Monday, June 24, 2024

Looking Back on the June 20, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Extra Meeting and June 21 Service for Elaine Cooper

 Looking Back on the June 20, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Extra Meeting and June 21 Service for Elaine Cooper

The musical leadership team for the Alexandria A Cappella Collective (AACC) scheduled an extra meeting for the two ensembles to prepare for their appearances in Cleveland.

Associate director of the Harmonizers, Tony Colosimo, conducted a warmup session for the combined ensembles. 

Artistic director, Joe Cerutti, thanked everyone for making the extra effort on a Thursday night to come to Beth El.  The riser crew came early to set up equipment.

Joe took the combined ensembles through three extra songs they will perform at the ‘send-off’ concert next Tuesday night, also at Beth El. (Joe has invited any AACC singers who sang at Wolf Trap but are not going to Cleveland to join in singing the three extra songs.) 

On June 25, there will be a need for chorus volunteers to set up chairs for the many guests who will attend the send-off – which might include members of the Beth El community who have been invited. Non-singers can arrive about 7:45 pm for the 8 pm performance.

Note: there will be another extra rehearsal on Thursday, June 27, at AlexRenew, in preparation for Cleveland.

Chapter president, Noah Van Gilder, reminded members that there 15 days until the choruses  will be on stage in Cleveland.  He repeated his cheer to “get excited, and get prepared!”

The correct date for the retirement ceremony for Craig Kujawa is July 13. Those attending should prepare for entry onto the military installation that day or ride with someone who has a pass.

Craig also alerted Cleveland singers that they must be sure their membership renewals are current (some expire about now); that everyone must have a full convention registration to compete; and that a riser crew will be needed in Cleveland about 4 pm on Tuesday, July 2.

There were some guests present at this meeting, Donell Torres and his wife Molly are in town from St. Louis to help Lance and Sophie move into their new apartment; and Jordan Zimmerman was in town to look for housing for he and his wife when they move back to the DC Metro area. Jordan sings lead in a quartet with Jason Lee, Ken White and Mike Fasano.

 The rehearsal went to 10 pm again so everyone helped with loading the risers in the Harmo truck(which actually stays in the back lot of Beth El these days). A good crowd came to an afterglow at the Harmo house.

On Friday, June 21, the AACC singers attended and sang at the Celebration of Life for Elaine Cooper, 77, who died in January.  She was a founding member of Metro Voices after many years as a barbershop singer and chapter leader. About 25 AACC members came to the service at Lyon Park Community Center, in Arlington, VA.  There was a space for the chorus to assemble and Tony conducted warm up for “Why We Sing.”  During the service Joe spoke about Elaine’s loyal service and courage as a chorus leader.  She was an active barbershopper before she joined Metro Voices, having sung with the Pride of Baltimore, Greater Harrisburg, Potomac Harmony, Vienna-Falls, and Scottsdale Sweet Adeline choruses. Her sons, Carlton and Matt Greene gave tribute to her many skills and talents. 

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 75th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)


The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.


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