Looking Back on the July
31st Chapter Meeting
This was another busy work nite for the
Harmonizers as we prepare for our fall show.
At 7:45 we were visited by members and guests of the Henry
Knox Field - John Blair Lodge, No. 349, which also meets at Scottish Rite
Temple on Tuesday nights. They are having a "friends and family"
dinner downstairs and asked whether they could hear us perform. The chorus was
asked to wear the black Harmonizer camp shirt.
Also this week there was a major effort to determine correct
size for all singers for the new uniforms that are on their way to the
chapter. Uniform coordinator Robyn Murane was in charge.
Director Joe Cerutti
did the warm ups and conducted the music for the nite.
There was some review of stage presence before the meeting
for the front row and special groups that will help sell a couple of the songs.
Communications director Steve
Murane conducted the chapter meeting.
He reminded all that all regular and special chapter meetings
will be at the Scottish Rite Temple.
There will be a 20-page printed program for the fall show and
there are still some spaces left for ads.
Members can buy one, or a quartet, or a section like the baritones could
buy one. Or the firm you work for could
buy one. Contact Casey Belzer or Joe Cerutti Sr.
Ticket chairman Ian
Poulin requests that all consignment tickets of the money for them be
turned in no later than next Tuesday nite.
Be sure to check the email about the England trip sent by Brad Jones and note the deadline
Steve talked the whole chorus thru a
FaceBook effort to promote the show.
Ken Rub announced the plans for the Platinum
reception after the fall show. Tickets will be $35 each and must be purchased
in advance. Bar, hors d oeuvres, meal
catered by Maggiano’s, plus appearances by our guests. At the Lee Center in Alexandria.
President Shawn Tallant reported on the recent passing of former member Rob Nutt, and reported that Bob Wachter is at Inova Fairfax
Hospital. Mike Everard is recovering at Mt. Vernon Inova Hospital following
the amputation of his left foot below the knee.
Cards and emails only at this point to the home address. He is making
progress. Sandy Stamps got good news from her bone surgery and is recovering
at home.
Chapter secretary Chris Buechler presented membership renewal cards to Rasmus Krigstrom for six years (Joe to deliver to him); and Edris Qarghah for ten years.
Reynolds announced that the return appearance at Strathmore is a “on” for
Sept. 16th; and there is a paid job for the chorus on Sat. Oct. 20th.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you
were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record
of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the
Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd
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