Friday, June 14, 2024

Looking Back on the June 11, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting

 Looking Back on the June 11, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting 

Singers had to cope with some bad traffic this week for the Alexandria A Cappella Collective (AACC) meeting at Beth El synagogue on Seminary Road. In the end, a good crowd was present for both ensembles. A riser crew arrived at 6:15 pm to unload the truck and set up risers for the Harmonizers in the main hall. The front row put down their ‘number tape’ to help them with spacing on the stage in front of the risers. Metro Voices met in the sanctuary with their coachKim Newcomb.  

Associate director of the Harmonizers, Tony Colosimo, conducted the Harmonizer warmup, and Kim conducted the Metro Voices warm up. Great to have Dennis Ritchey with us for this week. 

Artistic director, Joe Cerutti, thanked all those who sang in the mini-chorus of AACC members on June 8 just outside The Bike Club in Old Town. The event was hosted by ACT for Alexandria – a community foundation that catalyzes change through strategic initiatives and smart philanthropy (like our successful efforts as part of spring2ACTion).  About 30 singers performed “I’m Still Standing,” “Hey Jude,” and “Why We Sing.”  Terry Reynolds and Samantha Tramack directed the chorus who sang outdoors; since Joe and Tony were gone to Portland, OR, to coach a chorus retreat over the weekend. 


Joe encouraged, again, that Harmonizers sign up for the personal coaching/help sessions. He has added additional timeslots to make it possible for more men to get extra help they might need.


He encouraged all members to attend the celebration of life for Elaine Cooper who died unexpectedly in January. The service will be Friday, June 21, from 11 am – 2 pm at Lyon Park Community Center, 414 North Fillmore Street, Arlington, VA 22201.  Lunch will be served at 12:30 pm.  RSVPs are requested at 703-919-8795.  She was an active barbershopper before she joined Metro Voices, having sung with the Pride of Baltimore, Greater Harrisburg, Potomac Harmony, Vienna-Falls, and Scottsdale Sweet Adeline choruses. 

The June 18 chapter meeting will be at Heritage Presbyterian Church, 8503 Fort Hunt Rd., Alexandria. Plan ahead for the new location.

On June 25, we will have our annual ‘send-off’ concert  (a performance for fans before we take the contest package to Cleveland – it’s a long standing chapter tradition – family, friends and patrons are welcome to attend) at Beth El. Non-singers can arrive about 7:45 pm for the 8 pm performance. The Harmonizers are expected to wear their Cleveland outfit, so that it can be checked.  (Black and gray clothes, white shirt, black tie with black socks and shoes - details are on SLACK.)

Note: there will be two extra rehearsals on Thursdays, June 20, at Beth El, and June 27 at AlexRenew, in preparation for Cleveland.

Here is a preview of the AACC schedule for July, 2024: 7/2 - in Cleveland; 7/9 – no meeting; 7/16 – an education meeting at The Bike Club; 7/23 – short rehearsal for an outdoor performance and then watch “American Harmony;” 7/24 – an outdoor concert at Franconia District Park amphitheater just off Telegraph Road; 7/30 – singing in Old Town Alexandria.

Joe took a few minutes to share a resource he had discovered in our chapter to help prepare the chorus for the competition.  One of our AACC members, Ashley Merryman, has written “Top Dog – the Science of Winning and Losing.”  It was an instant New York Times Best Seller. Joe and Samantha met with Ashley and learned many things to coach our ensembles. One of the big points was to ask one’s self – “Are you playing to succeed? Or just not to fail?“

Chapter president, Noah Van Gilder, reminded members that there 24 days until the choruses  will be on stage in Cleveland.  He invited members to share what will get them excited for the contest experience and how will they get prepared. There were great responses from the risers. One good response was “I know I have about 50 others brothers on the risers with me to do what we want to do.”

Both ensembles worked on their music to incorporate the changes and suggestions from recent rehearsals. The Harmonizers repeated the work plan from last week - half of their time with Joe, and half of their time with Tony. Those sessions were held with bass and tenor combinations and baritone and lead combinations.

Rehearsal ran nearly to 10 pm, and everyone pitched in to put the risers back onto the Harmo truck.  A large crowd made it to the afterglow at the Harmo House.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 75th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)


The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.