Friday, August 26, 2016

Looking Back on the Aug. 23rd Chapter Meeting

This week’s rehearsal was in the round again. Associate director Tony Colosimo did the warm ups and got the large summer chorus ready for director Joe Cerutti. Part of the time, Joe invited quartets or octets to the center of the circle to sing the songs or alternated them and the full chorus to sing parts. 


We worked on the new fall show music, patriotic music for Dog Days and the second half we worked on Harvey Milk music also for the fall show.  Joe expressed excitement for the fall show and hopes everyone is working to get the patrons lined up to attend.  Tickets are on sale now on the web site. We will be featuring our own DA CAPO quartet (perhaps after a district championship in Sept.).  We also will have a guest piano artist to lead the audience in a Beatles sing-a-long. Joe reminded us that we actually have all the music learned for the show (we will not be adding another Beatles song as originally announced.) The fall show is Oct 15th at  Schlesinger Hall on campus of NVCC in Alexandria.


That leaves us time to learn five new songs for the holiday show Dec. 16 and 17 at GMU Harris Theater.


Executive director Terry Reynolds announced that Drew Fuller volunteered to drive the Harmo truck to NY to drop off our risers recently purchased by our friends at West Chester County NY Chapter.  It was quite a trip driving the truck that far.  Their chapter provided labor to unload.  Bob Blair helped coordinate a crew of guys to sort and load things on this end – Steve Szyszka, Mike Moncibaiz, Harold Weinberger, Carl Kauffmann and  Dean Rust.


Terry reminded guys about the meeting on Thursday nite at Durant at 7 pm to discuss educational plans for next year.


He reminded guys about the plans for the Dog Days event in Manassas at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 12975 Purcell Rd, Manassas.  We sing last but all of us that can make it at the 7 pm start should be there to meet and greet other barbershoppers in the area. There are refreshments.  Our guys actually provide sound support and the host chapter, Prince William County, will unload our Harmo van and set up the risers.


Uniforms are the black logo shirt and jeans. Planned song list: “America, Stars and Stripes, Lullaby, Hey Jude, Ob La Di, All You Need is Love.”  New members and guests are welcome and encouraged to attend. This is a great chance for your family and friends to come hear us too.  There are lots of seats in this air conditioned hall at the church. And there is plenty of parking.  Plan ahead to combat a little traffic if you can leave the city til after work.  Or plan a ride with some other guys.


Terry asked the chorus how many guys could sing at a City of Alexandria 9/11 event on Sat. Sept 10th at 5 pm at Market Square.  The numbers seemed good, so stay tuned for an invite via Groupanizer.


Members should mark their calendar for the show on Sat nite Sept. 24th.


President Randall Eliason gave an update on some member issues – Michael Gilmore’s wife is in the hospital; Lew Klinge is making progress after his partial knee replacement; Dick Hall is recovering from his heart operation at Washington Hospital Center as of Tues nite; Bob Wilson continues with his chemo treatments.


Bob Blair has stepped up to be acting operations director for the chapter since Doug White left for his new duty station in Korea (good to have learned Doug and his family have arrived safely).


Secretary Chris Buechler presented membership renewal cards to Randall Eliason for 21 years; Dick Dangel for 24 years and Mick Stamps for 37 years.


Rich Hewitt welcome guests and applicants.


After break we worked more on show music.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 68th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd