Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Looking Back on Harmony on the Harbor Show with Pride of Baltimore Nov. 3rd

(Thanks to show chairman, Ken Fess, for this wrap up report from the show.  He was far too modest to suggest how many hours he and Mick Stamps had spent on getting this show off the ground!) YeEd.)

Harmony on the Harbor was a show two years in the making, beginning in the summer of 2012.

Coordination with a dozen quartets, several choruses, Sweet Adelines International, the Cornet Club and the BHS, along with trips to the SAI conventions in Denver (2012) and Hawaii (2013), culminated in the presented show.

Show day began early for the producers, Ken Fess, Mick Stamps, and Carmel Tuttle, as well as Bob Blair, Greg Tepe and Mike Kelly, setting up the curtain, risers, lights and sound system beginning at 8am. A special thanks to the riser team that brought the risers, and also got them to the SAI chorus that was renting them from us for the week.  Bob Blair noted these at our last rehearsal. Also a shout out to Bruce Lauther who helped get the buses for Ronninge chorus.  

Preparations continued into the afternoon with Mick being assisted by Jack Cameron, Carl Kaufmann, Mark Klostermeyer, Dean Rust, Chuck McKeever, Don Dillingham and members of the Pride of Baltimore, setting up the backstage rooms and food service.

At the same time Carmel was assisted by her husband Tim, Dean, Brad Jones, Brian Ammerman, Bob and Sandy Ulibarri, and a couple of POB members set up the reception area for our VIP patrons.

Dixie Kennett and Mick were also busy setting up the quartet rooms so that each was prepared to receive our special guests. Nina Krzysko helped to get the ticket operation in full swing.

Beginning at 2:30 in the afternoon, with the able assistance of Clark Chesser, Brad Jones, Sandy Stamps, Kim Fess, Adele Jones, and several other POB members, the choruses and quartets began arriving. They were ably received and escorted by Bob Rhome, Dean Rust and Joel Golden. Stan Quick assisted with making sure the buses and shuttle vans knew where to park.

For the next couple of hours the stage crew, led by Greg Tepe, ran all of our acts through sound checks and stage time to ensure all was ready for the big show.

After a short meal break, we were ready to go. The theater rapidly filled up with the over 1700 patrons for the show, including nearly 100 high school students from the Baltimore area that were experiencing a barbershop show for the first time.

The show was led off by the Pride of Baltimore Chorus, with the Harmonizers joining them for the second song. Then followed MAXX FACTOR, 2011 Queens of Harmony; GQ, the current Region 19 quartet champs; and then the CZECH! IT OUT QUARTET from Prague (actually LUNCH BREAK doing an impersonation of a female quartet).

Then the Harmonizers hit the stage, presenting their contest set they used in winning their 25th Mid-Atlantic District Chorus Championship the weekend before in Wildwood, NJ, and earning a standing O from the audience.

THE VOCALITY and SPEED OF SOUNS quartets followed, and then LUNCH BREAK returned to present more of their craziness.

After a short intermission the fabulous 1989 Queens of Harmony, GROWING GIRLS, put on a great set to the delight of the audience. Then followed SPITZER, FRENZY, LUSTRE  and the ultimately crowned 2015 Queens of Harmony, BLING!

And then, to the surprise of the crowd, LOVE NOTES, the 2014 Queens of Harmony, gave us an unscheduled set, again wowing everyone in the place. And finally, The Rönninge Show Chorus crushed us with an incredible set, clearly demonstrating why they were the 2014 Sweet Adelines Chorus Champions!

WOW! What a show! The crowd left the theater, many of them headed for the afterglow nearby, buzzing about the great singing they had just seen. There were many responsible for the success of the show, but none more so than the producers and our intrepid stage manager, Greg Tepe. Thanks belong to all who contributed, to include all of those whose donations enabled all those students to attend the performance. (Ken Fess)

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going during the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.)

Looking Back on the November 25th Chapter Meeting

Hi all – YeEd was not doing well last Tues nite  and didn’t realize til too late that he couldn’t get to Durant for the meeting.  So – sorry I didn’t get a sub for making coffee nor from taking notes for the Looking Back column.  Have pieced this one together with help from Bob Blair.  Jack

The chorus did a hugely entertaining, EXHAUSTING concert Sunday afternoon Nov. 21st, in across the bridge in MD.  We were hired a band booster group to help them raise funds for their band. The crowd loved the show and wants to know if we'll be back next year. We gave a fitting “possibly” final performance for some of these songs.


