Looking Back on the Nov.
17th Chapter Meeting
The chorus arrived ready to work again and prepare for the holiday show. It was great to have Bob Blair back in the hall and on the risers with us. And to have Ben Roberts back on the risers too.
After Reed Livergood did the warm ups, director Joe Cerutti was ready to push us right to work on the holiday music. He took some time to share some of the specific plans for the show as to how we will perform with the other artists. He played some for us to hear as well.
He used a pull out octet to help us check our preparedness.
Joe was pleased with the progress on several of the songs and joked that he just might miss another rehearsal if we will make such progress when he is gone (he was coaching in Germany last week).
Operations vp Todd Ryktarsyk started the chapter business meeting with a reminder from Sandy Stamps for guys to take White House Ornaments on consignment to sell.
Craig Kujawa reported on the progress of our scrip sales efforts that he is now coordinating. He saluted the several men who are using the option to buy scrip at the point of purchase. See his recent “You Don’t Know Scrip” reports. He also encourages folks to plan ahead for the holidays for purchases and to use scrip for gifts and all holiday purchases such a holiday meals and treat.
Craig is also the chairman for our trip to International in Nashville in 2016. He alerted us that he has just released the first Harmo newsletter for that convention (while we were on the risers). So please fill out the intentions form and follow his directions. The deadline is Nov. 30th!! Thanks Craig for jumping on this task right away.
Ike Evans continues to take mug shots for the chapter photo board.
Secretary Chris Buechler presented Steve White with his 39-year membership renewal card.
President Terry Reynolds thanked everyone for their participation in the Veterans’ Day events. Many of our members sing with the Harmony Heritage Singers who also did tribute shows that day.
Rick Wagner’s mother passed away in the last few days.
Our a capella group, TBD, performed with WORD OF MOUTH (the group that won our Aca Challenge) this past weekend.
Terry reported on the BHS leadership forum held in Nashville last weekend. He was part of the leadership operations team, Dennis Ritchey was part of the district leaders group as he is Ex VP for MAD, Chris Buechler was on the governance and bylaws team for the board, and John Santora is a member of the BHS board.
announced a 2 pm call for those who plan to attend the memorial services for John Pence on Sunday Nov. 22 at Unitarian Universalist
Congregation of Fairfax. 2709 Hunter Mill Road, Oakton, VA 22124. Warm up in
the Program Building Social Hall (furthest building down hill from church. Attire will be coat & tie of choice. We
will sing “I’ll Walk With God” and “Deep River.”
item for the job on Dec 5th is the all-red tie. Some guys need to bring in their tie to load
to those who are doing that show and don’t have one yet.
those who plan ahead, the Presidents’ Banquet is Jan 9th at Ft.
Myer. Everyone should try to attend – it
is the kick off of our year and the time to honor those who have served us in
many ways over the years. Terry has invited all of us to offer
our suggestions as to which of our members should be honored. Do your part and submit ideas in response to Terry’s email.
Dave Kohls announced the holiday concerts for The Washington Men's Camerata coming up next month: Saturday Dec 5, 8:00 p.m. at Fairlington Methodist Church, Alexandria; Sunday Dec 6, 4:00 p.m. at Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church, Bethesda; Sunday Dec 13, 4:00 p.m. at the Church of the Epiphany, Washington DC. Tickets cost $25 for individuals, or for $60 you can buy a "family" ticket which can be used for any four people (need not be related) to attend. Tickets are available online through www.camerata.com or from Dave directly at rehearsal on Tuesdays.
Membership vp introduced a bunch of guests before we went to break.
After break, we reviewed the songs for Sunday’s service and then more concentrated work on the holiday songs. Our chapter quartet BRAVADO helped us learn the special tag we will use in the show – thanks Doug White, Kevin McKenzie, Chris Odell and Todd Ryktarsyk.
We closed after a terrific rehearsal with the reminder that next week’s rehearsal will be at Schlesinger, then Dec. 1st back at Durant, and then for Dec 8th back to Schlesinger and for the extra rehearsal on Dec 10th back at Durant. Take note.
The chapter board meeting was set for Wed this week.
Everyone was invited to the afterglow and we put all the equipment away and sang KTWWS!!
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you
were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record
of the great things going on each week during the 67th year of the
Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.