Friday, December 19, 2008

Looking Back on Dec. 16th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on Dec. 16th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

Tonite’s gathering started a few minutes after 7 – the rainy weather and bad traffic took a toll on arrivals.

But in the end we had 58 or so guys. Director Joe had the singers form a circle in the middle of the room and every few minutes it grew and grew as guys arrived. He used this formation for a warm up session and some spot repair work on some songs that need a few notes or transitions or key changes corrected.

The FRIENDS leaders worked at selling the WHOs, script cards and the personalized ornaments.

A few guests did find us and were introduced.

The bad weather caused the program leaders to cancel the idea of going caroling again in Old Town. Instead, Joe invited everyone to come over to Theisman’s for a social time. In the end about 20 of us were there and the place gave us a big table in back. It was fun. We also sang a few carols and got great cheers.

Before we left Durant, Secretary Buechler gave renewal cards to Lew Klinge for 7 years; Mark Klostermeyer for 28 years; and Chuck Harner for 41 years.

Announcements included a reminder of the 3:30 pm chorus call for the dance show this weekend; a reminder to take care of room and ticket needs for Anaheim with Bob Rhome; and to order tickets for the President’s Banquet Jan. 17th at Bowling AFB – see Jack Cameron.

Next week we do the Harmo traditional carol sing at Alexandria Hospital. Meet at the Hospital a few minutes before 7. Bring in the parking ticket from the lot to be stamped by our host – save a few bucks.

And there will be rehearsal on Dec. 30th at Durant. Watch emails too for word about all the new music coming out that singers need to be working on for the spring show AND for the contest package.

Until next time – editorjack!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Looking Back on Dec. 9th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on Dec. 9th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

Since we were not gonna be in Durant much past 8:15 Tues nite, the crew didn’t set up risers. But set up chairs instead.

So it was funny when they called out “chairs” at 7 pm to get the guys to sit down.

After some warm up time, Ken Fess and Ken White did a teaser about the 2009 Spring Tonic, May 8 and 9. Mark your calendars. REVILLE from NY will be headliner quartet.

Director Joe worked on 2 or 3 songs we used to sing that will be coming back into the song list for shows. He kept the guys singing til it was time to “go a caroling” in Old Town. The guys got the hall empty in a hurry to be on time to gather at Market Square and head out to restaurants and eateries.

Mark Klostermeyer and crew had gone in advance and arranged for our visits.

It was great fun and the street crowds really got into it. More than once, a couple would hear us at one place, then follow us to the next stop to hear us again. Will and Mike each got turns at directing a song with Joe. We did three at each place – a fast, slow and fast. Then exited quickly on “We Wish You…”

Before we left Durant there were a lot of business matters on the docket. Sales of scripts for holiday gifts were selling well. And many guys decided to bring a check book next week for photos, President Banquet tickets ($30 ea. for a great buffet and fun – let’s all go this year), WHOs and Entertainment books. Next week is the deadline for some of these items.

Also take note of deadlines for Anaheim room reservations and ticket orders. Bob Rhome is prompting us on those important items.

Don’t forget to collect Campbell Soup labels and bring them in.

Gary Bibens gave extensive thank you words for those who put in extra efforts to make it another successful Holiday show. The FRIENDS group did a brisk business selling decorated Harmo bears, and special holiday tree ornaments which Linda Odell personalized on the spot for customers.

The cookies trays were fun – many thanks to all who brought in goodies for the tables. There were just a few leftovers and they got consumed before the chapter meeting started! And thanks to Gayle Nelson for the chocolate reindeer cupcakes which were the centerpiece of our cookie trays at the show. Until next time – editorjack!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Looking Back on Dec. 2nd Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on Dec. 2nd Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

Warm ups and extra practices on stage were underway to kick off this week too.

Director Joe was back from his trip to Europe (fighting a time lag) and ready to work hard on this busy nite. Early on the chorus sang the two song they will perform with the Woodbridge Dance Academy on our show (and on their show on Dec. 20th). It will be a great addition to our show format. (I understand Ike Evans has family in the group and they had done a dance piece using our “Happy Feet Medley” for a dance competition.)

Jack-in-the-box, Terry Reynolds, and his Elf Supervisor, Scipio Garling, will be a fun part of the show and will lead the chorus members into all sort of antics and reactions to the all-too-corny jokes and gags. It will bring lots of laughs.

Bibens and K. Jones and Joe helped the members understand how they will be involved in serving the meals, and getting back and forth to the stage, and leading their tables in singing “Twelve Days of Christmas.” The chorus practiced marching about and singing the presentation song.

Roger introduced guests and then it was a busy break with tickets to buy and sell, and ornaments to get, and pictures to pick up from contest, and a little visiting, and try to get a cup of coffee to warm up.

Meeting items included a welcome back to former member Carlos Bermudez and his wife and daughter in town from Tampa for work; President Stamps sharing letters from the students who attended the Veteran’s Day event when the chorus sang; Secretary Buechler presented new member card to Josh Roots and renewal cards to Jeremy Knobel for 2 years, Drew Fuller for 19 years, and Len Dornberger for 24 years; invite from Alan Wile to attend the Tuba Christmas event at Kennedy Center on Mon. Dec. 8th at 6 pm.

Show announcements included reminders about bringing two wrapped boxes and 4-doz. cookies or fruit with you to the show Friday nite. Come help Roger decorate on Friday after about 11 am. An important DRESS REHEARSAL is set for Thursday nite, Dec. 4th at 7 pm at First Baptist! Elf and Toy characters should wear their costumes that nite. Sign up for the tables you want to serve or you will get assigned one, for each of the three shows.

Did you see all the many references to our chapter and lots of Harmonizer faces in the recent Harmonizer magazine. Too many to even try to list here.

Great to see the work by many guys in adding the press to the start of each song and working at adding holiday facials as suggested by Chuck McKeever’s visual team. His work behind the scenes to add these useful tools for the chorus members is right on target to help make shows and performances truly entertaining.

All the sound effects created by Scott Kalher for the show made the evening extra fun. He used the trumpet fanfare for the call to the risers at 7 pm!

Until next time – editorjack!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Looking Back on November 25th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on Nov. 25th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

Warm ups and extra practices on stage were underway to kick off the evening.

Director Joe was on personal travel, so assistant directors Will, Tony and Mike were at the helm. Terry Reynolds also was involved a lot in the evening as he is the jack-in-the-box for the holiday show. And he helped the chorus and directors know about the transitions with the songs and the script. Should be fun.

Gary Plaag lead another review for chorus members to work on their facial animation. He spoke in terms of kinds of songs and how to add that extra sparkle.

Gary Bibens also briefed the chorus about their waiter duties amidst singing on the show. Tony helped lead the chorus thru a drill of singing and walking/marching and carrying food.

We had a good crop of guests this week again.

After break, announcements in the business session included remarks from President Stamps about today’s funeral for former member Randy Mellon in Winchester. Bibens added a reminder of the holiday show dress rehearsal with full costumes. And he reminded all to bring cookies/brownies or goodies to the Friday nite show to serve as dessert for the show patrons. Scott Kahler is filling in for Eric Wallen on gathering props for the show. See him if you are bringing items.

Ken Fess gave a plug for the fast approaching Spring Tonic that will be May 8 and 9, 2009, at Annandale High School. Members should alert their patrons to order tickets early – especially if they will not be at the holiday show to place an early order. Prices and more details promised via email.

Tony gave a plug for the Alexandria Singers show on Dec. 7th at 3 pm. He will have discounted tickets next Tuesday for any Harmonizers.

CAMERON STATON sang “Sleigh Bells” for the chorus.

Then it was back to show music preparation. The assistant directors thanked the chorus for hard work and support tonite while Joe was gone.