Show producer for Harmo gigs, Greg Tepe, offered big thanks to the directors - Joe, Terry and Mike.  And big thanks to the truck driver - Bob Blair! Thanks to the early riser crew -Todd Ryktarsyk and son Luke, Craig Kujawa, Ross Felker, David Hood, Joel Golden, Shawn Tallant, Michael Gilmore and Harold Weinberger. Thanks to the tear down crew - Rusty Orvik, Craig Kujawa, David Hood, Michael Schwartz, Scipio Garling, Stan Quick, Don Dillingham, Carl Kauffmann, Peter Hubbard, Brian Ammerman and Dean Sherik


Thanks to Mike Kelly for sound; thanks to emcees - Don Dillingham, Gerry Fuller, Ross Felker and Terry Reynolds.


Greg thanked John Pence for the song board for the show and Chuck McKeever for transporting it.


He also thanked TBD – our modern a cappella group who appeared on the show with us; and the soloists for the long afternoon show - Andrew Havens, Josh DesPortes, Terry Reynolds, Noah van Gilder, Rick Savage, Mike Kelly, Don Dillingham and Drew Fuller.


Greg also offered that it would be nice to see more names helping with risers. He concluded with this wrap up – “it was a busy day for all. Thank you for your time, effort and entertainment today.”


This past weekend was also the annual meeting of the M-AD honor club (DELASUSQUEHUDMAC – named for the four rivers in the district).  A large number of Harmonizers have been invited to become members of that group.  In fact 28 of our members were there from Nov 21-22 near Carlisle at an old resort in Boiling Springs Pa.  Our chapter quartet MAYHEM was part of the weekend’s entertainment.


The chapter secretary has announced a general chapter meeting to elect the four new community members to the chapter board on Tues. Dec. 16th.  Please plan to attend.  

Chorus members are invited to come support our own modern a cappella subgroup, TBD, by attending their joint concert with other DC area a cappella favorites VOX POP and THE DISTRICT.  The concert will be in Chinatown at the First Congregational United Church of Christ on Saturday, Dec. 12 at 8 pm. Tickets are now available for purchase online. TBD would certainly appreciate your supportive attendance at this event, which is part of the chapter's strengthening ties with the broader a cappella community.

Now a brief report about the Tues Nov 25th meeting:  A major change in our schedule is the cancelation of the tree lighting ceremony in Alexandria.   

NOTE next Tuesday nites’ meeting will be at 7 pm at First Baptist Church, 2932 King St. Then later in the week there are rehearsals on Thurs for a dress rehearsal at the church.  We will have a sound/tech nite on Wed, and the first show of three is Friday nite at 7:30 pm.

Obviously the music team worked hard on the music for the holiday dinner show.   PLUS they introduced the new uptune for Pittsburgh convention, arranged by Clay Hine. It was well received and has the singers “talking” about the great piece of music for us to use in demonstrating our entertainment skills.

Back to show topics, don’t forget that each members is asked to bring 3 dozen nicely decorated holiday cookies and two large boxes wrapped in colorful papers.

Remember to inform the chapter of any names and table assignments for your customers.

Stay tuned to volunteer for decorating the hall on Fri Dec. 5th  likely from 11 am on.  Check with Robyn Murane if you will help.

Also some of your guys need to offer to help Bob Blair unload the huge amount of holiday decorations from storage on Thurs at 8:30 am.  Watch for details or speak to Bob.

BTW  -- get behind the chapter’s online auction and the White House Ornament sales program!!!

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.

Looking Back on the November 18th Chapter Meeting

Lots of other news outside the chapter in the last week or so that members should know about.

The results of the election of M-AD board were in the recent Mid ‘l Antics publication of our district which we get online as members.  Several Harmonizers are on that list: Dennis Ritchey is executive vice president, Keith Jones is secretary, Bob Eckman is treasurer, and Chuck Harner is member-at-large.  New district president is Ig Jackovac who takes over for our Bill Colosimo, who is now immediate past president.  Congrats to all.

Congrats to David Jarzen who starred as Seymour in the West Potomac Hi School production of Little Shop of Horrors recently, directed by Peelee Clark. Several Harmonizers were there to cheer for the cast.  Great to see Ben Robert’s parents there too.

Proud to report that the chapter’s history committee has been busy recently.  First off, historian Martin Banks continues to dig and sort and organize the storage unit full of the 66 years of memorabilia. Other committee members Bob Blair, Bob Rhome and Jack Pitzer are collecting and sorting information – both hard copies and digital. 

Saturday Nov. 15th was an all-sectionals at First Baptist in their choir suite. Associate director Tony Colosimo and assistant directors Terry Reynolds and Mike Kelly plus section leaders Ken Ives and Rick Savage helped lead the 9 am-12 noon session. 

