Looking Back on the April 5th 2022 Harmonizer Hybrid Chapter Meeting
You could feel the excitement in the hall as members gathered on the risers for this week’s meeting. Artistic director Joe Cerutti set the mood at the start – “here we are in the week of a major paid show appearance.”
To get things started, Will Cox, assistant director emeritus, did the vocal and physical warm up session again this week.
Before Joe started the rehearsal/review of the songs for the show on Saturday, he set the stage for musical work this week and had some news to report. He reminded singers that next week the music team will initiate the first step of the recently implemented learning process for new songs – “42nd Street” with sectionals. Also he asked the chorus to review the choreography that Cy Wood created for the early part of that song and he reports that Cy is working on the up-tempo part of the song which he will teach in an upcoming visit.
Calendar updates include confirmed coaching dates: Kevin Keller on April 26th, Cy on May 24th; David Wright on May 31st; Jim Henry and David McEachern at the retreat June 2-4-5. Our traditional sendoff concert before we go to the International convention and contest in Charlotte will be on June 28th.
Joe and president Noah Van Gilder asked guys to take a few minutes tonight before bed to submit the survey from convention/retreat manager Craig Kujawa with info needed for the June 3-4-5 retreat in Westminster MD at McDaniel College; and to submit this month’s Pulse Survey from the music team.
Another big news item this week was the announcement about the invitation for the chorus to appear at Wolf Trapp from the Wolf Trapp Foundation for a community singing event on Sun. Sept. 18th. Show is at 5 pm and the week after our fall show. Exciting news.
There were several special guests at this week’s Harmonizer meeting:
Norbert Hammes is director of Heavy Medal Chorus in Germany. He was with us in 2016 for out sendoff concert. He is a BHS member of the M-AD and Barbershop in Germany (BinG) and will be a candidate judge at the M-AD Northern Division contest on April 9th.
Brian Lynch is a longtime BHS staffer in public relations. He has visited us several times over the years and is a great advocate for things our chapter does to promote and get involved in the community. He still lives in Kenosha, WI, and sings bass with the Midwest Vocal Express chorus.
Kathy Kauffmann was on hand as driver for Carl who fell and injured his shoulder during the Southern Division contest.
Olivia Anderson, a reporter for Alexandria Times, was on hand to interview members and take some photos for her article about the chapter. She previously interviewed Joe and other chapter leaders.
Executive director Randall Eliason welcomed some guests too. He introduced our chapter’s new general manager, Susan Fitzpatrick, for her first official visit . She lives not far from SRT, and comes to us after a career in law. She has been active too in not-for-profit groups in our community. Randall presented Susan her Harmonizer name tag.
Randall also welcomed Marie Muscella, former Harmonizer community board member, who helped Susan discover our organization. He presented both Susan and Marie a Harmo black camp shirt with the logo.
Back to Joe, he restated the news that the music team has signed a community partnership agreement for a dance group to help us with our presentation of “42nd Street.”
About this time Ken Ives arrived in the hall and cheers went up to see our fellow member after months of coping with health issues! Great to have him back at a meeting.
Then the run-through of songs for the show started. Associate director Tony Colosimo had prepared the riser chart on display for the singers to find their spots on the risers. He and Joe adjusted some locations after the singing started.
After going over three or four songs for the show, there were some announcements for the April 9th and bus trip. Uniform coordinator Robyn Murane listed the uniform plan and clarified some details such as wearing black dress shoes – not shiny tux shoes, and black sox.
Terry Reynolds confirmed that the bus would depart from SRT on the 9th at 1 pm (members should not park in numbered spots in the parking lot). We will wear our travel uniform – the black camp shirt, jeans, black shoes for the trip. The chapter will provide subway sandwiches for dinner as their won’t be time nor a place to get food. Members should bring a couple waters for themselves too. The call time for those driving themselves is 4 pm. We will have two quartets singing on the show with us.
We welcomed singing guests Cy Shuster, a returning bass; and Lucas Kempe-Cook, a tenor who sang in our Capital Force Youth Chorus and has moved back to the DC area after singing barbershop in Bloomington, IN. Also great to see Mick Stamps and Sam McFarland in the hall, and Rick Wagner via Zoom from Hawaii. Will Cox directed the chorus to sing the “Harmonizer Welcome Song.”
An invite was extended for an afterglow at the Harmo House at 3916 Stevens Street in Alexandria. Pizza, snacks and drinks were enjoyed by all. There was a good crowd, tag singing and lots of guys chatting with Norbert and Brian.
Norbert actually directed “Keep the Whole World Singing” to wrap up another great Harmonizer meeting!
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 73rd year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. - YeEd)