Until next time – editorjack!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Looking Back On Nov. 18th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on Nov.18th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

Dr. Paul Tamblyn was our guest Tuesday nite and “set the stage” about how the meeting would go in follow-up with the all-day Saturday session with him on the 15th. It started with warm up and Will. Working to reinforce and support the singers and help them learn – positive feedback.

In addition to our chorus practicing, the session helped our section leaders and assistant directors and musical leaders develop consistent skills in coaching and working with adult students.

The guys had worked hard to get to chapter since there was some kind of traffic snarl someplace and the roads in and around Alexandria were blocked. But a good crowd was on hand at 7 and most all there by 7:30.

Director Joe lead the musical work was on songs for the Holiday Shows – Dec. 5 at 7:30 and Sat Dec. 6 at 12:30 and 6. If you need to order tickets, call the box office right away! 703-910-4600.

Ticket guy Steve Murane was busy all evening on Tuesday filling orders, taking orders from guys, passing out tickets and helping the guys get seats for patrons. Thanks to him for taking on this important job for the chapter. He seems to stay calm thru it all!!

Did you see CMDR Kujuwa’s name in the Post or see him on Channel 4 or 7 recently. He heads up the team in charge of the Inaugural Parade.

There were lots of guys buying ornaments and script cards for the holiday season. Good to see Rob Nut who stopped buy to get a load to sell.

Tonite was the first time I have seen Mike Kelly out front as an assistant director. Congrats!!

Before break Roger introduced guests including Roger Arnold who is a 55-year member.

President Stamps took a straw vote about a show on Dec. 13th in Lancaster, PA. Full paying gig using our holiday package. Watch your emails, guys.

Holiday show reminders were about wrapping two boxes, bringing 4 dozen cookies Fri nite when you come to sing, and plan your costume and check in with Roger Day about it.

After some coffee to warm up (and yes a few cookies and stuff), it was back to the holiday music. Soloist got to work out again on their numbers.

Dr. Paul was the conscience all evening for the directors, keeping them brief and on target. I watched him give them positive feed back several times, in private.

In the end, there was no 50/50 winner, so next week you should buy tickets!! Dr. Paul directed KTWWS and then was surprised by our “it’s great to be a Harmonizer” cheer at the end.

Until next time – editorjack!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Looking Back on Nov. 11th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on Nov.11th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

I heard there was a nice turn out for the Veteran’s Day gig earlier at a Middle School. Our guys had fun doing it and the students were enthusiastic in learning of our Nation’s past.

The warm up session at Durant was a serious one to get the guys ready for a good rehearsal. Then Director Joe worked on rhythm exercises by having the guys clap on a variety of rhythm signals from Joe.

Gary Plaag reviewed several important positions for the Hamonizers such as the correct singing position, the opening position for songs, and the basic three or four focal positions we use in our songs. Wow what a difference they can make on our entertainment.

Director Joe drilled on “New York New York” and he had the four sections of the chorus fix their notes and such by forming into clumps in front of the risers. Similar work was done on “Toy Soldiers” so the chorus can sing it for the marching solders (who worked on stage before the rehearsal).

Will Cox worked on revival of “Toyland” for the show.

Bob Rhome gave some basic announcements before break. The board will meet Mon nite at Lee Center. Sat Nov. 15th is an important personal leadership and music training session for our chapter. All are invited from 9 am – 12 at Kena Temple Annex, 9001 Arlington Blvd. The top notch presenter for this event is Paul Tamblyn. Then at 1:30 the chorus is needed for more education.

Secretary Buechler gave membership renewal cards to Tom Kraus, 2 years; and Kyle Blomgren, 2 years.

CAMERON STATION was recognized for their appearance representing the chapter.

There were reminders for the Holiday Show: sell tickets and see Steve Murane; wrap two boxes and bring them to the Fri show; get your costume approved by Roger Day. AND each guy is asked to bring FOUR dozen cookies or brownies or bar cookies. These will be used to provide a special dessert for the three performances. Bring your donation on Friday nite.

Membership VP Roger introduced a line of guests and welcomed back Pete Frank after being away and John Pence after his operation.

After a busy break doing chapter business, getting a coffee and saying hi to one of the guys, work continued on holiday songs. Some of the show soloists got a chance to try it for the first time with the chorus.

Director Joe thanked all of his assistant directors and told his chorus they should help him say thanks to those guys!!!

Until next time – editorjack!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Looking Back on Nov. 4th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on Nov. 4th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

The chorus met in the school last nite since Durant was a polling place for the historic election!

But things were going on as usual – 50/50 sales, WHO sales, candy to snack on, committee members working on things, a board meeting in the corner. Toy soldiers were practicing on the stage in the school under the command of Carl Kauffmann. A quartet was working on a new song in one of the halls.

Here is an idea I heard about when I stopped to buy some script cards: be on the lookout to buy a Honey Baked Ham card (Eckman is planning to stock up on them and others) for your family holiday meals. Also get some cards for staff members or employees or as stocking stuffers or for the newspaper delivery person. How about offering to buy the door prizes for the company holiday party?

There were some empty spaces on the risers, but Director Joe plugged ahead and had the chorus review singing “New York New York” to see who could remember it. Some guys even tried to do the SP! Not too bad on the singing, but a lot of work in weeks ahead.

The plan is to do this song when we do the show with Manhattan Chapter, Feb. 28th, on Broadway.

Chuck Hunter directed one of the holiday songs and Tony Colosimo did another.

The holiday music is on the front burner to be ready for the Dec. 5 and 6 show at First Baptist.

Before break, secretary Buechler presented renewal cards to Roger Day for 20 years and Tom Hutton for 24 years.

Roger introduced 5 guests for the night. He thanked everyone for helping last week for the successful guest nite.

He also put in a plug for each guy to wrap two large empty boxes with shinny paper and bring them to the holiday show. No bows.

During the break, the group who can sing the November 11th daytime show ran thru their songs. They will sing at Oakland Elementary.

For the high school show on Nov. 12th, Joe will send out emails to those who are planning to fill this gig.

President Stamps invited any members of the chapter who are in leadership positions, who expect to be some day or who are just interested to attend the leadership training event this weekend. Three or four guys agreed to attend.

As a reminder, there is a chapter meeting and rehearsal on Nov. 11th. Back at Durant.

After the break and meeting, Joe returned to working on the show songs including the fun song the “singing elves and toys” will sing when they deliver the food at the show.

Until next time – editorjack!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Looking Back on Oct. 28th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on Oct. 28th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

Last nite we had a very successful guest nite and a great rehearsal in prep for upcoming shows.

There were lots of extra goodies last nite that guys brought in to share with the guests, and left over sodas from the weekend board retreat meeting.

I saw a “Vote Here On Nov. 4th” sign as I came into Durant last nite – so that means we will meet in Jeff Houston school next door on Tues., Nov. 4th.

There were almost 80 guys at the meeting this week, and I think Roger said 18 guests including family members who were visiting. The guests came from all around the DC metro area. Some were former active members of chapters, some found us via our ads on Facebook, and some were family members like Dan O’Brien’s son.

Will Cox did the musical warm ups. Gary Plaag did the physical warm up – as in the past done to the “In the Mood” music. Chuck Hunter did a craft session to reinforce lessons learned from the musical team.

The meeting room was set differently for the guest nite – the risers were backed up to the stage, about 50 chairs were set facing the risers, then admin tables behind them. I liked that set up. Seemed to be more open.

When Director Joe took over up front, he launched a solid work out session on major new songs and reviews of songs the chorus had done in the past. He included the guests up on the risers and it was fun to see them singing along and doing moves.

Congrats to Roger for making the really nice just-for-tonite guest books that had the music for the nite, a letter to the guest, and some things about the chapter.

While Joe worked on the music, he alternated having the guys in sectionals on the risers. He hinted some about the stage décor and plan for the Holiday Show – sounds like a good plan and explains why toys and elves.

Roger had enlisted a crew of guys to help with the guest process – Klinge and O’Brien were greeters. The PR guys were taking pixs for future promos.

Member recognition before break included membership renewal cards to Max Kieba for 8 years, Randy Lazear for 34 years and Jack Pitzer for 43 years. Good to see Patrick Kim, Kyle Blomgren and Jeremy Knobel back.

Then Roger had the fun to introduce all the guests. Dennis Ritchey did the honors of passing out First Timer Buttons – ala Vanna White.

The break was busy with guys getting goodies. Ornament sales are moving – but we can’t let up or we won’t beat last year’s record. Same with '09 Coupon Books.

During announcements, Roger asked for guys to get to work on their toy or elf costumes. And he asked each man to wrap two large empty boxes with shinny gift wrap (no bows) for the show.

The guests met with music team members and learned a tag or two and got some info about the chapter. While they were out, the chorus practiced the songs to sing for them. Joe let the guys vote if they should sing “Music” or “Soldiers.” “Music of the Night” won.

The chorus sang “Great Day,” “Music of the Night.” Then CAMERON STATION sang a couple of the good songs. And chorus ended their package show with “Clap Your Hands.”

After that it was back to work on show songs with the guests back on the risers.

Looks like several of the guests are singers and expressed some interest in checking us out further. Hope so.

We went close to 10 pm and so the crews worked hard and fast to load the truck for next week, and put things away.

Until next time – editorjack!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Looking Back on Oct. 21st Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on Oct. 21st Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

Since I was on business travel, Noah Van Gilder took these notes. Thanks, Noah.

Joe did warm-up, reminding us that every single breath we take should be the breath of a member of a top-ten chorus.

"Boat That's Leaving Soon For New York", "Summertime" and "Second Star" all were sung. Again, the emphasis was on breathing. We launched into the Christmas repertoire with "Ave Maria," "Caroling, Caroling," "The Christmas Song," and "Jingle Bell Rock."

Gary Bibens reminded everyone to keep working on their costumes for the holiday show, and to read the e-mail he sent out the preceding weekend for details.

The upcoming joint board meeting (including both the old board and the incoming board), taking place Saturday, October 25th, was announced as a reminder.

Roger introduced a crop of guests, including two or three new faces.

The group continued reviewing Christmas songs without much to-do. "Do You Hear What I Hear," "Sing We Now of Christmas," "Jingle Bells," "Secret of Christmas," "Let It Snow," and "Winter Wonderland" were all practiced, but the emphasis was mostly review rather than fixing and polishing. The exception was "Sing We Now of Christmas," which we sang in an end-to-end loop over and over again until we knew it by heart. That was pretty fun.

Until next time – editorjack!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Looking Back on Oct. 14th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on Oct. 14th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

They gave a 5-minute warning bell tonite so guys could finish work and tasks and visiting before getting on the risers at 7.

Director Joe took the helm early, tested the water on one of the new show songs and then sent everyone out for 20-minute sectionals. Then back to work on show songs – all things from out of the past, but good show songs and fun new things for a whole lot of the current guys on the risers.

Before break, there was the introduction of a long line of guests.

Following break was the chapter meeting period. Rhome announced a change at Durant – we can’t prop open that back door except during move in and move out of risers and such.

He also alerted all that costumes for the holiday show must be approved by either Bibens or Day.

And there was a board meeting in the kitchen at break. Outcome – our newest member, Joshua Roots.

Roger also stressed that guys should be planning to bring a guest for the big guest nite on Oct. 28th. He also solicited goodies be brought for the nite by any and all who can.

President Stamps reported on a warm letter of thanks the chapter got from Kevin King, Fred’s son, thanking us for the flowers and for the many guys who came over to offer support.

Mick also plugged participation in the Veteran’s Day show.

Brad Jones announced that the reorder of our holiday CD “Comfort and Joy” was available. Suggested selling them with White House Ornaments. Also any member can get 10 CDs for $100 at this time and you can make the 10 up from holiday CD or our regular CD.

Director Joe announced that Bob Wachter is taking a leave of absence til about March. Bob spoke up that his travel and work and meetings and quartet appearances will take him away from Tuesday nites til then. He also offered to help any singer who wants voice coaching on Thursday. Just call him.

Then it was back to singing and review on lots of great songs – especially some for the holiday show. But isn’t it great that we are working on spring tonic songs already!!!

Until next time – editorjack!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Looking Back on Fall Contest and Oct. 7th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on M-AD Fall Contest and Oct. 7 Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

This week the set up crew added a screen, projector etc. in prep for the meeting. Business was brisk for Lands End Harmo merchandise, script card sales, White House Ornaments, 50/50 tickets.

Will did the warm up. Chuck did a barbershop craft session (our word for a mini class).

Director Joe introduced guys to the “trophy” again – our 21st district championship. He took a seat in front of the chapter to chat. He told of his excitement and positive feelings about our contest success.

Then he shifted into a preview of our new contest uptune. And then a peak at next year’s music leaning season – more songs so customers, and the chorus, get some new tunes to enjoy.

Before break, Ken White recognized the quartets who competed in Wildwood and presented the traditional checks as chapter support.

President Stamps announced the board meeting date change to Sat. Oct. 25th. Old and new boards meeting together.

Bob Wells and Ned Duffey from the DC chapter came by to offer congrats and to plug their Harvest of Harmony, Nov. 1 at Lisner.

Roger introduced four guests.

After break, Dan O'Brien plugged the Oct. 28th guest nite and told about the chapter’s efforts on FaceBook to promote attendance. He suggested we all us emails to invite friends or FaceBook, if you use it.

Brian Ammerman thanks several guys for their work in helping him as business manager for the fall show: ad buyers, sponsors or benefactors, ticket salesmen, JP for help with program book, and Bibens for behind the scenes support.

Gary Bibens announced our participation with the Woodbridge Dance Troop for a holiday concert, Dec. 20th, at 5 pm. We report at 3:45. And also our plans to do a show on Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11th.

He also announced some plans for the upcoming Holiday Show, Dec. 4 and 5. Mark your calendars. And be ready to buy you table.

Then it was back to Joe and a long session on new show songs. And then on Holiday songs.

Report about the Fall Contest in Wildwood, Oct. 3 and 4.

Harnonizers were everywhere. We had a couple displays in the convention center lobby – from BACHELOR PARTY and for the chapter’s Youth Harmony Festival.

Erin Odell did a terrific job as MC for the quartet prelim round on Friday nite. Mike Pinto carried the MC ball for the chorus contest. And Dennis Ritchey was MC for the Saturday nite finals and show.

If you’d gone to the M-AD board meeting, it would have looked like a chapter board meeting. Same with the team that runs the convention and back stage such as sound, lights, back stage, contest, judges.

At the end of the quartet contest, we had six quartets in the top ten.

OLD SCHOOL - first
FULL TILT -third
PRIME TIME - tenth

YOUTH RECLAMATION PROJECT were Saturday nite mic testers as 11th place quartet. They also were named Senior quartet winner and will go to the midwinter conest in CA.

DOWNTOWN was 18th. FRiDAYS! had to scratch – Bob Caldwell had not voice.

The chorus won its 21st district contest with 1530 points. The troops performed well and made a good strike at the International level contest in July. We were 112 points above second place Dundalk. Manhattan was third. A brand new chapter in the district, Hell’s Kitchen, NY, were fourth with 20 guys.

The Harmonizer’s new ballad was well received. How about that thorough booklet Joe prepared to help with musical and visual interp. And how about the chorus for making it work, in just 5 days!

I won’t try to recall all the names here, but there were a lot of former members in the other choruses on stage. Our past president, Alan Wile, who is a member of the BHS board, was the official rep to this convention for the International president and board.

LAST KIDS PICKED announced their retirement at the afterglow. They really surprised all of us with a terrific parody – “We’re Gonna Loose to Joe” which was a spoof about knowing ahead of time that they would likely loose to Joe Connelly in OLD SCHOOL. Tony and all did great impressions of Rick Taylor and Joe C.

The extra rehearsal on Friday nite for our chapter was a warm gathering of the Harmo family and a launch for a good job Saturday. The audience got a taste of pure Harmo style on the Sat nite champs show with “Great Day.” Drunken Sailor,” and “Clap Your Hands.”

A highlight of the convention was a tribute to recently deceased Fred King – 150 or more guys sang “Auld Lang Syne.” Our own Bill Clark was narrator.

Hurray this was our last contest in the Wildwood convention center. I hear we will be going to Lancaster, PA, in 2009.

Thanks to Bob Rhome for organizing things for us – rooms, etc. Bill DePuy was Harmo truck driver.

And what a great weekend for our youngest guy, Ben Nelson, who competed and did the Sat nite show!!

Until next time – editorjack!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Looking Back on Fall Show & Sept. 30th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on Fall Show and Sept. 30th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

The chapter’s fall show was Sept. 26 and 27 at Bishop Ireton Hi School in Alexandria. Theme: The Steamer Trunk. Chorus sang at their A-game the whole weekend. Director Joe raved about their singing. And so did the crowds. There were several standing ovations.

PREMIERE quartet came out of retirement and wowed the crowds too. They got a Standing O both nites on one of their power ballads. Great to see Bill Clark, bass, and Fred Womer, lead – both former members of the chapter who now live in different states. And to have them join Paul Grimes, bari, and Rick Savage, tenor.

BACHELOR PARTY entertained with the fun style too in the show. They are always great reps from within the chapter.

CAMERON STATION had solid hits on all three shows and was also popular with the audiences. Lots of cheers and whistles.

Alan Durick and his wife, Lois, were the old timers who wandered up into their attic on stage and started finding things from the chapter’s past in the trunk. Alan sang in a bunch of quartets and was bari in REMINISCE, who won gold medals as 1995 Intl Seniors Quartet Champs. They came up from the Stanton, VA, area to help us.

There were a lot of men who helped make this show fly – starting with producer Paul Grimes; house manager and sales guy Brian Ammerman; ticket honchos Steve and Nick Murane; sound crew of Kahler, Ritchey and Matt Odell; lighting Dixie Kennett. The FRIENDS IN HARMONY ran their store in the lobby as well as sold goodies, and did the ushering (fun to see so many Harmonizer family members out there working like Erin and Ryan Odell). Another thing I notice at this show – how many chorus members had purchased sponsorships for the show. I think it was over 40 guys who stepped up to help.

Speaking of family, it was fun to run into Dave Ermlick and his wife, Fehr, and two teenage kids in the audience. Last time I saw the kids they were babies. Fehr often sang in our shows when we needed a leading lady.

The music team was proud of the singing and the dress rehearsal on Thursday nite even ended early as the songs were ready! The chapter surprised Director Joe at the Sat nite show and presented him with a K12 framed chorus picture from Nashville. And joined the audience is a robust cheer and applause for the guy out front.

Tuesday nite, Sept. 30th continued the momentum started on the weekend.

Full house early – already sitting on the risers and ready to go at 6:50 pm. The set up crew had put out 11 sections of risers so we could feel what it would be like in Wildwood when we take the stage of 11 sections there. No surprises.

Before the meeting there were a few guys trying hard to make the list and qualify with their SP for the contest songs.

After the good warm up, Joe took charge and set the mood for a nite of solid work. He started with accolades about the show weekend.

The right into “Clap” with moves and all. We are back to 4 benches of guys for front row thanks to hard work to catch up by Joe Sawyer, who looked smooth and ready to win!

A big thank you to Director Joe for the thorough job he did in creating a booklet presenting the visual and musical interp plan for the new ballad. And right off, the guys proved they had done their homework and were into the plan.

“Second Star” will shine bright in Wildwood!!!

There were usual chapter meeting elements to the evening: membership renewal cards for Wayne Adams, 5 years; Mike Schwartz, 14 years and Joe Wagovich, 27 years.

Announcements of all kinds. There is not a rehearsal this Thursday. Bob Rhome passed out a complete booklet of details and times for Wildwood.

Break and back to work on the contest songs.

The evening ended with a gleeful cheer from Joe in respect for the hard work of the men in the chorus.

And then -- no one was present with the winning 50/50 ticket!

Until next time – editorjack!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Looking Back on September 23rd Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on September 23rd Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

This week there was a bass sectional at 6, plus the usual brush up sessions on stage for gesture review, CAMERON STATION practice, set up and coffee making. And a show production crew at the director’s table up front.

After warm up, Director Joe extended his warm thanks to all who make the long trip and gave up the weekend for the show in Erie, PA. Sounds like it was success. Later in the evening the check for $6800 was presented to the treasurer.

What a treat during the review period to hear the warm rich sounds of “I’ll Be Seeing You” come from the risers.

Paul Grimes, show producer, took the helm and ran thru the script dialog and Joe did a start of each song. Amidst that, CS sang one of their new songs – it is from Westside Story.

Will be fun to have Alan and Lois Durick, former Harmonizer leaders and he a top notch quartet guy, back to serve as the main characters in the show. They live in the Charlottesville area.

Grimes also reminded members about uniform needs, the time for volunteers to bring in props, that there will be a cast party at Generous Georges’ on Fri nite and then the usual afterglow on Sat nite at Fuddruckers.

Hope some of the inactive men who get this will come out for one of the shows this weekend at Bishop Ireton. 8 pm Fri nite and then at 2 and 8 pm on Sat. Plenty of tickets at the box office. Steve Murane and Nick Murane are doing a great job of all the record keeping for the ticket sales operation.

Before break, Roger Day introduced guests (Jordan and Chris who are singer guests, Steve from MN chapter), and Bob Bowman, who we don’t get to see often on Tuesdays.

Coffee and goodies and back to work.

President Stamps conducted the annual meeting of the chapter and the slate of officers presented by the nominating committee was elected as presented. (I have used the informal titles of the officers for this list.)

Brad Jones, President
Chris Buechler, Secretary
Howard Nestlerode, Treasurer
Scipio Garling, Marketing and PRDan O’Brien, Membership
Chuck Hunter, Music and Performance
Mark Klostermeyer, Operations
Ken Rub, Shows
Bob Blair and Scott Kahler, New Members at Large
Michael Calhoun and Brian Miller, continuing as Members at Large
Mick Stamps, Immediate Past President

Other announcements included fall contest details like get tickets if you need one from Bob Rhome, if you want a chorus picture see Jack Cameron.

Newer guys who need a holiday music book, contact Dick Dangel.

Guest nite is Oct. 28th. Mark your calendar and ask someone now to put it on his calendar too.

There is a tech session on Wed nite at the school for this weekend’s show. And then a full dress rehearsal on Thurs nite.

After business, it was back to work on show.

Grimes read script (and Dixie did the part of off stage voices). We also worked out usual details on how to run the curtain call. Smooth and chorus picked up changes to music fast.

Show work went really well.

So we had rest of nite to work on contest package. Joe used several new techniques to get the guys into it – to work on unit sound, to do sp, to get confidence of their music.

After all that hard work, there was just enough time to load the truck to get stuff to the show this weekend.

Until next time – editorjack!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Looking Back on Sept. 16th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on September 16th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

The troops were ready and had the room set up in fine style early. Usual pre-meeting events were underway in every corner.

After warm up, it was on to work for some songs for the shows coming up. And lots of congratulations from Director Joe for the show in St. Marys.

Lots of faces back and that felt good – Wayne and Tom in the bass section. And some guys we have not seen in a while – Tom Griffith and Jim Shoenhard.

In the member recognition period, Tom G and Alan Wile got a 21-year card. And Terry Reynolds was presented his 25-year pin, as is the Harmonizer tradition. The newest member was introduced – Tom Hutton, who sings tenor.

Roger introduced other guests present – one from England who lives here now and is a barbershop singer, former members, local guys who are interested in singing. Roger gave a plug for the official “guest” nite on Oct. 28th. We should really surprise him and have about 30 guys from him to have to introduce that nite.

After the busy break, Bruce Lauther presented the chapter treasurer with the $4700 check for the St. Marys’ show. Thanks all around to Bruce for his salesmanship!

There was considerable “push” to get more guys signed up for the Erie road show this Sunday.

And Ammerman was given a chance to fully plug the fall show – especially ticket sales. He has worked hard on this show and we need to get behind this new member and make it a sales success.

Then Director Joe took over and concentrated on the new ballad most of the rest of the nite. Good work. He pledged that Brad would put the new (and final) interp onto the website so all could have a review before the show this weekend. He intends to do it that way in Erie.

Can you believe Roger Day won the 50/50 two weeks in a row!!!!

Until next time – editorjack!

Looking Back on Sept. 9th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on September 9th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

Lots of men were ready and eager for the meeting to start this week and were already sitting on the risers when the call went out for “RISERS!” from the team.

A hard working and successful warm up session was conducted by Will. Director Joe jumped in a few times as did our coach Rick Johnson, who is from St. Charles, MO. He is a singing judge – the one who gave the chorus the effective and educational comments at Southern Division contest last spring.

Joe was fired up and gave hints as to the busy schedule for the rest of this year – the shows and extra rehearsals, the contest, and unique all-day event for us all (it is labeled leadership but deals with individual involvement in the hobby). Mark your calendars for November 15th.

When Rick got up front, he worked on proper standing posture, stressed getting an awesome breath from an awesome posture – all the time.

Front row guys had to redesign their routine for “Happy Feet” since a smaller number of them will be at the St. Mary, MD, show. It was good to hear the song again and see the action by the troops.

I noticed several of the new guys on the stage before the chapter meeting learning moves to the songs we sing on shows currently.

Rick again did some reminders for the awesome breath concept and the addition of artistry by Joe and the chorus.

It was also fun to hear “I Love You Truly” again with the powerful interp we had in Nashville.

During the member recognition period before break, Eric Wallen was given an 11-year membership card and Ken Rub a 17-year card. Dick Hall stopped by and report on the good progress of Carolyn in rehab.

Roger Day introduced two guests – Josh Roots and Chris Cunningham.

After a busy break with time for some snacks, important sign-ups, 50/50, Entertainment book sales, the launch of the 09 White House Christmas Ornament sales by Sandi Stamps (and wow the guys were hauling them out by the bag full), some visiting, some uniform matters for new guys, etc., it was time for the official chapter meeting period.

President Stamps asked all to sign a get well card for a long time show patron. Jack Cameron appealed for guys to pick up and pay for Intl pictures.

Brian Ammerman gave an appeal for ticket sales. It is just 2 ½ weeks away. He was all fired up about the show, props to collect, ads to sell and of course the ticket story.

FRiDAYS! quartet sang for us as they head for the fall contest in Wildwood. Scott Kahler, always on top of things, had a good mic for them to use.

After that it was full blast on the new contest ballad with the coach and Joe pushing and pulling. A couple of great changes were made on notes. And some terrific interp was added to make the song really tell the story.

That filled the rest of the nite right up until five til 10.

Until next time – editorjack!

Looking Back on Sept. 16th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on September 16th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

The troops were ready and had the room set up in fine style early. Usual pre-meeting events were underway in every corner.

After warm up, it was on to work for some songs for the shows coming up. And lots of congratulations from Director Joe for the show in St. Marys.

Lots of faces back and that felt good – Wayne and Tom in the bass section. And some guys we have not seen in a while – Tom Griffith and Jim Shoenhard.

In the member recognition period, Tom G and Alan Wile got a 21-year card. And Terry Reynolds was presented his 25-year pin, as is the Harmonizer tradition. The newest member was introduced – Tom Hutton, who sings tenor.

Roger introduced other guests present – one from England who lives here now and is a barbershop singer, former members, local guys who are interested in singing. Roger gave a plug for the official “guest” nite on Oct. 28th. We should really surprise him and have about 30 guys from him to have to introduce that nite.

After the busy break, Bruce Lauther presented the chapter treasurer with the $4700 check for the St. Marys’ show. Thanks all around to Bruce for his salesmanship!

There was considerable “push” to get more guys signed up for the Erie road show this Sunday.

And Ammerman was given a chance to fully plug the fall show – especially ticket sales. He has worked hard on this show and we need to get behind this new member and make it a sales success.

Then Director Joe took over and concentrated on the new ballad most of the rest of the nite. Good work. He pledged that Brad would put the new (and final) interp onto the website so all could have a review before the show this weekend. He intends to do it that way in Erie.

Can you believe Roger Day won the 50/50 two weeks in a row!!!!

Until next time – editorjack!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Looking Back on September 2nd Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on September 2nd Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

Tony did the warm ups this week – demanding solid attention to the work on the risers. This after a lot of the guys set up all the many things for a successful chapter meeting like mirrors, speakers, sound equipment, signs, screen, tables, guest chairs, props for packages, all the way down to Director Joe’s music stand.

He took over from Tony and offered some great reminders about messages of the songs we sing.

Before the meeting, there was word that there would be services for John Reisinger at Arlington Cemetery on Wednesday.

And a lot of the guys were sharing stories and information about the passing of our chapter friend, Fred King.

After a long session of work on songs, it was almost break time. It was great to hear the chorus working on “Happy Feet” again.

We missed Carolyn Hall as 50/50 sales person. She is at the Washington House for therapy after breaking her leg at our Market Square show. She is in Room 37. Her phone is 703-379-9000. Dick is hangin in there.

Member recognition included renewal cards to the following guys – Mattes for 10 years, Dangel for 16, McKeever for 22, Fess for 24, Wagovich for 27, Kelly for 28, Curtis for 29, Stamps for 29, Kauffmann for 36 and Jack Cameron for 39 years.

There were a lot of guests this week – former Harmonizers, potential singers to join us, and guys from other choruses. We gained a potential singer with a member of Westminster coming out to DC to go to college. Also heard that some guys who have been guests for a few weeks did well on their practice auditions after chapter meeting.

During break the guys attacked the snack table and took care of various business details.

Back to the risers for the chapter meeting with a long list of topics. Reminder for new guys to order make up kits or anyone who needs to replenish his kit. McKeever invited guys to visual classes on Sept. 11th at Durant.

Bibens needs a small chorus to sing with a local dance studio. Appears they got enough guys to raise hands and so we will hear more later. Brian Ammerman pleaded with the troops to get busy and sell tickets for the fall show.

Harner announced that the chorus will sing 15th at District contest. Quartets from our chapter at District will sing in the following spots: BACHELOR PARTY – 1st; PRIME TIME – 5th; OLD SCHOOL – 13th; FRiDAYS! – 14th; FULL TILT – 15th; LAST
KIDS PICKED – 18th; DOWNTOWN – 19th; CRUNCH TIME – 28th.

Chapter secretary Buechler announced the annual meeting of the chapter will be Sept. 23rd. He then asked nominating committee chair, Alan Wile, to report the committee’s slate. A quorum is needed on 23rd for the election.

Then it was back to singing – the whole second half was the used on the contest songs.

Until next time – editorjack!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Looking Back on August 26th Dog Days Event

Looking Back on August 26th Sing At Annual Dog Days Event

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

Seemed like the electric blue Harmo casual shirts were everywhere at this year’s Dog Days sing. An annual event hosted by the Prince William County Chapter for many years which allows all the chapters around to come out and sing for each other and their families. We appreciate that some of them shift to Tuesday nite so we can get a good crowd of our guys there.

This new location at Sacred Heart Church is great – lots of parking, lots of seating room, and places for the choruses to warm up. And there was a great spread of goodies for all to share in.

Dick Dangel was on hand to warm up the audience as they arrived with some gang singing to his accordion accompaniment.

First chorus up was our neighbors, Mount Vernon Harmony Heritage Singers, who had a large number on the risers in their new teal shirts. Our Bob Watchter is director and our Bill Curtis and Chris Buechler each took a song to direct. An annual favorite was having Bix Doughty, 94-years young, sing “Old Bones” again this year. CLICHÉ sang for us too.

Second chorus was Loudoun County – one lead and six other guys harmonizing with him. They did a great job.

Third was Fairfax who sang a couple songs with the Loudoun guys before they did their own set. They thanked our Director Joe for helping them recently.

A plug here for our riser crew who set up things and to Scott Kahler for all the extra sound work.

Next was Bull Run Troubadours, who were hosts for the nite, and were directed by Glenn Williamson. They had three good quartets sing too.

The Harmonizers wrapped up the evening. We did a great job and put on an outstanding show. CAMERON STATION sang too and did us proud. At the end of our set, we taped “Place on the Risers for You” for Fred King, who is in Hospice care at this time. At the end of the song, the entire audience cheered “We Love You Freddie.”

As is the tradition, all barbershoppers in the house gathered on the risers and Director Joe took us out with KTWWS.

Until next time – editorjack!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Looking Back on August 19th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on August 19th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

Will took the troops thru a solid warm up and then passed the baton to Director Joe who worked the singers hard on three or four songs needed for the up-coming Market Square show.

Kirk Young, our coach, was in the house and jumped in early to help reinforce concepts and to jump start our energy. During the nite he also concentrated on our contest package.

Before break, the guests were introduced (some potential new singers and some friends from the past came out). Mike Kelly was given his 27-year membership card. And Ron and Ben Nelson, the father and son team, were welcomed as new members. Dad got the Man of Note pin for son!! Cool.

We sang happy birthday for Gary Bibens and enjoyed a great cake with him. It also turns out to be the 90th birthday of one of our chapter icons, Bud Arberg. Congrats to both.

After consuming the cake and coffee, and the usual buying of things, signing up for things, chatting with guys from the other side of the risers, and greeting guys who were back after being gone for work etc., we got back into session.

The business meeting included the launch of the 2009 Entertainment Book sales effort by Chuck Harner. Gary Plaag reported on his visit with Greg Lyne’s chorus in CA and offered some suggestions of ideas he saw there that we could all “borrow” for our chapter.

Dean Rust took just a couple minutes to share how he sell a bunch of show tickets. Secret is to make contact early – email, calls, cards, person talk. Follow up.

Then it was back to singing and more work for the package shows. Including the reminder and prep for singing at Dog Days, the annual August gathering of local chapters where we sing for our brother barbershoppers. It is fun and an important gig for our chapter. So that means we will not be at Durant next week. Mark your calendar.

Until next time – editorjack!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Looking Back on August 12th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on August 12th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

When the guys arrived last nite, there was an ample supply of leftover goodies from the Sunday potluck. So some men got an early start and some had dinner since they came from work.

Right on the nose at 7, Tony, with the short hair, conducted a solid warm up session and soon, turned a “ready” chorus over to Director Joe. Joe spent a huge chunk of time on rep songs that will be used on upcoming shows. Then he concentrated on “Clap” to clean up things, to respond to suggestions from judges in Nashville, and to improve unit sound. Section by section, he had guys come down front and work to improve their unit sound. It was interesting to watch.

Just before break was the membership recognition period: Chris and Roger presented new member materials to Ron Nelson. And a 15-year card to Tony Colosimo, and a 26-year card to Gary Bibens.

Our two guests both turned in membership applications last nite – Josh Roots and Tom Hutton!!

The rest of the food disappeared during the break!!!

During post-break chapter meeting, Jordan thanked people for their work to make the 60th Anniversary celebration a success.

Chuck Harner made financial presentations from our Mid Atlantic District to FOUR ACES, CRUNCH TIME and to the chapter.

Producer Paul Grimes plugged the fall show and introduced Brian Ammerman who is the business manager. He announced that the Murane brothers are set to take ticket orders. AND that the flyer has gone out to patrons, so you can start pushing ticket sales now. He will also be in touch with folks about adv sales.

There is a chapter board meeting on Wed., Aug. 13th, at the Lee Center.

Back to work on the risers, Chuck Hunter directed an impromptu tag sing so guys could apply some of the things taught in the first half of the rehearsal.

Joe then used the rest of the nite for hard work on interp and good singing for “Second Star” and “From This Moment” so that we could be ready for coaching soon.

The singing ran right up to the last minute, Randy Lazear won the 50/50 and a chocolate cake left from the Sunday potluck! Good to see Carolyn Hall up and about after a little hospital time recently.

Until next time – editorjack!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Looking Back on Aug. 10th 60th Anniversary Event

Looking Back on August 10th 60th Anniversary Celebration

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week with the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —Ye Ed.)

Over 100 folks attended this fun event as a midyear celebration for our anniversary. Many former members, some inactive members, some from far away, and a bunch of new members were on hand for a great potluck. The HARMO family has always put on a great “feed” at these kinds of events.

The FRIENDS group did the decorations – red, white and blue theme with fresh flowers on each table. Terry Jordan and his wife Ginger also worked extra hard in making the celebration a success.

The extensive historical display was set up by Bob Eckman and his wife Maggie for all to enjoy. Bob Blair hauled it to the Rec Center. It was created for our 50th year – so we could do some updating to add the last ten years.

After the meal, table-teams had fun trying to identify the men in a 1995 Miami International chorus picture. The team headed by Klostermeyer and Rust claimed victory. After this fun, was the Talent Show. Rules – just no barbershop. (Luckily tho we did sing a PoleCat song and “I’ll Be Seeing You” before it was all said and done.) Scott Kahler came thru with the sound equipment and stage set up with help from Dennis Ritchey.

There were five talent acts who performed on the Durant stage. Jordan was MC who added some history facts and quiz questions during the show.

First act was Paul Ritchey, who lives now in PA, who sang all verses of the National Anthem. Then we had a surprise appearance of Crosby/Stills/Nash and/or Peter Paul and Mary (Will Cox, Max Kieba, Dan O’Brien). Magic California Kyle (Blomgren) tricked a couple volunteers from the audience, such as Director Joe and a youngster with Nick Murane, with his magic show. Joel Golden sang and played his guitar sharing two coffee-house songs. Dick Dangel did “Sweet Georgia Brown” on his squeeze box. The final act was April Wagner, daughter of Rick and Peggy, clowning it up on stage. She is a recent grad of Clown College.

Everyone pitched in for clean up and put away.

Until next time – editorjack!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Looking Back on August 5th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on August 5th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

As usual the crew was on hand at 6pm to get the meeting room and rehearsal space set up and ready for the 7 pm start. After a solid warm up session, Director Joe took a few minutes to report on the Harmonizer presence at Harmony University. He said we were “everywhere” all week. And many Society leaders remarked about how many came from Alexandria to this important event

And then he dug into a good work out on “From This Moment On” and incorporated points made last week by John Hohl, who helped again this week to remind the guys about some of the interp to make this a great show opener.

And then we launched into more work on “Second Star” and then back and forth between the two songs. Joe had some fun letting the tenor, bass, lead or bari sections do a thumbs up or down on how each of the other sections had done.

Before the break is the new time for membership and guest recognition. The Secretary gave membership cards to the following: Nick Murane – 3 years, Steve Murane – 6 years, Joe Sawyer – 13 years, Ike Evans – 21 years, Bruce Lauther – 22 years, Dave Welter – 32 years, Craig O’Dell – 39 years, and Al Herman – a 25 year card and lapel pin.

