Looking Back on the March
11th Chapter Meeting
The events on Tuesdat the 11th
started with big crowds at work on their stage presence for “Miller Medley” –
both riser guys and floor guys. We are getting there on it!! Thanks to Chuck McKeever and Carlos Barillo for helping us.
At the 7pm bell, we listened
to KEEPSAKE as we took the risers ready to go to work. Assistant director Will Cox did the warm ups and then director Joe Cerutti got us singing right away on the new songs for 2014 and
our trip to France. We worked hard on
performing the material and preparing for shows coming up soon.
Operations vp Bob Blair conducted this week’s chapter
meeting, opening with a thanks to those guys who are wearing their name tags.
But more of us need to get on this!
Show producer Greg Tepe announced details for the
paid gig on Saturday nite, March 15th, at the diamond jubilee gala for the American Society of Public Administration, Mayflower
hotel in DC – chorus call for the 70 guys signed up is 5 pm. He also announced
that there will be no stage presence moves for the gig, so new guys are
encouraged to come (and they can come and go from the risers as needed).
Event coordinator of the A
CA Challenge Ken Rub has tickets on
consignment. More tickets need to be
sold, so Ken asked guys to take some
and just ask people to attend March 22nd
event at the Lincoln Theater on U Street.
Normandy trip coordinator Ken Fess reviewed a number of points
about the June trip (and stressed the importance of people responding to him
when he asks for a reply)!
Ken Fess also announced the Harmony on the Harbor show November 3rd
– in conjunction with the Pride of Baltimore SAI chapter. This is just prior to
the SAI convention in Baltimore. It will
be another barn-burner barbershop harmony event.
meeting this week and also assisted in measuring and checking scarves and front
row vests for wear-an-tear and fit. If
you forgot yours, bring em next week for sure!
Several of our chapter
quartets were recognized tonite as they will be singing in the M-AD
International Preliminary Quartet Contest in Reston at the Hyatt on Friday,
March 14th. This contest is
how quartets earn the right to compete in the International contest this summer
in Vegas. Each quartet gets a check from our chapter in support of their
representing us at the contest.
In singing order based
on current M-AD website in the first round, Friday nite at 7pm:
Kousen, Clyde Crusenberry, Bob Mattes, Dave Welter
3. DA CAPO - Ryan
Griffith, Tony Colosimo, Joe Sawyer, Wayne Adams
5. MAYHEM - Matt
Fellows, Pookie Dingle, Mike Pinto, Ken White
Hertz, Phil Ferguson, Bobby Seay VI, Andrew Havens
PROJECT - Mike Wallen, Roger Tarpey, Hardman Jones, Vic Owen, Jr.
9. BSQ - Rob Seay, Kevin
King, Rick Taylor, Al Mazzoni
Dan O'Brien, Chris Susalka, Paul Grimes, Eric Wallen
TJ Barranger, Drew Feyrer, Ed Bell II, Mike Kelly
16. FORECAST - Mike
Fitch, Ian Galvin, Travis Murray, Dan Cook
On Saturday morning, there
is an adjudication for college and high school quartets at 11am. The finals contest is Saturday nite at
Chapter secretary Chris Buechler presented new member
materials to Peelee Clark and Nathan Ritter. Then he gave out
membership renewals to Nick Leiserson
for 4 years, Calvin Schnure for 19
years, Ken Ives for 29 years and Bob Wachter for 62 years!
Membership vp Jeremy Richardson had to work late this
week, so Rich Hewitt assisted him
and welcome all of our guests and applicants for this week. He also gave a plug
for the April 9th Open Audition.
Tell your friends and coworkers and choir members about it – any guys
that like to sing.
After a good break with some
coffee and goodies, we returned to the risers for more solid musical work,
sectionals and a great chance to put together the quartets and soloists and
chorus for “Tribute to World Peace.”
In other news:
The chapter conducted
another youth harmony workshop as a community outreach event on Friday, March 7th,
at Francis Scott Key Middle School.
There were 29 Harmonizers and 27 middle school boys and their
instructor, Christina Matula. Joe conducted the sessions, taught the
students about good posture, some vocal techniques, and explained barbershop
harmony music as one of the acappella art forms. The students were enthusiastic and reacted
well to the coaching when they sang for us.
There was a huge crowd from
the Harmonizer family at the 30th annual Harmony Sweepstakes A
Cappella Festival at The Birchmere on Saturday nite, March 8th. Our buddies in MAYHEM completed and
represented us well. The chapter was
also covered well with advertising flyers about our A Ca Challenge event on
every table as well as in the printed program.
And the hosts for the event promoted both our Challenge event and our
fall 2014 show with Pride of Baltimore chorus.
At the end of the event, all former contestants were invited to join our
buddies on the stage and again it was another long list of guys from the
chapter – Troy Hillier, Ken Rub, Frank
Fedarko, Terry Reynolds and Steve
Members in the news too: Jeremy
Richardson was on MSNBC again on Sunday morning; Chuck McKeever is recovering from hand surgery this past week; and Josh DesPortes left rehearsal early to
depart with his University of MD Men’s Chorus for tour to New York and Philly.
HELP is needed to get more
guys and girls to come to our chapter sponsored Youth Harmony Festival on
Saturday, April 5th. The
numbers are extremely low, according to chairman Brad Jones. He needs responses from teachers, choir directors,
youth group leaders, Scout groups hoping to earn a badge for singing, your
grandkids, or your voice lesson students.
If you have prospects or a teacher wants help to register students,
contact Brad at Youthfestival2014@verizon.net. The fee is just $15 per
student which includes the festival fun, music, a t-shirt and snacks and lunch
and dinner. Registration deadline was
Monday, Mar. 10th so the t-shirts can be ordered.
Until next time –
(This message is
prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to
miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during
the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.)