Looking Back on the Feb. 18, 2025 Alexandria A Cappella Collective Meeting; Valentine’s Activities; Capital Force Concert
For the history records, the Feb. 11 meeting was cancelled due to the major winter storm in the entire DC Metro area at that time.
As part of the chapter’s tradition, a quartet of Harmonizers sang at several senior care facilities for Valentine’s Day, Friday, Feb. 14. Dean Rust, bass, organized the appearances and recruited Brian Ammerman, tenor; EJ Herold, lead, and Joel Golden, baritone, to sing with him. The quartet announced themselves as FRIENDS OF PUNXATAWNEY PHIL and started early that day to warm up and then sing at the Lee Center in Alexandria for the Alexandria Seniors Valentine event, which included meeting the new mayor of Alexandria, Aliyah Gaskins, who asked to have Capital Force some sing for the City Council meeting.
Then the quartet traveled to the Silverado Memory Care Community on King Street, and to Woodbine Rehab Center also on King Street. Next they went to Sunrise of Alexandria on Duke Street. At most locations, they were welcomed by activities directors who asked them to sing at several locations at the facility – often for the staff of the facility. The quartet wore red ties, white shirts, dark trousers. They were prepared to sing “Heart of My Heart,” “Let Me Call You Sweetheart,” “God Bless America,” and “Keep the Whole World Singing.” The quartet enjoyed spreading Valentine smiles and cheer in the community. Often the seniors recognized the song and sang along.
On Saturday, Feb. 15, the AACC talented youth ensemble, Capital Force, sang their end-of-season concert. It was at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Old Town Alexandria. Tessa Walker is director of the youth ensemble with assistance from Sheryl Berlin and Julian LeFlore.
Singers for Capital Force included Caleb Jacobson, bass; Kit Rufus, lead; Emily Robinson, lead; Faith Jacobson, tenor; Jackson Byrd, baritone; Joy Edwards, lead; Julia Ratiu, lead; and Lewis Jacobson, bass. They are students in grades 8-12.
The free concert at 3:30 pm was in the theater at the Memorial. All three AACC ensembles sang together for “I’m Still Standing” with artistic director, Joe Cerutti, conducting. Tessa Walker, Capital Force director and project leader, welcomed all former members, family and friends of singers, and supporters of the new youth chorus. She invited Metro Voices to sing next with Samantha Tramack directing “After You Who” and “So Happy.”
Capital Force lead, Kit Rufus, welcomed a guest quartet to sing next - SUPERNOVA with Maggie McAlexander, tenor; Tessa Walker, lead; Amanda Pitts, baritone; and Serena Davis, bass.
Caleb Jacobson from Capital Force introduced Joe and the Harmonizers for their two-song set – “Sit Down You’re Rockin’ the Boat,” and “Chasing Dreams.” Later in the concert, Caleb was recognized as a senior who will age out of the Capital Force.
Julian brought on the Capital Force ensemble, with Tessa as their director, for their first ever concert. They sang “You Can’t Stop the Sun,” “It’s You I Like, ” and “Smile.”
The finale for the show included all three ensembles again.
There was a celebration after the concert with cupcakes for the Capital Force singers and their families.
The regular Tuesday, Feb. 18, meeting was at Beth El Synagogue.
Tony Colosimo, associate director of the Harmonizers, conducted vocal warm ups for the singers and ended his session with the combined ensembles singing the tag – “Ireland, My Ireland, I’m Longing for You.”
Artistic director, Joe Cerutti, welcomed everyone and encouraged members to welcome the new folks next to them (and if you don’t know it they are new, then introduce yourself, and make sure they have a guest book).
Joe was eager to share a number of important details for the chapter’s coming calendar of events.
First, he gave a major push for members to consider attending the chapter gala organized by Ken Rub, Development Director. Members should purchase tickets for themselves and their guests, soon. It is a classy event and enjoyed by all. New members and guests are welcomed to attend. This year’s gala will be March 1, 2025, themed “Emerald Affair, ” at the Torpedo Factory Art Center, 105 N Union St., Alexandria, VA 22314, 7:30-10 pm. Keynote speaker for the event is Dr. Jim Henry, director of the Ambassadors of Harmony in St. Louis and popular coach of the Harmonizers. Guest quartet will be SECRET BEST FRIENDS from the Mid Atlantic District.
Randall Eliason explained how members should get auction items for the Gala such as travel events, restaurants, professional services, or recreation events. The goal is to get items that could likely be sold for $100 or more, or gift cards that could be bundled and sold as a group. Members can bring donated auction items to Randall at February chapter meetings.
Joe paid tribute to Tessa Walker for her passion and work to launch our first youth ensemble in AACC and for the successful concert of the Capital Force singers on Sat. Feb. 15. The members of AACC joined Joe with a rousing applause for fellow singer, Tessa!
Joe shared details of the latest project by the chapter - to bring barbershop singing experience to students in the DC Public School system. There will be 136 students at the Fri., March 7, event at UDC on Connecticut Ave. at 4 pm. Tessa Walker will be major clinician for this educational event. Mark Oswald is coordinating the chapter’s efforts to collect waters and snacks for the youth event. Members can also give cash donations to Mark at chapter or bring supplies like energy bars and chips or snack packs. Members and friends are encouraged to attend the 4 pm clinic wrap up at UDC – to help build an audience to honor the youthful enthusiasm. It’s free.
