Saturday, May 18, 2013

Looking Back on the May 14th Chapter Meeting

This week the music team decided to use the rehearsal time for recording another song for a possible CD.  So the meeting was at First Baptist Church on King Street in the music suite on the second floor.  Last week, director Joe Cerutti had encouraged everyone to come tonite as the musical leaders planned to use the nite for contest preparation in addition to recording.


Assistant director Will Cox did warm ups and turned the ready-singers over to Joe. We went right to work on “Drunken Solider” and after a short sectional to check some spots, it was recorded.  Then we moved on to “Great Day” and followed the same routine.


Then to work on the contest package for a good chunk of time.  Special Forces guys present this week included Kevin McKenzie, Mike Geipel and Dave Ellis. We finished our first work period with time for guys to make self-eval recordings of both songs, and also for the last few guys to sing for their “listeners” and get personal feedback.


Joe had warned us to dress for summer temps since we turn off the ac and extra lighting in the music suite at First Baptist for recording.  It was warm!!!   So we took a brief break to clear the room and get some air.


Since the chapter is so busy with preparations for Toronto and usual chapter matters, there was a quick business meeting conducted by operations vp Bob Rhome.  His reminders included (1) getting Normandy payment to Ken Fess tonite; (2) there is board meeting on Wed. of this week at Durant at 7:30; and (3) buy scrip cards to use in paying for your Toronto housing from Carl Kauffmann. 


President Alan Wile reported that Terry Jordan had to have an emergency gall bladder removal, and is recovering in the hospital and hoping to go home in the next day or so.


Alan also reported that Ben Roberts school theater group had been honored for their good work and will be performing at a Kennedy Center gala, June 9.  Ben will perform a duet on stage that nite!


Finally, Alan presented a donor’s check for $800 to the treasurer that will be made available as an “angel” fund for helping guys with the trip to Normandy.  If anyone needs help, they should speak to Alan or Joe.  Or if you know of someone, you can speak for them.


Don’t forget – make plans to be ready for the kick off of the retreat in Westminster, MD, on Fri. eve May 31st. by 6:55 pm!  Payments for retreat fees can be given to retreat chairman Chuck McKeever tonite and Howard Nestlerode, other nites.


Be certain you responded accordingly to the email about new contest shirts for Toronto!


Here are important calendar clarifications for a couple June dates: The chapter will be meeting at First Baptist again on June 11th – working with Cindy Hansen on the contest package. We will use the social hall not the choir suite.  Then we will be back at First Baptist on June 18th for a recording session and a contest work session.


Chapter secretary Chris Buechler reminded all members with dues expirations in the next two months to pay on time or early, to be eligible to sing in Toronto.


He presented a Man of Note pin to Craig Kujawa for bring James Sutton to chapter membership.


And Chris presented membership renewal cards to Dave DesPortes for 2 years; John Oswald Greene for 2 years; Steve Murane for 11 years; Harold Weinberger for 19 years; and Bruce Lauther for 27 years.


Membership vp Mark Klostermeyer welcomed our applicant guest.  And Ken White announced that Carlos Barillo had become a United States citizen today – which brought all the men to their feet for a great salute to Carlos! Congrats and welcome.


Back to singing and visual work sessions including the ballad. Troy Hillier continued barbershop craft sessions with more Visual Maxims – Your Face Matters, and now adding Your Body Matters.  Troy and Joe suggested that everyone, and especially newer singers, watch some videos of recent chorus contest winners to see what they are doing personally in their packages.


To conclude the nite, Joe presented motivational gifts to two – Ben Roberts for his hard work as the newest front row man and catching up to the others so fast; and Mike Geipel for his “totally in the game” efforts at practice tonite.


Carlos directed “Keep The Whole World Singing” before we policed the hall and left for the nite.  Some of the regulars went to the afterglow for some chow, some cold drinks, for some visiting and debriefing the meeting, and for some tag singing.  Come join the fun sometime soon.


Sequestration has taken its toll on some of our singers. Several men have lost their jobs.  Two actually got new jobs right away – but they can’t get off work at their new job to go to Toronto.  And there are some guys still looking for jobs.  If you know of some job openings in your company – speak with Alan Wile or YeEd.


Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 65th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.)