Jordan plugged the 60th Anniversary Potluck and Talent Show coming up Sun., Aug. 10th at Durant from 2-5 pm. Likely we will eat about 2:30 pm and the show will start about 4. Scott Kahler asked any talent entries to contact him if they have unusual mic needs.

Hohl and Cerutti plugged the Harmonizer 101 class – theory and more. 7-9 pm on Thursday Aug. 7th at Lee Center.

Roger introduced guests including some guys from other chapters who were in town – Northbrook IL and Palm Beach FL.

During break the guys did their visiting, snacking, buying things etc.

After the break was the chapter meeting. Buechler offered to place orders for any Harmo logo items.
Paul Grimes released the news about the fall show theme – The Steamer Trunk. The trunk will reveal many historical and funny moments from the chapter’s history. Show will include appearances by CAMERON STATION, BACHELOR PARTY, PRIME TIME and a reunion appearance of PREMIERE (Savage, Womer, Grimes and Clark).

Ken White thanked guys for the many inputs for the Anytime Quartet Project.

Back to Director Joe for a thorough review of our contest appearance. Joe used the video to let the men see what they had done and then on a second pass thru to listen to our shot at Nashville. Then Terry Reynolds did his “geek thing” and shared numbers and results and comparison of past years. And finally Joe read the lengthy and detailed remarks from several judges who were on the panel at International. Much to be proud of!

Time was getting short, so the chorus did two runs on the two songs worked on earlier. Then stopped just in time to put it all away, sing a tag, and head out.

Until next time – editorjack!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Looking Back on July 29th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on July 29th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

Sorry for the delay – Ed. was in CO til today!

Tho the crowd was small since so many guys were at Harmony University in Missouri, the Tues session was lively and a good hard working evening. Will Cox and Chuck Hunter did the warm ups.

Then they had the chorus dedicated some time to working on “Second Star” including the use of AV for the music.

John Hohl coached the chorus on Director Joe’s plan to use “From This Moment On” as an opener. If you weren’t there, be prepared to learn about which part of the song has been cut, some note changes I think, and for sure some pep and speed and dynamics.

Roger introduced guests to include Josh and Curt who are likely candidates for rejoining -- both were members in the past.

After the break, President Stamps reported on the health status of Bob Rhome after his back surgery, and that Peggy Wagner had been in the hospital. He also led “Happy Birthday” for Ken Fess.

Ken White reported on our newest quartet program, “The Anytime Quartet” project. Themed quartets will be available to fill requests for quartets or entertainment (actually 8 or more guys trained and rehearsed but only four will do each gig). Some examples might be Military or Patriotic or Sweethearts. So stay tuned for more details.

There were some reports from Harmony U – shaved haircuts for Colosimo and Eckert (guess we will get the whole story on that when they return?); congrats to Director Joe who was accepted as candidate music judge; BACHELOR PARTY was there for quartet coaching.

And as already reported by Chris Buechler, here is the list of guys we know who were there from our chapter.

1. The following were at St. Joe for Harmony University:Joe Cerutti (Faculty),Gary Plaag, Chris Buechler, Anthony Colosimo (ROADTRIP), Tom Gannon, Joel Golden, Jim Lucey, Patrick Kim(Harmonizer scholarship recipient), Eric Wallen (Harmonizer scholarship recipient), Terry Reynolds (BACHELOR PARTY), Ken Rub (BACHELOR PARTY), Greg Tepe (BACHELOR PARTY). Former members: Mike Louque (First year faculty), Joe Eckert (ROADTRIP), Dwain Chambers, Fred Womer.

Until next time – editorjack!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Looking Back on July 22nd Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on July 22nd Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

The chapter leadership instituted a new schedule for our chapter meeting nite this week. The plan called for social time and purchases etc. from about 6:30 until 7. Since it was pretty new to the troops, it got off to a slow start. But no doubt folks will know, from now on, to come early.

It is also summer and just after International convention, so some folks were absent (and some already en route to judges school or Harmony U in MO). But the risers were pretty full at 7 when the singing and warm up started.

As usual, Director Joe went into action to help Will and Tony jump-start our singing and breathing and vocal techniques. Joe and McKeever and Colosimo worked on reviews such as “Great Day” and “From This Moment On” – homework assignment is to get “Moment” learned and ready to work on!

“Clap Your Hands” work centered on some new off-the-risers exercises to stimulate a better understanding and performance of the rhythm. This number is gonna have a longer shelf life that some recent contest numbers. So guys who did not sing in Nashville should add this one to their homework list.

”Second Star from the Right” also needs homework by the singers. Goal would be to get it ready so we could sing it at Market Square. Neither “Moment” nor “Second Star” will be sung at Ft. Ward this Thurs nite. Chorus is due at 6, show is at 7:30.

As part of the new schedule, the guests were introduced before the break. And Roger had a large crowd to introduce. Some new singer prospects and several guys from other chapters around the nation. That is typical of this time of year when families are on vacation in DC. Bruce Lauther was presented his 22-year membership card.

The break was held to just 10 minutes, so many will want to come early to buy things, and get things done etc. in order to get back on the risers.

The chapter business meeting was held after the break. Bob Blair filled in for Bob Rhome who, according to President Stamps, has had a successful surgery to have three vertebrae fused. Rhome will be back in a few weeks.

Terry Jordan plugged the 60th Anniversary Potluck and Talent Show that will be Sun., August 10th from 2-5 pm at Durant. Basses bring main dish, Leads bring dessert, Baris bring vegetable dish, Tenors bring salad. Chapter will furnish drinks and plates and such. The event will also include a Talent Show. If you or your family members want to be in that show, call anniversary chairman, Terry Jordan -703-406-8742.

Following the break, we sang thru the songs for Thursday nite’s show at Ft. Ward Park. In active members ought to take advantage of this free show. AND all of us could bring prospective tickets buyers to this one to get a “taste” of our good singing and showmanship.

Joe was glad to have a full hour to work on music.

We ended with Jean Stewart winning the 50/50 and she also directed KTWWS! Good job. Thanks to Alan Wile for taking notes for me until I arrived from my work event.

Until next time – editorjack!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Looking Back on July 15th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on July 15th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

Wow! The risers were full before the 7 pm call to risers! And someone said at break, “this place is getting crowded.” So cool to have a full house the week we are back from International. And to see some familiar faces come out to sing along and see what is up – Yates, Berman, McFarland, Mattes, Acevedo and Rub.

Director Joe announced that our coach for the nite had flight problems and would not attend. So as usual, we pushed the “be flexible” button and a great meeting was conducted by musical and admin leaders.

Joe reminded everyone it was a nite to celebrate our 60th birthday as a chapter. He also recognized Martin Banks and extended chapter cheers for Martin’s honor as PR Officer of the Year in the BHS. The award is given by PROBE – the group for PR officers and Bulletin Editors. Congrats!! (I think it was Martin who also produced a whole single page graphic listing all the songs the Harmonizers have ever sung it its 60 years for tonite handout.)

Joe also took a couple minutes to explain plans for the next couple of contest packages, and put a bug in everyone’s ear about the ways to add new members to the riser crew!!! This is a great time to bring someone too – they can get a running start on new music along with the rest of us.

Then the chorus worked hard on their music in sectionals.

After that was the chapter meeting. District VP for Contest and Judging Chuck Harner presented Gary Plaag a plaque recognizing his 10 years as a Certified Presentation Judge in the BHS.

Chris Buechler offered free Harmonizer record albums – Autin Cotton who handles warehousing and selling CDs and the old records is eager to reduce the album storage needs. Fun to see how many guys came and picked up the albums – and looked at the pictures on the back of quartets and chorus.

Terry Jordan plugged the 60th Anniversary Potluck and Talent Show that will be Sun., August 10th from 2-5 pm at Durant. Stayed tuned for more details as to what food to bring, and how to enter the talent show.

Ken White, quartet promo chair, honored our guys who sang in quartets in Nashville so we could all give them one more big cheer.

