Last week’s meeting was cancelled due to predictions of snow and particularly ice on Tues eve Jan. 29th.
That meant this week there was a lot of work to do and many details to get organized such as promotion of the Whiffenpoofs show, and distribution of tickets for the Presidents Banquet.
Another good crowd of singers was on the risers – guys are eager to learn the new music and practice singing it with the other members. Associate director Tony Colosimo did a good warm up session to kick off the work for the nite. Then the chapter visited with director Joe Cerutti who was at his office in Nashville and spoke via Skype, conducted an discussion about plans for 2019 and asked for input from the members.
Also early in the evening, Tony conducted a voice placement exercise so that the music team could prepare a riser placement chart. There are several new members and guests who needed a place on the risers, as well as a number of guys who are back from travel and the like.
At one point, Tony took the chorus thru the songs for our appearance with The Yale Whiffenpoofs with some review of the stage presence too.
And then there was considerable work on the new songs to cover the assigned measures singers were supposed to have worked on in advance and prepared to cover.
There is a lot on the plate of the chorus this spring including the Whiffenpoof show on Sat. afternoon, Feb. 9th at 3 pm. An email with details for singers at that show will come from Robyn Murane. Still plenty of tickets available for guests, members who aren’t singing this one, and patrons. This event is at the George Washington Masonic Temple. Plenty of parking too.
Then Singing Valentinesis on Feb. 14th – the plan is to fill appointments in time slots at 12-2 pm and 4-8 pm. Guys were asked to sign up for quartets.
Chapter music team and administrative leaders all encourage attendance at the annual Presidents’ Banquet on Feb. 16th at 6 pm at the Lee Memorial Rec Center, 1108 Jefferson St, in Alexandria. Dave Branstetter has the tickets. Just $30 for banquet, gifts, dancing and award ceremony for our fellow members. Hopefully many of the new members and their significant others will be able to attend and capture the spirit of being a Harmonizer.
Our “Together in Harmony” concert with the Alexandria Singers and Vocal Collective from New Zealand will be Wed. Mar. 20th at the Masonic Temple at 7pm. Tickets are $10 and available via EventBrite. Vocal Collective formerly was The Christchurch Pops Choir, Christchurch, New Zealand.
The Harmonizer-sponsored Youth Harmony Festival will be Fri April 5th at Scottish Rite Temple.
Our first guest coaching session is Feb. 12th with Steve Scott from Nashville. He will also be available all day next Tuesday for private vocal instruction. Look for email details as to times and place (at Joe Cerutti’s home), and how to sign up. There is a fee for these sessions.
This week was the deadline for a payment for the chapter’s trip to England. They are due to Brad Jones.
Executive director Randall Eliason reported the serious news from Sandy Stamps that Mick will be going in for bypass surgery on Wed. at Fairfax Hospital.
The one-on-one interviews with Joe are being scheduled. Terry Reynolds is coordinating them and needs to be sure he has availability times for each member. And each member must submit a survey online by Feb. 9th
In other announcements, the chapter’s coffee pot is missing. If anyone knows where it is, please contact Jack Pitzer.
Secretary Chris Buechler presented membership renewal cards to many members: Gary Cregan for 2 years; Ben Watsky for 2 years; Dixie Kennett for 6 years as an associate member; Bob Rhome for 18 years; Brian Miller for 22 years; Mark Klostermeyer for 38 years; Dean Rust for 39 years, and both Walt Page and Brian Ammerman for 25 years (they each received their 25-year BHS lapel pin as well).
Membership director Calvin Schnure welcome singing guest Ryan Mextorf as well as members we have not seen for a while such as Josh DesPortes, Carlos Barillo, Chris Odell, Kris Zinkievich, Ken White and Mike Pinto.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd