Thursday, July 26, 2018

Looking Back on the July 24th  Chapter Meeting 

Even tho a large part of the chapter’s musical leadership was at Harmony University (HU) in Nashville, we had a very good work session on songs for the important fall show coming up Sept. 8th.
Will Cox was on hand to do one of his iconic warm up sessions.  Assistant director Chuck Hunter was director-in-charge for the nite.  Choreographer Carlos Barillo and Bruce Roehm worked with the chorus on the visual plans for “Steppin Out” early in the evening. Near the end of the nite we reviewed performing “Miller Medley” and “Great Day.” Chuck McKeever did the video recordings for these work sessions.
Communications director Steve Murane conducted the chapter meeting starting with confirmation that all of the August regular chapter meetings and special meetings will be at Scottish Rite Temple.
Everyone needs to review the email message from Casey Belzer regarding selling advertisements for the show program.  If a member knows of a strong prospect and can’t make “the ask” they should contact Casey or Joe Cerutti Sr.
Steve asked for all of the new uniforms that are to be turned in to be handed to him at break so he could check the owners’ name off the list he was missing.
Also everyone needs to review the message from Brad Jones about the quickly approaching England trip deadlines and payments.
Show ticket chairman Ian Poulin announced that unsold consignment tickets and monies collected for sold tickets must be turned in to him on Tues. July 31st.
The team of Alan Wile and Walt Page are eager every Tuesday to accept 50/50 purchases.
President Shawn Tallant reported on the exchange of the new uniforms for something else.  Thus the need for all those new uniforms to be turned in this week to Robyn or Steve Murane.
Shawn also reported on some members with health issues.  Sandy Stamps is home recovering from surgery in her mouth to manage soft tissue cancer.  Bob Wachter is home and receiving in home care. Ross Johnson will have eye surgery here in the DC area soon.  Mike Everard is in Mount Vernon Hospital rehab center for circulatory issues.
Chapter secretary Chris Buechler presented a seven year membership renewal to Steve Szyszka.
Calvin Schnure welcomed our guests on behalf of the membership team – Chris and Jacob.
The second half of the nite was solid work on music and visuals for the show and a great introduction to singing and performing the finale for the show – “Anthem.”
Director Joe Cerutti, associate director Tony Colosimo, assistant directors Mike Kelly and Terry Reynolds were all in Nashville at HU.  Last weekend, Terry, Dennis Ritchey and Bob Eckman attended the Leadership Summit in Nashville which preceded HU.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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