Thursday, June 20, 2024

Looking Back on the June 18, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting

 Looking Back on the June 18, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting 

With an ever-changing rehearsal location, this week’s Alexandria A Cappella Collective (AACC) meeting was at Heritage Presbyterian Church on Fort Hunt Road.  It was a longer drive for most and especially a challenge for those members who take public transportation to chapter meetings. The Harmonizers used the risers in the Fellowship Hall of the church, and Metro Voices used the sanctuary.

Associate director of the Harmonizers, Tony Colosimo, conducted the Harmonizer warmup, and director of Metro Voices, Samantha Tramack conducted their warm up. 

Artistic director, Joe Cerutti, met with the members who will sing at the celebration of life for Elaine Cooper Friday, June 21, from 11 am – 2 pm at Lyon Park Community Center, 414 North Fillmore Street, Arlington, VA 22201.  

On June 25, we will have our annual ‘send-off’ concert  (a performance by both ensembles for fans before we go to Cleveland – it’s a long standing chapter tradition – family, friends and patrons are welcome to attend) at Beth El. Non-singers can arrive about 7:45 pm for the 8 pm performance. 

Note: there will be two extra rehearsals on Thursdays, June 20, at Beth El, and June 27 at AlexRenew, in preparation for Cleveland.

Here is a preview of the AACC schedule for July, 2024: 7/2 - in Cleveland; 7/9 – no meeting; 7/16 – an education meeting at The Bike Club; 7/23 – short rehearsal for the outdoor performance and then watch “American Harmony;” 7/24 – the outdoor concert at Franconia District Park amphitheater just off Telegraph Road; 7/30 – singing in Old Town Alexandria.

Chapter president, Noah Van Gilder, reminded members that there 17 days until the choruses  will be on stage in Cleveland.  He repeated his cheer to “get excited, and get prepared!”

The correct date for the retirement ceremony for Craig Kujawa is July 13.

Tessa Walker met with all the first-timers-going-to-an-International-convention and provided tips and suggestions as to what to expect, what to bring, what will happen, how AACC will function during the week.  Convention coordinator, Craig Kujawa, added information. Her presentation is on SLACK.

Both ensembles worked on their music to incorporate the changes and suggestions from recent rehearsals. The Harmonizers worked to use the whole stage and to adjust to where the director will be for the songs. At one point, the Harmonizer front row faced the chorus so the riser singers could see the performance. There was a bandana check for the Class of 2024 too! 

After the 50/50 drawing, Lance Fisher directed “Keep the Whole World Singing.”

Rehearsal ran nearly to 10 pm, and everyone pitched in to put the risers back onto the Harmo truck.  Dana Richardsoninvited the chapter to her home, which was nearby, for the afterglow.  Joe took a count for the pizza order too. It was a great afterglow – some tag singing on the patio, good eats, and some gathered round the piano with Zak Sandler at the keyboard.  Thanks Dana. A barbershopper from the Seattle area, Kevin, also made his way to the rehearsal and afterglow.


In other news, an early member of the Harmonizer chorus, Jack Crickenberger, died on Saturday.  He was 96.  He joined the chapter in 1950 and stopped singing in 1964, but he came to chapter meetings often to “see how the boys are doin.”  He was the bass in the chapter’s sixth quartet ever formed - the CONFEDERAT NOTES.  He was a lawyer in Northern Virginia and some of us used his firm for wills and estate planning.  He was also the chapter’s registered agent for many years.  He liked to arrange songs for quartets and the chorus, but he never put his name on the arrangement – instead he used “N Fringer” as his signature.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 75th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)


The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.


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