Thanks to the 18 Harmonizers who performed as an ensemble on Sat. evening. Feb. 15, for the Honor Flight Summit Gala at the Crystal City Marriott Hotel. The banquet recognized Honors flight volunteers from across the country who organize trips for veterans to come to Washington, DC, to visit memorials and monuments. EJ Herold was coordinator for the chapter and is reporter for this Looking Back column. The ensemble sang “Armed Forces Medley” which allowed folks to rise for their song. When our members sang “God Bless America” the audience sang along and rose to their feet in patriotic support. The show also included “Sit Down You’re Rockin the Boat,” with Lance Fisher as soloist; and “Calling Dreams.” Terry Reynolds and Randall Eliason were emcees for this event, and Terry was music director.
Joe did a shout out to Susan Fitzpatrick, chapter general manager, who was online watching this week’s meeting prior to her upcoming surgery. He also invited everyone to join him in Happy Birthday for Terry Reynolds, Frank Fedarko and Mary Cooper. He announced that those members who will do the sing out at the Danish Embassy on Feb. 20 would meet for a few minutes at the end of tonight’s meeting.
He also confirmed that the annual interview process is moving along. Anyone who has yet to submit the pre-interview survey needs to get it in at least 24 hours in advance of their interview with Joe or Samantha. Finally, he confirmed the chapter meeting will be at AlexRenew for the next two weeks.
Terry Reynolds served as business meeting chair this week. Becca Williams spoke about uniforms/costumes for upcoming shows. Gary Cregan, Operations Director, announced dates and times for riser crews for the DC youth session, March 6 and 7.
Maggie Alexander announced that audition tapes are invited from any members who would like to perform at the evening cabaret on Wed. April 9, as part of the chapter’s celebration following the spring2ACTion fundraiser event for Alexandria arts groups. Performances can be anything except barbershop. The audition tapes are due on March 9 to barbershopmaggie@gmail.com. New members and guests are encouraged to join in the fun either as a performer or as cheering audience members.
AACC president, Craig Kujawa, thanked members who have signed up for cards sales. He is still pushing for a goal of $5000. As promised at recent meetings, he presented a free Starbucks card to Becca Williams whose name was drawn from the list of recent sign-ons.
Craig also encouraged members to take advantage of the early bird prices for registrations for the Southern Division contest in March.
Finally, Craig announced the members of a new Awards Committee. All AACC members are encouraged to suggest possible recipients for the chapter awards to anyone on the committee. This committee will accept the suggestions and boil them down to a recommended list of recipients for the chapter board. The committee includes Jack Pitzer, Bob Blair, Mark Klostermeyer, Steve White, Anne Ermlick, Carey Fagerstrom, and Charlyne “Chuck” Miller. Suggestions must be submitted before March 11. Members should review the descriptions of the revised awards list including some awards for specific ensembles.
Chapter secretary, Heidi Krukowski, with help from Jared Liscinsky, presented membership renewal cards to several members. The tradition to clap for each year of renewal continues!! Two years for Chuck Miller, three years for Jeanne Hillinck, six for Devin Gerzof, 9 for Michael Berkson,17 for Sheryl Berlin, 23 for Frank Shipp, 23 for Frank Fedarko, 24 for Bob Blair, 31 for Brian Ammerman, 33 for Brad Jones, 37 for Ike Evans, 45 for Dean Rust, and 51 for Rick Savage.
Heidi has also begun to recognize members who bring a guest that becomes a member – that earns the member a New Member Note Award. The top New Note Award winners were Sheryl Berlin for 4, Mark Klostermeyer for 4 and Frank Shipp for 4, then Tessa Walker for 5. Good job all.
Members were asked to submit their availability via Groupanizer to sing for two more Honors Flights - both at 8 am. For April 19 and April 26.
Membership director, Jacob Broude, asked members to update their contact info in Groupanizer. Then he welcomed our two newest members - Robert Stark and Christine Pan – and gave them their new name tags.
Jacob welcomed the following returning guests: AJ Gupta, Shira Perlmutter, Leah Bernstein, Holly Perdue, Brigham Blackhurst, Muamen Alsheakh and Erin Schmidt; and first time guests: Randy Althaus and Tyler Underwood. Maggie McAlexander directed the chapter “Welcome Song.”
Then the Harmonizers and Metro Voices moved to separate rehearsal space to work on their new music. The ensembles did some sectional rehearsals during this part of the evening. Guests were welcomed to sing too and were given music to use.
The two ensembles met together for “Keep the Whole World Singing” as the closing number for the evening. Joe issued the usual invite to the afterglow at the Harmo House explaining the location and pizza-slice-count to the many guests.
In other news from outside the chapter, the Mid Atlantic District (M-AD) newsletter, Mid’l Antics, was recently published with names of district leaders on the board and on committees and teams. Many of them were members of AACC.
Mike Fasano is executive vice president of the district board. Dave Welter is treasurer and Sheryl Berlin is board member at large.
Bill Colosimo is chairman of the M-AD leadership development committee with Joe Cerutti on the committee. Alan Wile is chairman of the Endowment Fund Committee. Ken Rub and Mike Kelly serve on the events team to operate conventions and meetings. Bob Eckman and Dave Welter serve on the finance committee. Dennis Ritchey and Joe Cerutti are in line to be chairs of the Hall of Honor team. Mike Kelly is district M-AD webmaster. Randall Eliason is chair of the ethics committee. Bill Colosimo and Sheryl Berlin are co-dean for the district Harmony College East event. Kris Zinkievich is southern division VP for leadership training. Chris Buechler is on the secretary’s committee.
Congratulations and thank you to all of those members who are helping.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 76th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)
The Chapter Mission Statement: Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.