arranging for the hall; Bob Blair for the coat racks; Chris Buechler for helping order the plaques; Mike Kelly for sound set up; Robyn for help preparing the printed program; and Bruce Lauther for helping compile the chapter’s milestones for 2012.

The first part of the program was to recognize the recipients of the chapter memorial awards that are given each year. Here is the run-down of the awards with a description of the award and this year’s winner:

New Note of the Year Award

 (Nominated by the President, VP-Membership/Chapter Development, and VP-Operations; selected by the Board of Directors).  Given to a Harmonizer who has contributed outstanding service to the Chapter in his first year of membership.  All new members for the previous 18 months prior to October 31 of the current year will be considered.  Attendance, attitude, and accomplishments of duties, both volunteer and assigned, shall be considered.


2012 recipient – Nick Leiserson for his energy in helping with show production and creation, service in membership recruitment, singing in the  a cappella group TBD and willingly accepting other assignments from chapter leaders.

Spirit of Harmony Award

 (Selected by the Board of Directors).  Presented to the Harmonizer who during the past year best exemplified the fundamental Society membership qualities of congeniality and good character and worked hardest to encourage participation in vocal harmony by Chapter visitors and members.  The awardee must reflect the spirit and ideals of O.C. Cash (Society founder) by his enthusiasm for good fellowship and good harmony and by his unselfish dedication to and obvious joy in barbershopping.

2012 recipient – Tim Buell for his dedication to welcoming guests and encouraging them and newer members to sing in a quartet, to help new members prepare for audition or to get other members to consider being in a quartet.


Ibbianne and Wilbur Sparks Award

 (Selected by the Board of Directors).  Given to recognize the important contribution of Harmonizer family teams to the success and well-being of the Chapter.  The award will be made only to a truly outstanding team which has contributed greatly both in volume and quality of services over a period of time.  The team can be a Harmonizer and any family member or significant other.

2012 recipient – Janene and John Pence for their willingness to help with a large variety of creative work needed for the chapter such as signs and posters and flyers and mailers. Plus they are efficient at proofreading copy.  He also always has a song board with the pitch noted for every one of our shows and singing gigs.  


Harmonizer Honor Award

 (Selected by the Board of Directors).  Given to a Harmonizer for service which is above and beyond the usual service expected of members during the past year.  It is not intended as a reward for discharging a single specific duty, but for continuous service in several activities.


2012 recipient – Brian Ammerman for dedicated attention to details needed for shows and events all during the year. He never let up on the tasks to keep an extremely active music program moving.


Oz Newgard Memorial Award

 (Nominated by the President, VP-Music & Performance, and Musical Director; Selected by  the Board of Directors).  Presented in memory of Oz Newgard (Musical Director 1962-70).  It is given to the Harmonizer who has made a significant contribution to the musical program of the Chapter during the past year.  The awardee's contribution need not be highly visible or of a technical musical character, but it must be related directly to the musical program. It should show the intent to make the musical program superior and enjoyable for all members.  The awardee should be a dedicated Harmonizer who has endeavored to improve the Chapter image in the Society and in the Alexandria community through musical excellence.  Any Harmonizer who has been a chapter member for more than one year shall be eligible for the award.


2012 recipient – Craig Kujawa for his leading example of timeliness, precision for both music and performance, for leadership with the front row’s extra efforts at shows and contests, and for effectively communicating matters to the chapter regarding contests and shows.


Harmonizer Memorial Award

 (Selected by the Board of Directors).  Presented in memory of those men who died while members of the Chapter.  It is the highest recognition which the Chapter can bestow on a member.  It is given to the Harmonizer who, during his entire period of chapter membership, has devoted himself most unselfishly in rendering outstanding service to the Chapter.  The award is made only to a truly outstanding member who has regularly attended Chapter activities and who has contributed greatly both in volume and quality of services over a long period of time.


2012 – Bruce Lauther for long-time dedicated service to getting us shows and performances and appearances all around the world.  He was recognized for his efforts to reach out and find opportunities for the chapter and its quartets to be seen and heard in helping entertain others.  Plus he was thanked for getting chorus medals engraved each time we earned a new one.   


Award of Harmony

(Given to a person selected from the community who best represents through his or her life and efforts, the truest meaning of harmony.)


2012 – Paul Dolinsky for stepping up and shining light on the chapter’s Youth Harmony effort from his vantage point as an official of the Freemason’s Lodge at the George Washington Memorial in Alexandria.  Paul and his group have welcomed the chapter to their stage and have provided significant funding for youth programs. 


After the award recognition period, district president Bill Colosimo installed the 2013 officers and board following appropriate comments about this chapter’s four major characteristics that are recognized by the BHS and its members: musical excellence, administrative excellence, fraternity and being an example of strength and completeness to other chapters and their members.


The board for 2013 is


President - Alan Wile
Treasurer - Dave Welter
Secretary - Chris Buechler
VP - Operations - Bob Rhome
VP - Shows - Ken Rub
VP - Music & Performance - Brad Jones
VP - Marketing & PR - Scipio Garling
VP - Chapter Development (Membership) - Mark Klostermeyer
Member at Large (two positions) - Josh Roots, Greg Tepe (Nick Leiserson and Troy Hillier will continue on from last year)

Immediate Past President - Steve Murane



Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on with the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.)