Friday, June 24, 2022

Looking Back on the June 21st 2022 Harmonizer Hybrid Chapter Meeting

 Looking Back on the June 21st 2022 Harmonizer Hybrid Chapter Meeting 

This week the chapter leadership asked all members who attended the June 14th meeting to take a COVID test and confirm a negative report to  There was some exposure last week so everyone needed to comply. A few members stayed home or were on Zoom. Of course masks were worn inside again and all guests had to show proof of vaccination. This seemed to go well enough and some members who missed the instructions were given a test when they arrived. 

Consequently there was some shifting of meeting spaces during the evening with a start outside for warm ups with artistic director Joe Cerutti, then a move into the cafeteria without risers, then a break outside for a few minutes at 9 pm, and then into the auditorium to practice on the risers.  This week the meeting was extended to 10 pm.

Joe thanked all the members for their patience and understanding and flexibility as we implement safety precautions for the chorus preparing for the contest in Charlotte.

Prior to the meeting, new riser layout charts were distributed via email to all. The nifty Daily Tidbits have continued coming from music team members to remind the chorus of important points in preparation for the contest. Turner Arndt was on hand early at Scottish Rite Temple (SRT) to offer choreo review for those who wanted it. 

Joe welcomed Lew Klinge, former owner of the Harmo House, who was in town from Ames, IA, for a visit with friends and to check out what Joe has done to the place. (At the afterglow, he gave his full approval!)

Then Joe welcomed fellow Harmonizer Chuck Hunter, now living in Chicago, who came to coach the chorus this week. Chuck said his goal was to help the chorus provide their Charlotte audience with a moving experience – like the one he experienced in Miami when he first heard the Alexandria Harmonizers perform (it was the gold medal package with “I’ll Be Seeing You”).

Joe and Chuck worked with the chorus on both songs and there was a sectional in the middle of the evening. Their coaching was mostly musical, but it contributed to improving performance on the risers too.  The continual work on the songs also helped members adjust to their latest riser positions and singing and performing with their fellow Harmonizers. 

One great take away from Chuck – “emotion weighs less and has more impact that effort.”  He also encouraged the chorus to study the gift of poetry David Wright has given the chorus in his arrangement of “Oh What a Beautiful Morning.”  

The uptune gave the front row men quite a work out on a warm summer night as we repeated singing sections of the songs and they danced the whole time.  Chuck’s best note for this song was “don’t be frantic” in your singing/performance. And Chuck’s explanation of “Broadway jack built” was really helpful!

Chapter contest director, Craig Kujawa, provides information that Harmonizers need to know for the convention in Charlotte via the Queen City Countdown newsletters he sends to all members . There have been nine issues so far, providing important deadlines and details which every convention attendee from Alexandria should note.  For example, here are the times for the Harmonizer rehearsals during convention  in Charlotte – Tues. July 5 – 8:30 pm-9:30 pm; Wed. July 6th – 2:45 pm-4:45 pm; Thurs. July 7 – 1 pm-3:30 PM; and Fri. July 8th starting at 9 am before going to the stage. All of these rehearsals will take place at the Charlotte Marriott City Center Hotel in Charlotte Ballroom A-B-C.

Joe let it slip this week, so there was no bandana check for the Class of 2022 – although there were plenty of the bandanas showing. The Class of 2022 includes: Turner Arndt, Scott Beach, Michael Berkson, Jacob Broude, Tyler Carpenter, Gary Cregan, Lance Fisher, Devin Gerzof, Ryan Mextorf, Josh Myers, Duncan Peacock, Tessa Walker, David Breen, Michael Pugh, Cy Shuster, Frank Shipp, John Sifuentes, Dylan Smith, Tony Amante Schepers, Zak Sandler and Ben Watsky. 

In addition to this list, the seven members of 17th Street Dance group of the Washington DC Gay Men’s Chorus who will appear with us in Charlotte were added to the class as well:  Danny Aldous, Seam Cator, Craig Cipollini, James Elzy, Jeffrey Holland, Cole Jaconski and Darryl Pilate

Communications director Sam Whiteoak conducted the business session at this week’s meeting. Terry Reynolds, music team administrator, asked singers not to ask questions from the risers during the weeks ahead.  Get those questions to Terry, Joe, Tony or section leaders.  

President Noah Van Gilder supported the work of our COVID committee and stressed that the chapter encourages all members to be fully boosted. The plan is – vaccinated and boosted gets more Harmonizers on the risers at the contest!

Noah is also coordinating getting a quartet to sing for chorus fan, Rose Hoffman, for her 101st birthday.

Membership director Jacob Broude welcomed former Harmonizer Ron Precup who sang in the era of 2013-14. We sang the “Harmonizer Welcome” song for Ron

As a reminder, here is a quick look at the calendar for the chorus.  Our traditional sendoff is on June 28th at SRT – a chance for family and friends to hear and see the Harmonizer package and give a cheer as the chorus heads to NC for the International contest. The sendoff will be all masked while indoors and guests will also show proof of vaccination. Members should arrive wearing their contest outfit (or come early enough to change) for the 7 pm start.  Guests can arrive around 7:45-8:00 pm for the first performance of the contest set.  

There will be extra rehearsals on June 23 and 30 – continuing the Harmonizer policy of wearing masking while inside. On the 23rd, the meeting will go until 10 pm again. 

Earlier in the evening the chapter’s history team spoke briefly to celebrate Charter Night for the chapter – the charter from June 29th, 1948 was on display for all to see. It was signed by O C Cash. The chapter’s plans for celebrating its 75th anniversary will be less about the past years and more to launch and initiate plans for the future 75 years. 

Any current or former members who discover a “collection of Harmonizer files or documents” are encouraged to let one of the history team members know about the materials so they can be added to the chapter’s collection.  Team members are Don Harrington, chairman; Jack Pitzer, Bob Blair, Howard Nestlerode, David Welter, Ike Evans, John Sifuentes; plus Gary CreganBob Rhome and Martin Banks.

At the afterglow this week, there was a tasty lemon birthday cake to celebrate the BirthdayGlow for the following members who have June birthdays: Jeff Ashford, Bob Bowman, Tim Cash, Michael Gilmore, Joel Golden, Dave Kohls, Steve Murane, Josh Myers, Duncan Peacock, Mickey Robertson and Mick Stamps

It was also fun to share the afterglow evening at the Harmo House with Lew and Chuck.  Joe had made up a batch of Lew’s famous “’Cosmos” in his honor!  The weather was great so most of the gang spent the evening outside on the screened deck. 

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 74th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. - YeEd)