Looking Back on the Oct 16th Chapter Meeting
After such a successful fall contest weekend, no wonder that
Durant was full of excitement and high energy.
It was also the annual meeting nite and alumni were invited. A good crowd of alumni joined us. They were on the risers, as they desired, to
sing holiday music and to watch the video of the 1995 gold medal package and
the 2012 fall contest show.
Allen Hanenbaum
Bob Wells
Bede Bender
Chuck Botts
Ross Johnson
Dave Reyno
Dave Ermlick
Jon Abel
Jerry TePaske
Don Harrington
Bill Sowers
Pat Duffey
Martin Banks
Bill Aarhus
Jerry Kindred
JT Price
Royall Geis
At 6 pm, the work began to set up risers and av equipment, and a
lot of chairs for the many guests. Plus the coffee pot was on early.
Assistant director Will Cox
did vocal warm ups. When he turned the
riser full of singers over to director Joe
Cerutti, there was a cheer for the successful contest weekend. Joe shared his joy again with the
chorus for their dedication in recent months and the support and work by
many. He shared that he was proud of our
performance by the 98 singers on the contest stage. He shared too that we missed Ken Ives and Bruce Lauther who both had wives in the hospital. (Both men report
things are progressing along now.)
And there was also a cheer for the many quartet guys who
represented us so well at the contest.
First song out of the box for the nite was “Hallelujah Chorus” for
the holiday show. It went so well that Joe had time to work on a new song –
“Sleigh Ride.” Word is that we will be
doing the “monks” card routine again with “Hallelujah” and there is a call for
non-singers who can do it.
Associate director Tony
Colosimo conducted a terrific lesson about the voice and vocal
mechanism. His maxim this week was
working on “tall in the back and small in the front.”
Acting operations vp Mark
Klostermeyer conducted the chapter meeting.
Chuck Harner explained
briefly the Entertainment Books the chapter sells as a fund raiser. These coupon books make us $5 per sale. Chuck can issue you books on
consignment. There are books for DC, No VA, MD and Richmond regions.
Sandy Stamps is also issuing lots of White House Ornaments
on consignment. This is an easy sell as
witnessed to YeEd last nite by a new
guy who took some to work and discovered they were a hit. He took 20 more in to work today.
Secretary Chris Buechler
offered our 50-year history books to new members or anyone who didn’t get one.
He also was selling left over teal short sleeve shirts at discount.
Then Chris presented
membership renewal cards to Adam Bradley
for 3 years; Edris Qarghah for 4
years; Eric Wallen for 15 years; and
Jared Gollnitz for 9years altho he
is a new Harmonizer having been a member of Kentucky Vocal Union.
Next the chapter secretary announced the opening of the chapter
meeting; that he had received a slate of candidates; and no other nominees had
been presented before the deadline.
Current president Steve Murane
conducted the election.
Officers and board
members for 2013 will be:
President - Alan Wile
Treasurer - Dave Welter
Secretary - Chris Buechler
VP - Operations - Bob Rhome
VP - Shows - Ken Rub
VP - Music & Performance - Brad Jones
VP - Marketing & PR - Scipio Garling
VP - Chapter Development (Membership) - Mark Klostermeyer
Member at Large (two positions) - Josh Roots, Greg Tepe (Nick Leiserson and Troy Hillier will continue on from this year)
Immediate Past President
- Steve Murane
Klostermeyer continued the meeting then with announcement of
a change in location for the weekly afterglow.
(YeEd reports: this week we
returned to Theisman’s where we were well received, had our own room and
waiter, and a good time for the 20 or so guys who made it.)
Josh Roots spoke on behalf of the Holiday Show management
team with news that the Saturday nite show is almost sold out, Saturday matinee
still has seats to fill, and Friday nite has a good number of seats to sell.
Show team Nick Leiserson
alerted all to watch for two important emails this coming week – one about the
many props needed for the show; and a second one about getting non-singers
signed up for the ‘monks’ project. Nick
also solicited volunteers to help on Friday of show weekend to decorate at 10
Singing Valentine chair Calvin
Schnure started the push for quartet sign up, as we will be selling SVs at
the show.
Silent Auction chair Brad
Jones suggests members start bringing in their donations for that
auction. Brad also thanked new member Carlos
Correa for his work on making personal visits to get donations from commercial firms in
Alan Wile reminded all the guys and the many guests to
check out the notebooks of Harmo Hero
Before the break, the meeting continued and membership vp Phil Ashford welcomed all the alumni by
name. Then we met the several singer applicants in house for the nite.
President Murane also
announced that we have a chairman for the trip to France for the D-Day Landing
Anniversary in June of 2014. Past
chapter president Ken Fess will head
up the team to plan and coordinate that activity.
We had a long break to celebrate with our alums with special cakes
decorated with a picture of the 1995 gold medal chorus. Thanks to Kevin
Kaiser for helping with the food and to those who brought goodies to share.
After the break, we watched the videos. Mike
Kelly reminded us that these videos are on the district website to be
Joe made more comments about the contest work and
invited the Harmo family to comment from the risers. It was a lively and positive discussion and
served as a reminder of the strengths of the chapter.
Then we reviewed three songs for next week’s recording
session. Usual time but at the First
Baptist Church, 2932 King Street in Alexandria.
We will be in the sanctuary. A
new person will be helping with the technical recording work – a contact from
the Pride of Baltimore chorus family, Cam Weiffenbach. Plan ahead for a new
route and for rides from the Metro as it is too far to walk from King St. Metro
to the church.
next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if
you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical
record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer
Chapter meeting. —YeEd.)