Friday, June 8, 2012

Looking Back on the June 5th Chapter Meeting

This week’s meeting and rehearsal were work sessions in preparation for the spring show on Saturday at George Mason Center for the Performing Arts.  So, many guys came for review of stage moves for songs, ticket sales were promoted, equipment loaded on the truck for transport this weekend, and we had a sneak preview of a featured show quartet.

It was great to see Carolyn Hall back at the meeting.  And Erin Odell and her parents, Craig and Linda, her fiancĂ©e Dan Cook, and her quartet SHADES OF JADE.

Assistant director Will Cox did the vocal warm ups.  Word came in that associate director Tony Colosimo was called out to fill in for Fairfax director Richard Lewellen (who had a family emergency) for their chapter guest nite.

The rehearsal time started with the chorus getting a listen to the Southern Division performance of “Sweet Georgia Brown.”

Director Joe Cerutti got right to work on some singing and reviews of the “extra” songs we will be doing to help the program planners for the Jefferson Awards show at Constitution Hall on Tuesday, June 19th.   We also worked out a plan for curtain calls for this weekend’s show using parts of “Jersey Boys.”

Joe and Chuck McKeever did a couple runs of our new medley “Jersey Boys” and then started a run-down on all the songs, in order, for the June 9 show.

Ops vp Scott Kahler ran the chapter meeting before break.  Assistant director Terry Reynolds promised a new-member Boot Camp next week.  Ike Evans reminded all new members about the photo shoot to get new mugs shots for the chorus photo board which goes up in the hall each week.

Scott reminded guys of his need for help taking messages for the chapter phone number.

Secretary Chris Buechler presented a Harmo name tag to new member John Greene.

Membership vp Phil Ashford welcomed a group of applicants, Dan Cook who will be moving to VA soon, plus Harmo-guys Dean Rust and Eric Hughes.  Phil asked for the rehearsal quartet that helps applicants to stand by at break.

After break for refreshments and admin business, the meeting continued. Show producer Greg Tepe alerted singers to watch for a detailed email about the Sunday June 10 show at Leisure World. The songs for this show are basically the same as the Saturday show.

Saturday show producer Nick Leiserson also promised email details to come out for the show, report times and afterglow.  Chorus call is 3:30 pm, riser crew needed Friday at 1 pm. There is free parking but closest lots are not free. There will be a break for chorus from 5:30-6:30 but chorus will return dressed and in makeup. Box office will open 2 hours before the show to sell seats.  The afterglow will be at Brion’s Grill.  $20 at the door.  Email TJ Donahue if you plan to attend in order to be sure you have a seat.  Joe thanked  Cheryl Wallen for her leadership in planning the afterglow.

Chuck McKeever brought attention to the new “Introduction to Presentation” developed by Scipio Garling, and recently added to the chapter website by the presentation team.

Drew Fuller is looking for a quartet to accept a gig on Saturday June 16th for a Marine Corps event.

President Steve Murane presented checks to treasurer Dave Welter for the Jefferson Awards show!

As a sneak preview, we got to hear SHADES OF JADE with Meghan Brueggemann, Heather Krones, Kasey Cox and Erin Odell, who will be on the show with us this weekend.

 We wrapped up the singing evening by working on the contest package which we will sing on the show after our buddies in TBD sing on the show.

The usual race to get the risers and equipment put away happened, and a good crowd came to the Hilton.  Erin director KTWWS to close the nite.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —YeEd.)