Sunday, August 9, 2015

Looking Back on the Aug 7th Market Square Sing

It was a lovely nite in Old Town Alexandria for this year’s Market Square sing out.  Despite threats of rain all day, the evening was cool and dry.  That helped the crowd grow as the people strolled thru the city.


A really good crew of Harmonizers made this annual show that we do as appreciation for support from the City of Alexandria.


Our riser crew and sound crew worked hard to set it all up.  Mike Kelly with Doug White did the sound – Mike was using all of our newly acquired sound equipment for this big show (including what looked like a I-pad to hold and direct sound even if he were singing on the risers).


Our a cappella group TBD wowed the audience with a couple of new songs – and using their new individual mics.


A chapter quartet of Rick Savage, Tony Colosimo, Drew Fuller and Steve White sang “God Bless the USA” and then the chorus did the last part with them and the tag.


Our audience really responded to this revamped patriotic package. They totally got into the “Armed Forces Medley” and clapped along for the “Stars and Stripes Forever. 


Dennis Richtey and Gary Fuller did the emcee work for the show.


The finale with the chorus moving off the risers out into the crowd was fun for all – and we were given nice postcard sized flyers about the Icon show to pass out.  Me might have even gotten a singer to come next Tuesday.


Associate director Tony Colosimo did the warm ups and was the soloist for “Bring Him Home.” Director Joe Cerutti was up front for the show and prompted a good review before the show inside City Hall. Tony and Terry Reynolds were soloists in “Tribute to World Peace.”


Community service guy Clyde Crusenberry helped with the contacts and chorus manager Mark Klostermeyer coordinated gathering and returning complimentary parking passes for the lot under the Square. Greg Tepe was show producer.


We wore our black casual chorus shirts and jeans.


Many members of the Harmonizer family went out to dinner with friends after the show.


Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 67th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.