Looking Back on the Sept
29th Chapter Meeting and Show Sept 26th
The chorus did a performance on Sat nite Sept 26th at the Asbury Methodist Village. We were hosted by former Harmonizer Hal Gaut and his family. Assistant directors Terry Reynolds and Mike Kelly were up front as directors for this show. Bruce Lauther was the main contact for this paid performance. We sang all of the songs from the Icon show and many songs from our patriotic package; and we sang “A Place on the Risers for You” in honor of a recently deceased resident of the Village who was a Sweet Adeline singer. We wore our black suits. Shows producer Greg Tepe sent out a long thank you list to the many guys who had an extra task in making it a success including ensembles that sang and soloists with the chorus.
Tuesday nite was another busy one for the chapter – although the rainy weather was awful and caused huge delays for many members including director Joe Cerutti. We delayed the start of the rehearsal a bit and listened to the new holiday songs. Assistant director Terry Reynolds did the vocal warm ups.
Operations vp Todd Ryktarsyk and Bob Blair seemed to prompt the set up work for the nite. Chuck McKeever met with several newer members who are planning to sing in the contest this fall. Sandy Stamps had a large supply of White House Ornaments for guys to take to sell.
For the first half of the nite, two parts remained on the risers to work on the contest set and the other two parts worked in other rooms on the holiday songs. Then we switched.
Todd conducted the chapter meeting. Calvin Schnure announced plans for a Tag-A-Thon on Sat. Nov. 7th after the all-sectionals. It is meant to be a fund raising event.
President Terry Reynolds reported on the memorial service in Florida for John Hohl including details of the quartet that included he and Joe to sing “A Place on the Risers for You.”
Terry launched sign ups for those who wanna get tickets for the April 2016 performance at Strathmore.
He reminded us all about the retreat on Sat. Oct 17 at John Calvin Presbyterian Church on Columbia Pike starting at 9 and going for the day.
Show vp Nick Leiserson reviewed a long list of thank you messages for Harmonizer family who made the Icon show a success especially Carlos and Joe who encouraged the chapter to launch a new kinda show. Nick also thanked Greg for his work on the Asbury Methodist Village show as well as Bruce for setting up the show.
Todd thanked Bob Blair, Bob Rhome, Carl Kauffmann and Gerry Fuller who helped him moved all of our storage materials from one locker to another that costs less. Their work saved over $2000.
Todd also reminded everyone to drop in a donation in the coffee room each week during break.
Membership vp Rich Hewitt welcomed more guests and the men who attended the Open Audition and are on their way to full membership.
The Nominating Committee will
present the following named members for election as officers of the 2016
Alexandria, VA Chapter Board of Directors at the chapter business meeting on
October 13, 2015:
President – Randall Eliason
Immediate Past
President – Terence Reynolds (not
subject to election)
Secretary – Christopher Buechler
Treasurer – Alan Herman
Member (Chapter
Development/Membership) – Michael Edison
Member (Marketing)
– Kevin McKenzie
Member (Music
& Performance) – Stephen White
Each of the above has been
contacted and agreed to serve in the positions indicated. The nominating
committee includes Alan Wile, chair; Randall Eliason; Scipio Garling; Mark
Klostermeyer; and Bob Rhome.
In other news, Ike Evans appeared with the Virginia Grand Military Band at Schlesinger Hall on Saturday, Sept. 26th.
Until next time –
(This message is prepared for your review if you
were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record
of the great things going on each week during the 67th year of the
Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.