Friday, February 28, 2025

Looking Back on the Feb. 25, 2025 Alexandria A Cappella Collective Meeting

 Looking Back on the Feb. 25, 2025 Alexandria A Cappella Collective Meeting

The Tuesday, Feb. 25, meeting was at AlexRenew in Old Town Alexandria. 

Metro Voices worked with a coach, Peter Cunningham, who is a Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) singing judge and was part of a Collegiate Champ quartet with Kevin Mendez. He is from Texas. The chorus is preparing for its first official contest at Southern Division and worked on “After You, Who?” and “World Here I Am.” Samantha Tramackdirected their rehearsal session. Tessa Walker sat in on parts of the Harmonizer rehearsal in order to get the announcement information and take it in to the Metro Voices session. 

The Harmonizers worked on “Come Follow The Band,” “Toyland,” and began working on a new song, “What a Wonderful World.” Zak Sandler initiated a discussion of emotions and how to show them as relates to “Toyland.”  That work will continue next week. 

Tony Colosimo, associate director of the Harmonizers, conducted vocal warm ups for them. Artistic director, Joe Cerutti, expressed appreciation to the AACC members (ten Harmonizers and nine Metro Voices) who sang for the Defense Attaché Community at the Danish Ambassador’s residence on Feb. 20. E J Herold reports that they were extremely well received by the banquet guests and the Prince and Princess. Members were invited to enjoy the foods and reception as well as meet and talk to the attendees. Ambassador Jesper Moller Sorensend greeted the singers and welcomed them to his home.

The audience of 190 included defense attaches and their wives from countries around the world, plus senior civilian and military officials from the US government. Danish royalty - Prince Joachim of Denmark, brother to the King, and his wife, Princess Marie - were introduced to the chorus and many members spoke to the Prince and Princess.

There was great audience support when the singers did our National Anthem and “Armed Forces Medley” as openers for the evening.  Then, after dessert, the combined groups did a second set with songs by Metro Voices with Maggie McAlexander directing,  and the Harmonizers with Tony Colosimo directing. The combined ensembles sang “Why We Sing” and “I’m Still Standing.” Terry Reynolds did the emcee duties.  This chapter outreach effort will likely lead to other appearances at embassy events.

Next, Joe gave a final push for the chapter gala organized by Ken Rub, development director. This year’s gala will be March 1, 2025, themed “Emerald Affair, ” at the Torpedo Factory Art Center, 105 N Union St., Alexandria, VA 22314, at 7:30-10 pm. Keynote speaker for the event is Dr. Jim Henry, director of the Ambassadors of Harmony in St. Louis and popular coach of the Harmonizers. Guest quartet will be SECRET BEST FRIENDS, current champs of Mid Atlantic District. 

Randall Eliason sent a message to all members and friends of the chapter announcing that the fund raising silent auction held as part of the gala is now open for bids. Bidding will close on Saturday evening at the Gala. Auction items include travel events, restaurants, professional services like voice lessons or piano tuning, or recreation events.

Joe shared details of the latest project by the chapter - to bring barbershop singing experience to students in the DC Public School system. There will be 136 students at the Fri., March 7, event at UDC on Connecticut Ave. at 4 pm. Tessa Walker will be major clinician for this educational event. Mark Oswald is coordinating the chapter’s efforts to collect waters and snacks for the youth event. Members can also give cash donations to Mark or Randy Lazear at chapter or bring supplies like energy bars and chips or snack packs.  Members and friends are encouraged to attend the 4 pm clinic wrap up at UDC – to help build an audience to honor the youthful enthusiasm. It’s free. 

Joe also confirmed that the annual interview process is moving along to near completion.  Finally, he confirmed that the chapter meeting will be at AlexRenew next week.

President, Craig Kujawa, served as business meeting chair this week.  

Craig encouraged members to be sure to get their registrations for the Southern Division contest in March.  Metro Voices will sing 9th at that contest (the very first official contest for Metro Voices) and the Harmonizers will sing 12th.  There will be a good number of quartets from the chapter in the contest too – some of our newest members are singing as quartets! Call times for the chorus members will be determined soon. He also shared word about an afterglow that weekend sponsored by three M-AD chapters.  Anyone can attend for $5.

Next, Craig introduced the members of the AACC Chapter Awards Committee. All AACC members will be invited to suggest possible recipients for the 2024 awards. This committee will collect the suggestions and boil them down to a recommended list of recipients for the chapter board. The committee includes Jack Pitzer, Bob Blair, Mark Klostermeyer, Steve White, Anne Ermlick, Carey Fagerstrom, and Charlyne “Chuck” Miller.  They will be communicating to their fellow AACC members on how to recommend recipients and what the awards are.  Stay tuned. 

Finally, Craig explained the long-standing Angel Fund that is managed in the chapter by the president.  The funds are used to assist members who need financial help for conventions, contests, travel and such.  Member should feel comfortable to speak to Craig about such needs.  And other members are encouraged to offer non tax deductible donations to the Angel Fund – donations go directly to the Angel Fund via the chapter president. 

Members were asked to submit their availability via Groupanizer to sing for two more Honors Flights  - both at 8 am. For April 19 and April 26. 

Membership director, Jacob Broude, asked members to update their contact info in Groupanizer. Then he welcomed the following returning guests: AJ Gupta, Brigham Blackhurst, Muamen AlsheakhMichael Snow, Patrick Horne, Heather Huish; and first time guests: Jackson Byrd and Stephanie Byrd.  Tony directed the chapter “Welcome Song.”

The two ensembles each ended their session with “Keep the Whole World Singing” as the closing number for the evening. Joe issued the usual invite to the afterglow at the Harmo House explaining the location and pizza-slice-count to the many guests. 

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 76th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)


The Chapter Mission Statement: Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.