Looking Back on the 2013 Chapter Awards Dinner and Installation of
2014 Board
The 40th annual Alexandria, Virginia, BHS
Chapter Presidents’ 2013 Awards Banquet and the 2014 board installation were
held Sat. nite Jan. 25th, 2014, at the Durant Rec Center.
Immediate Past President Alan Wile, who had
served as president in 2013, was host for the evening. Steve Murane and Robyn
McQueen organized and managed the potluck banquet. There were 12 tables of 10 Harmonizers and
guests present. Tables were decorated
with black and/or silver settings with balloon clusters for each table on
mirror centers. It was great to see so
many of the new members at this year’s banquet.
The chapter provided the main entrée for the meal (
BBQ chicken or vegetarian lasagna) and all members and FRIENDS IN HARMONY
brought dishes to share. There was a
huge spread of great foods and desserts.
Plus there was coffee and tea and a full bar the whole evening.
Social hour and visiting went from 6-7 pm, then the
meal and then the program.
After the meal, IPP Alan thanked his 2013
officers and board members for their service and introduced each one. Last year’s music vp Brad Jones and Alan
presented a thank you gift to each of the chorus directors and our
As is our tradition, the Presidents’ award event was
co-hosted by all the past presidents of the chapter including those present: Alan,
Steve Murane, Brad Jones, Mick Stamps, Alan Wile, Rick Wagner, Ken Fess, Bob
Wells, Chris Buechler, Chuck Harner, Bede Bender represented by his wife
Mary Kay, and Jack Pitzer.
Alan thanked those who came early to set up, his
grandsons who came to help; Bob Rhome for getting licenses for the bar
and for arranging for the hall; Bob Blair for the coat racks; Todd Ryktarsyk
and Brian Ammerman for sound set up; Martin Banks and Jack
Pitzer for helping compile the chapter’s milestones for 2013, Phil
Ashford for taking photos, and Martin Banks and Bob Rhome for
the history display.
Another tradition at this event is to recognize the
“riser rats” who show up each Tuesday nite and get the meeting room ready for
us. Alan gave them each a bundle
of candy and goodies: Bob Blair, David Branstetter, Ross Felker, Gerry Fuller, Carl
Kauffmann, Howard Nestlerode, Todd Ryktarsyk, Dean Sherick.
Sandy Stamps, current president of
the FRIENDS IN HARMONY, recognized the past presidents of our auxiliary group, and
introduced the FIH 2014 officers and committee chairs. Then our chapter
presented Sandy a special trophy “in recognition of her valued service over five years as president
Alan had everyone who had served at the district or society level to
stand and be recognized before he called on Mid Atlantic District secretary, Keith Jones, to conduct the
our 2014 officers and board. Keith
charged both the incoming board and the chapter members “to work together to
continue the grand traditions of this chapter and to keep it in the forefront
of the BHS.”
board for 2014 is
President – Terry Reynolds
VP - Chapter Development
(Membership) – Jeremy Richardson
VP - Music &
Performance – Steve White
VP - Operations – Bob Blair
VP - Shows – Nick Leiserson
VP - Marketing & PR – Noah Van Gilder
VP - Shows – Nick Leiserson
VP - Marketing & PR – Noah Van Gilder
Secretary – Chris Buechler
Treasurer – Dave Welter
Member at Large – Ross Felker, Mike Gilmore, and Josh Roots, Greg Tepe who continue from last year
Treasurer – Dave Welter
Member at Large – Ross Felker, Mike Gilmore, and Josh Roots, Greg Tepe who continue from last year
Immediate Past President
– Alan Wile
Here are this year’s recipients of the chapter
memorial awards given each year with a description of the award:
New Note of the Year Award
(Nominated by the President,
VP-Membership/Chapter Development, and VP-Operations; selected by the Board of
Directors). Given to a Harmonizer who has contributed outstanding service
to the Chapter in his first year of membership. All new members for the
previous 18 months prior to October 31 of the current year will be
considered. Attendance, attitude, and accomplishments of duties, both
volunteer and assigned, shall be considered.
recipient – Carlos Barillo -- More than simply a participant, he is a teacher, a
coach, and a very good singer who also performs with the front row. Over the
year he brought to the chapter not only his
weekly guidance and performance support but the incredible visual package he
developed for our contest set..
Spirit of Harmony Award
(Selected by the Board of Directors).
Presented to the Harmonizer who during the past year best exemplified the
fundamental Society membership qualities of congeniality and good character and
worked hardest to encourage participation in vocal harmony by Chapter visitors
and members. The awardee must reflect the spirit and ideals of O.C. Cash
(Society founder) by his enthusiasm for good fellowship and good harmony and by
his unselfish dedication to and obvious joy in barbershopping.
recipient – Steve White -- Congenial, enthusiastic, and strong believer in and
supporter of the barbershop quartet and dedicated to barbershop harmony.
