Friday, December 7, 2018

Looking Back on the Dec. 4th  Chapter Meeting
This nite’s work was totally on the show – mostly on the flow of the show and transitions from song to song, a chance to hear some of the small ensembles that will be on the show as well as soloists.

Associate director Tony Colosimo was our musical leader.

Show producer Jeff Burkey provided the scrip reading for the rehearsal along with others who have speaking parts in another Harmonizer “Jack In The Box themed” holiday show.

The meeting announcements were largely about the show.  The dress rehearsal for Fri. nite (entrance early about 5:30 with call at 7) means bring ALL uniforms parts but do not wear them.

Each man is asked to bring two wrapped large boxes for the stage decorations, plus large shopping bags and bubble wrap would be great for packing silent auction items when they are purchased by show patrons.

Watch emails.

Each person going on the England trip in 2019 must get their $600 fee to Brad Jones.

Watch for email from Clyde Crusenberry regarding the Dec. 15th daytime sing at veteran or senior centers.

The carol crawl in Old Town on Tues Dec. 18th details will be coming soon – as to where to assemble.  YeEd does know that we will end up for an afterglow fun time at Chadwicks that nite.  Bring guests, former members.

Be sure to invite friends and relatives and former members for this year’s Wilbur Sparks Memorial Put Together Quartet Contest on Tues., Dec. 11th at Scottish Rite Temple.  Cake and goodies afterward.  Lots of quartets have signed up and there can always be more.  Matt Doniger is the contact man.

President Shawn Tallant encouraged members to consider a donation to the chapter in this year’s “Double My Dues” fundraising campaign.  Several guys have already donated.

He also reminded everyone of his request for suggestions of recipients of the major chapter awards to be announced at the annual banquet.

Mark  your calendar for the Jan. 5th Heat Glow on Sat. Jan. 5th at home of Jack and Pat Pitzer. This is a continuation of a traditional party for the whole chapter and their significant others. 7 pm at Jack’s house – 7801 Suffolk Ct., Alexandria VA 22315.  Casual dress. Bring finger-food hors d’oeuvres or holiday goodies to share.  Wine is you wish.  We will make the traditional Heat Glow Grog recipe that has been served at a similar event for over 50 years!

YeEd heard that Dean Rust marched on Saturday in the Alexandria Scottish Christmas Walk.  He carried a huge Harmo banner in the parade Sat. Dec. 1st promoting our show.  Thanks Dean.

Dec 27th the annual BLAST hosted by the Dundalk Chapter will be held.  Watch for invites and details.  Plan to go for the fun to meet other singers.

This week’s 50/50 had a surprise feature when an anonymous donor bought an extra ticket for every member present.

Thanks to all those who submitted materials after the request from the chapter’s history committee.  It has yielded some important documentation about some of our past projects such as the 50th anniversary events, the chapter-to-chapter exchanges with the Cincinnati chapter, and the farewell and roast when Scott Werner retired.  So far we have gotten materials from Geoff Berman, Rick Savage, Bob Sutton, Ken Rub, Ken Fess, and Mike Everard.

Craig Kujawa held a drawing for the winner of an incentive prize for those men who had signed up for the chapter’s scrip program.  Jason Lee was the lucky prize winner.

Membership chairman Calvin Schnure welcomed singer friend Lou Bergner from Toronto who was in the hall this week. And Calvin and Tony helped the chapter bid farewell to Jay Sorensen, who moves to MO. 

After the meeting, there was riser moving effort to prepare for our show set up later this week.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd