Sunday, April 15, 2012

Looking Back on the April 10th Chapter Meeting

Lots of activity before the start of the rehearsal and meeting this week.  Set up crews at work, lots of scrip sales with Ian Poulin, guests arrival, guests working with a practice quartet, Alan Wile taking mug shot pictures for future Harmo Hero articles, guys who come right from work stopping in for an early cookie or pretzel, stage presence reviews on the stage with Chuck McKeever, members of the FRIENDS group arriving for their meeting, quartets preparing for Southern Division checking signals, and guys getting on the risers early for the start of the action.

Mark Klostermeyer filled in for ops vp Scott Kahler this week. And YeEd notes that Jim Lake is handling pitch pipe duties these days.

Musical director Joe Cerutti led the charge for work on some repertoire songs.  At the same time, chapter president and a rep from the membership team and music team met with all new chorus members since the 2011 International in Kansas City to brief them on expectations regarding uniforms, events they should attend, and other expectations.

Joe also had the chorus work on our new show opener, “I’m The Music Man.”  Joe joked that Dallas Vocal Majority had sent someone to check that we were doing it right – Joe referring to a guest on the riser in his VM shirt – Martin Taylor.

(YeEd was wondering how many guys remember to take a Harmo shirt or logo item when they go on business travel and might visit another chapter? And/or take your name tag?)

Pre-break announcements included a push by Ken White (filling in for shows vp Brian Ammerman) to get more guys to sign up to do the May 10th away show in Philly.  It is a pay gig and would help take the pressure off the fall schedule when we have the China trip, etc. and no time for a fall show.

Membership vp Phil Ashford welcomed a good crew of guests including five applicants – David DesPortes, Rich Hewitt, Logan Lenhart, John Greene, Jerry Higgins; one first-timer, Martin Taylor; and one returnee, Paul Agnew who sings in PURSUIT quartet in Sunshine District.  Jacob George, a member of the membership committee, was on duty to help welcome and sign in guests early in the evening.

After the coffee break time, there were some more announcements, including reminders to be at Durant this Sat nite for the Youth Harmony Festival at 6 pm.  Songs will be “Great Day,” “Summertime” and “Stars and Stripes.”  Set up for the Festival is Fri nite with riser crews and set up crews needed.

Marketing vp Steve Lingo passed out spring show flyers for the June 9th big one.  Ticket box office opens on April 24th.

Assistant director Terry Reynolds spoke about auditioning for solos in “Jersey Boys” medley.

President Steve Murane reminded his board of their next meeting on Wed April 18th at 7 pm at Durant.  And Brad Jones announced that he had received word just tonite that the flight to China will depart from JFK at 4:50 pm on Sept. 2.

A big part of the second half of the singing nite was to improve our skills as members of one of the four quads. After those rehearsals, Joe invited the Upper Right Mini Chorus to perform the contest package for all. They were great.

Joe took a couple minutes before the close of the meeting to report that Erin Odell continues her incredible recovery.  The family still wishes us to correspond and offer support via the Caring Bridge site.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —YeEd.)