Thursday, October 23, 2014

Looking Back on the October 21st Chapter Meeting

On Thursday, Oct. 16th, we had a very productive rehearsal with Cindy Hansen in town to coach us on the contest package.  We used the hall at Aldersgate Methodist on Ft. Hunt Rd for this event.  Cindy and Carlos and Joe worked as a team to integrate personal intention with the music.  Thanks to all the guys who helped unload the Harmo truck and then hurriedly get out equipment out of the church on time and back into the truck.

Tuesday nite was a rainy one, but the Harmonizers filled the risers and were mentally prepared to prove they were ready for the weekend contest.  After performance warm up with choreographer Carolos Barillo and vocal warm up with assistant director Mike Kelly, director Joe Cerutti continued the warm  up session by teaching us a long and wonderful new tag (sorry, YeEd didn’t write down the name of it) during which Joe could stress vocal maxims and give emphasis to vowel targets and such.

Then we worked to make the contest songs even more exciting and complete.  Before the 7 pm start, our front row guys had worked with Carlos in the lobby and some risers guys took advantage of Chuck McKeever’s review session on the stage.

FYI – the AC was on again this week.  Chapter leaders thought it had been shut off by the city at the start of Oct., but maybe it is gonna be on a while yet.  Cross your fingers!

During the contest prep time, Joe would call a surprise play and have us sing one of the new contest songs, including “Thriller” which will also be in our holiday show!

For the chapter meeting conducted by operations vp Bob Blair, there were several announcements:  Ken Fess announced the chorus call for the Harmony on the Harbor show is 3:15 pm on Nov. 3. That show is just two weeks away.

Calvin Schnure reports great improvement on his vocal issue.  Hurray.

Jack Cameron explained that this year’s chorus photos will be available to each member on the district website after the contest weekend.

President Terry Reynolds alerted us all to the likely parking challenge on Tues. Oct .28th when the Pride of Baltimore Sweet Adelines join us for rehearsal.  He asks the Harmonizers to park far away to save some spaces near Durant for our guests.

Secretary Chris Buechler presented membership renewal cards to Garrett Garner for 2 years, Tommy Garner for 2 years, and Josh Roots for 16 years.

Shawn Tallant gave another parking alert – this one for the hotel in Wildwood. There is a lot across from the Blue Palm that we can use for the weekend.

Rich Hewitt filled in for membership vp Jeremy Richardson, who was on work travel, to introduce guests for this week including Harmony Foundation staffer KJ McAleesejergins from Nashville.

After break and surprise birthday cake and celebration for YeEd, it was back to work on contest songs and the two songs we hope to sing on the Saturday nite Jamboree in Wildwood, should we succeed to win the contest.

President Terry and Calvin, quartet promotion chairman, recognized the three quartets competing this weekend at the district contest with Harmonizer singers.  Each of the three competing quartets was presented a monetary recognition for representing our chapter in the contest. 

Singing 9th, FORECAST with Mike Fitch, Ian Galvin, Travis Murray, Dan Cook.

Singing 12th, LAST MEN STANDING with TJ Barranger, Drew Feyrer, Edward  Bell II, Mike Kelly.

Singing 14th, T  HE MONORAIL FOUR with Kellen Hertz, Phil Ferguson, Bobby Seay VI, Andrew Havens

Mic Testers for the contest will be our guys MAYHEM with Matt Fellows, Pookie Dingle, Mike Pinto, Ken White.

In other news, our modern a cappella subgroup, TBD, has been invited to join local a cappella favorites VOX POP  and THE DISTRICT  for a joint concert. The concert will be in Chinatown at the First Congregational United Church of Christ on Saturday, Dec. 12 at 8 pm. Tickets are now available for purchase online. TBD would certainly appreciate your supportive attendance at this event, which is part of the chapter's strengthening ties with the broader a cappella community.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.)