After that rehearsal about 35 guys did a for-hire flask mob event as part of a marriage proposal. Here are some notes from Joel Golden about the fun experience: “What fun that was yesterday! I was tickled to be in the starting quartet. This event was a success because it was extremely well organized by Terry and all.  The choreography for the entrances of singers was great - escalating from a single singer to a mob. "Good to meet you, I'm Mike Kelly... doot, doo-doo, doo..., doot, doo-doo, doo..." LOL! (singing Ob-La-Di)  I was impressed with how flexible this bunch of musicians was in quickly learning an abridged version of "Jersey Boys", including a quick change to an "Ahhh" chord for "Rag Doll". Another reason why "It's great to be a Harmonizer!". And just being part of and witnessing such a life event was awesome, ranking right up there with performing at Carnegie Hall.” Joel

Monday nite Nov. 17th, the chapter hosted another Open Audition event at Durant, organized by membership vp Jeremy Richardson.  We were pleased to have five men come to audition and several of them came to rehearsal this week.  Tony and Mike conducted the auditions.

Tuesday nite’s meeting and rehearsal were jammed pack with musical work and tons of announcements.  The risers were full – think everyone was glad to get inside from the freezing weather outside.  The front row was busy in the lobby at 6 pm re-blocking things for this weekend’s show based on changing faces in their midst.  There were the usual sales operations at the business table and lots of guests signing in.  Besides all that, there were the Uniform Wranglers for costuming in Pittsburgh that were busy meeting with their constituents.

Rich Hewitt did the chorus warm ups this week and then presented the chorus to Joe, who with help from Tony, Terry and Mike, took us thru LOTS of songs for the MD show.  Joe was very pleased with the chorus progress on the new “Alleluia” arrangement and declared we’d sing it on Sunday too – with music in black folders.

Shows marketing guy Bruce Lauther spoke some about the weekend show and encouraged guys to sign up for the afterglow at Dave Reyno’s home. Bruce also encouraged us to sell tickets to any customers or family that might make it over for the important show on Sunday Nov. 23rd.   It is a two-hour show at Huntingtown High School, 4125 Solomons Island Rd, Huntingtown MD 20639.  NOTE this is a change in venue so be sure you use the most current info from producer Greg Tepe. It is 25 miles down Rte 4 from the beltway, in Calvert County. The Harmo truck guys have an early morning call, and the rest of the chorus call is at 10:30, ready for warm-up at 10:45. Uniform details and song list are in the email from Greg on 11/16.

The booster club of the band which is sponsoring us as a fund raiser will feed us lunch at noon, so you don't have to leave to go get lunch. From 12:00 - 1:15 you'll have time to eat, dress and put on make-up. Curtain is at 2 pm so be sure any of your patrons know the new venue.


Shows vp Nick Leiserson reminded all to check show producer Greg Tepe’s email; and be on the lookout for an email from Nick about a lot of other December gigs. 

Craig Kujawa was introduced as our general chairman for the Pittsburgh International trip next summer.  He is just back from a “fam” trip to Pittsburgh with reps from all the other competing choruses. He stressed that we need everyone to respond to Bob Rhome about their rooming needs cause when the hotel is announced, we will have to order a block of rooms.

President Terry Reynolds spoke briefly about the scripted part of the holiday show.  He also presented treasurer David Welter with checks earned by the chapter for the flash mob show and this weekend’s show.

Sandy Stamps urged guys to take some White House Ornaments on consignment to sell.

She also announced results of the FRIENDS IN HARMONY election of officers for 2015: Christina Ammerman, president; Sandy Ulibarri, secretary; Ellen Dellert, treasurer; and Sandy Stamps as immediate past president.

Harmonizer secretary Chris Buechler presented membership renewal cards to Tom Kraus for 8 years and Steve White for 38 years.

Noah Van Gilder invited chorus members to come support our own modern a cappella subgroup, TBD, by attending their joint concert with other DC area a cappella favorites VOX POP and THE DISTRICT.  The concert will be in Chinatown at the First Congregational United Church of Christ on Saturday, Dec. 12 at 8 pm. Tickets are now available for purchase online. TBD would certainly appreciate your supportive attendance at this event, which is part of the chapter's strengthening ties with the broader a cappella community.

Rich Hewitt introduced a long line of guests and applicants – several a result of the recent audition nite.

After the break, we worked on more songs for the shows.  Then closed the hall and some went to the afterglow.

Outside the chapter: anyone who likes singing Handel’s “Messiah” might want to consider joining some of us at the 42nd annual Messiah Sing-Along, Sunday Nov. 30th at 7 pm at Clarendon United Methodist Church.  They hire an orchestra and four soloists.  Directed by J. Riley Lewis.  $20 donation suggested.  Bring your own music or borrow from the rack in the lobby.  Get there early if you wanna seat.  Refreshments following.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.