Whether singing, serving as a district or chapter administrator, front row
singer, music team member, etc., he reaches out to others to sing in a quartet
or tag with guests or fellow chapter members.
Ibbianne and Wilbur Sparks Award
(Selected by the Board of Directors).
Given to recognize the important contribution of Harmonizer family teams to the
success and well-being of the Chapter. The award will be made only to a
truly outstanding team which has contributed greatly both in volume and quality
of services over a period of time. The team can be a Harmonizer and any family
member or significant other.
2013 recipient – Robyn McQueen and Steve Murane – She is a member of FIH, helped plan,
organize and run successful events; doesn’t shy away from mundane tasks; worked
each holiday show, helped with ticket sales, the silent auctions, sales of
various items, helped at division and district conventions, and helped with
costumes. He has taken a leading role in several
of the areas mentioned above. In addition, he is a quartetter, a seller of
White House Ornaments, a staunch member of the chapter leadership team, and –
with his partner – brought together all the elements that have made thwe
Presidents’ Award Banquet a resounding success for the last few years.
Harmonizer Honor Award
(Selected by the Board of Directors).
Given to a Harmonizer for service which is above and beyond the usual service
expected of members during the past year. It is not intended as a reward
for discharging a single specific duty, but for continuous service in several
2013 recipient – Nick Leiserson -- A mover in the chapter
from the start: show producer, TBD member, member of the Chapter leadership
team, board budget “tweaker,” show planner, and board recording secretary.
Oz Newgard Memorial Award
(Nominated by the President, VP-Music &
Performance, and Musical Director; Selected by the Board of
Directors). Presented in memory of Oz Newgard (Musical Director
1962-70). It is given to the Harmonizer who has made a significant
contribution to the musical program of the Chapter during the past year.
The awardee's contribution need not be highly visible or of a technical musical
character, but it must be related directly to the musical program. It
should show the intent to make the musical program superior and enjoyable for
all members. The awardee should be a dedicated Harmonizer who has
endeavored to improve the Chapter image in the Society and in the Alexandria
community through musical excellence. Any Harmonizer who has been a chapter
member for more than one year shall be eligible for the award.
2013 recipient – Greg Tepe -- Ever present when shows
are on the horizon. Whether it’s a trip to some local, regional, or far off
destination, he is there and in charge. Helps arrange performances and ensures
the chorus delivers every agreed performance element. Coordinates closely with
the musical leadership, is meticulous in site visits, song selection, and
script preparation and successfully ensures the chorus is showcased in the best
possible way. In short, he manages an incredible number of performing
opportunities each year as our show producer,
Harmonizer Memorial Award
(Selected by the Board of Directors).
Presented in memory of those men who died while members of the Chapter.
It is the highest recognition which the Chapter can bestow on a member.
It is given to the Harmonizer who, during his entire period of chapter
membership, has devoted himself most unselfishly in rendering outstanding
service to the Chapter. The award is made only to a truly outstanding
member who has regularly attended Chapter activities and who has contributed
greatly both in volume and quality of services over a long period of time.
2013 – Martin Banks -- Has taken on a host of
responsibilities of great service to the chapter, the community, the district,
and the society. Characteristically sought opportunities, readily accepted and
executed every assignment and met every challenge in a professional,
thoughtful, and thorough way. Secured significant financial support for the
chapter and represented the Harmonizers as a member and officer of the
Alexandria Arts Forum. Named the Society’s Public Relations Officer of the Year
by the Society’s “Public Relations Officers and Bulletin Editors” subsidiary,
in which he subsequently served as an officer. Responded in typical fashion
when asked to become the chapter historian early last year.
To wrap up the recognitions, Steve Murane presented the official
past president’s lapel pin to Alan. Alan
responded; “ While every member contributed in making chapter life memorable
for me, the following rendered significant support and were particularly
helpful to me and to the chapter over the past year (each was presented a small
memento): Chris Buechler, Joe Cerutti, Ken
Fess, Scipio Garling, Chuck Harner, Al Herman, Brad Jones, Carl Kauffmann,
Bruce Lauther, Nick Leiserson, Steve Murane, Terry Reynolds, Bob Rhome, Josh
Roots, Sandy Stamps, Greg Tepe, Noah Van Gilder, Dave Welter.”
a conclusion to the evening, our own MAYHEM (Matt Fellows, Pookie Dingle, Mike Pinto and Ken White) sang for us.
Great to have the current district champs in our chapter and to have
them entertain for us.
next time – editorjack!
message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if
you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on with
the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.)