Friday, December 19, 2008

Looking Back on Dec. 16th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on Dec. 16th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

Tonite’s gathering started a few minutes after 7 – the rainy weather and bad traffic took a toll on arrivals.

But in the end we had 58 or so guys. Director Joe had the singers form a circle in the middle of the room and every few minutes it grew and grew as guys arrived. He used this formation for a warm up session and some spot repair work on some songs that need a few notes or transitions or key changes corrected.

The FRIENDS leaders worked at selling the WHOs, script cards and the personalized ornaments.

A few guests did find us and were introduced.

The bad weather caused the program leaders to cancel the idea of going caroling again in Old Town. Instead, Joe invited everyone to come over to Theisman’s for a social time. In the end about 20 of us were there and the place gave us a big table in back. It was fun. We also sang a few carols and got great cheers.

Before we left Durant, Secretary Buechler gave renewal cards to Lew Klinge for 7 years; Mark Klostermeyer for 28 years; and Chuck Harner for 41 years.

Announcements included a reminder of the 3:30 pm chorus call for the dance show this weekend; a reminder to take care of room and ticket needs for Anaheim with Bob Rhome; and to order tickets for the President’s Banquet Jan. 17th at Bowling AFB – see Jack Cameron.

Next week we do the Harmo traditional carol sing at Alexandria Hospital. Meet at the Hospital a few minutes before 7. Bring in the parking ticket from the lot to be stamped by our host – save a few bucks.

And there will be rehearsal on Dec. 30th at Durant. Watch emails too for word about all the new music coming out that singers need to be working on for the spring show AND for the contest package.

Until next time – editorjack!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Looking Back on Dec. 9th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on Dec. 9th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

Since we were not gonna be in Durant much past 8:15 Tues nite, the crew didn’t set up risers. But set up chairs instead.

So it was funny when they called out “chairs” at 7 pm to get the guys to sit down.

After some warm up time, Ken Fess and Ken White did a teaser about the 2009 Spring Tonic, May 8 and 9. Mark your calendars. REVILLE from NY will be headliner quartet.

Director Joe worked on 2 or 3 songs we used to sing that will be coming back into the song list for shows. He kept the guys singing til it was time to “go a caroling” in Old Town. The guys got the hall empty in a hurry to be on time to gather at Market Square and head out to restaurants and eateries.

Mark Klostermeyer and crew had gone in advance and arranged for our visits.

It was great fun and the street crowds really got into it. More than once, a couple would hear us at one place, then follow us to the next stop to hear us again. Will and Mike each got turns at directing a song with Joe. We did three at each place – a fast, slow and fast. Then exited quickly on “We Wish You…”

Before we left Durant there were a lot of business matters on the docket. Sales of scripts for holiday gifts were selling well. And many guys decided to bring a check book next week for photos, President Banquet tickets ($30 ea. for a great buffet and fun – let’s all go this year), WHOs and Entertainment books. Next week is the deadline for some of these items.

Also take note of deadlines for Anaheim room reservations and ticket orders. Bob Rhome is prompting us on those important items.

Don’t forget to collect Campbell Soup labels and bring them in.

Gary Bibens gave extensive thank you words for those who put in extra efforts to make it another successful Holiday show. The FRIENDS group did a brisk business selling decorated Harmo bears, and special holiday tree ornaments which Linda Odell personalized on the spot for customers.

The cookies trays were fun – many thanks to all who brought in goodies for the tables. There were just a few leftovers and they got consumed before the chapter meeting started! And thanks to Gayle Nelson for the chocolate reindeer cupcakes which were the centerpiece of our cookie trays at the show. Until next time – editorjack!