VP Roger Day introduced several guests including a couple prospective singers and some guys visiting from other chapters.

Director Joe cut the birthday cake and as always, the Harmonizers made it all disappear in record time.

Right after the break, President Stamps and a character from “Aladdin” did a skit to get everyone’s attention regarding plans for the 2009 Spring Show. It will have a New York and Broadway theme.

More hard work followed on contest songs, and on songs for the upcoming shows this summer, including the road show in Erie, PA. And the summer evening concert at Ft. Ward Park, Thurs. July 24th. That park is at 4301 W. Braddock Rd. Parking is free. Show is in an outdoor amphitheatre. You could also bring a picnic for before or after. Chorus call is 6 pm. Show is at 7:30.

Until next time – editorjack!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Looking Back on July 1-5 2008 International Convention

Looking Back on July 1-5, 2008 International Convention Week

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

Many of the Harmonizer guys and their crowd of supporters, family and friends drove to Nashville for the 70th International convention of the Barbershop Harmony Society, July 1-6, 2008. Seemed like we didn’t hear many hardship travel stories this year from those who took flights. The fun started on Tuesday when you started seeing more and more of our Harmonizer family in the Doubletree lobby. The hotel had a great breakfast place and a Starbucks shop. So we were set.

It was about a 4-block walk to the contest session and to the headquarters hotel. Many of us also walked by and/or even toured the new Society headquarters. Great place. We were proud of it and happy that our staffers have good working conditions. There are a lot of Harmonizer mementos there, but too many to mention here.

Always cool to see so many of our guys at the Harmony Marketplace, or in line at the registration (that was one of the snags this year – getting a name tag). I tried the foot massage station in the exhibit hall – felt great, even tho it was early in the week. Some of us got tickets for the extra events like Collegiate contest, AIC show, Harmony Foundation show or World Harmony Jamboree.

Early in the week the Society Board met, and our guy Alan Wile was there as an elected member of that body. Chris Buechler also attended as he has been appointed as parliamentarian for the board.

Tuesday, the Harmonizers helped provide a crowd and demonstration group for Director Joe’s class for Chorus Directors. Then that evening we had our first chorus meeting and practice in the ballroom of our hotel.

During the week, many former members stopped in to check on us. And always there was a good crowd of family and friends to cheer and be an audience. Several Hamonizer families turned out in large numbers – Bill and Jean Stewart and crew, Craig Odells, Steve Whites, and the Cerutti clan. Coaches were there too - Steve Tramack, Stephanie Brickston, and Kirk Young who was there all week for all of the rehearsals. His energy was a great help.

Wednesday morning early was a practice for chorus and front row. Then we all managed to grab some chow and head to the contest site to cheer for RINGERS with Mike Pinto; LAST KIDS PICKED with Mike and Eric Wallen and Tony Colosimo; FOUR ACES with Ed Cazenas, Richard Lewellen and Nick Aiuto. OLD SCHOOL with Rick Taylor.

Former Harmonizers in quartets included Scott Disney, Ron Rogers and Denny Malone.

The RINGERS and OLD SCHOOL made the cut to the top twenty to compete on Thursday. And then OLD SCHOOL made the top ten and earned a 5th place medal behind Redline in 4th, State Line Grocery in 3rd, Crossroads in 2nd and OC Times in 1st.

There were rehearsals on Wednesday and at the Thursday rehearsal, the chorus played its usual prank on Director Joe when they started the chorus of the ballad with the wrong words. This year he did not have a heart attack!!! But it got him good.

During the week, the PROBE group (that stands for PR Officers and Bulletin Editors) honored our own Martin Banks as a PR Officer of the Year for his work at promoting our chapter.

Friday was the big chorus contest day. It started with the long-standing tradition of the Togetherness Breakfast. The FRIENDS group outdid themselves with decorations and President Stamps presided. The class of 2008 president Tom Kraus spoke and set the stage for a good laugh or two and then a zinger of a close. At that point, the class was invited to ditch the kerchiefs they had carried for the last few weeks and become part of the official chorus.

VIP guests included Rob Hopkins who did the music for the ballad. Director Joe recognized several men and his music team who had helped him this year. He also introduced former directors John Hohl, Richard Lewellen and Terry Reynolds.

Coach Young gave a great pep talk about the importance of the moment. Old Timer Pitzer lead the group down memory lane to reflect on our past golden moments. Then Director Joe hit us all hard with a great message about doing our job to succeed.

The chorus contest was a tough one. And a long one. Alexandria did not sing til about 7:30 pm. Then in the midst of it all that evening, we had to take a planned delay for the fireworks. The show was shown on the screen inside the hall. Good plan too, as an earlier set-off-of fireworks was mighty loud.

In the end the Harmonizers captured 8th place and moved up a bunch from last year. We were almost as happy as those who had won a medal. Atlanta Metro was 7th, Dave Calland’s Alliance chorus was 6th, Northbrook was 5th, Denver was 4th, Greg Lyne’s Voices in Harmony was 3rd, St. Charles with Jim Henry and David Wright was 2nd, and Masters of Harmony was 1st.

There were a lot of former members and even a few current members who sang in other choruses during this contest: Denny Malone, Denver; Lynn Hineman and Joe Kane, Tampa; Ron Rogers and Jack Stevens, Heart of TX; Steve Tramack, Nashua; Jeff Hart, Atlanta; Will Mudd Simmons, KY Union; Dwain Chambers, Memphis who were mic testers chorus; Terry Traylor, Phoenix; David Binetti who is president of Voices in Harmony in Bay Area; Sam McFarland, Bob Hirsh, Rick Taylor, Bob Mattes, Scott Disney, and Chris Yates sang with Dundalk; Rich Garodnick, Houston; Ray Johnson and Bill Power, Masters.

Saturday, some of us managed to get up to attend the Collegiate Quartet contest. Our own Eric Wallen was in the first singing quartet, CRUNCH TIME. They captured a 5th place medal!! Winner of that contest was RINGMASTERS from Sweden.

Tony Colosimo and Joe Eckert were in the mic tester quartet for that event – ROAD TRIP. Then they did their swan song set – as last year’s collegiate champs – at the end while scores were totaled. Their quartet had worked a lot all week at events such as the Mass Sing outside the new headquarters office. Tony, Joe and Eric sang in the collegiate quartet champ chorus as part of the opening ceremonies on Saturday nite before the quartet finals.

During the week, Harmonzers were everywhere. Director Joe was emcee for half of the first round of the quartet contest.

These former or current members were also spotted during the week: Mark Samuel, Fred Womer, JJ Jackson, Ben Luttge, Duane Gunn, Mike Louque, Father Joe Witmer, John Rettenmeyer, Alan Durick, John Adams who was honored as 50-year member, Dick Hall, Jack McKendree, Ben Smith, Darryl Flinn who was on the panel all week, Keith Jones, John Hohl, Bob Caldwell, Jack Pitzer, Ross Johnson, Lew Klinge, JT Price, Ron Dionne, Larry Shelton, Bill Sowers, Ken Rub, Greg Tepe, Larry Dieters, Rob Nutt, Ron Rich, Bob Austin, Dick Newton, and Dave Barton. (And I bet we missed one or more.)

It was a week to remember. Hope this helps.

Until next time – editorjack!

Looking Back on July 8th Hospital Sing

Looking Back on July 8th Hospital Sing

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

A decent crowd (33) made it to the Alexandria Hospital – after the full barbershop week in Nashville.

Terry Jordan was back to see us and sing. And several new guys were there for their first hospital sing with us.

Director Joe invited several directors to help with the arm waving duties. He planned for us to sing three songs at each stop on the hospital tour. He started off the set with a rep song, then Will or Chuck did one, then Chris Buechler or Mike Kelly directed a PoleCat song.

It was fun. Several of the nurses or hospital staffers remarked that they looked forward to our return during the holidays.

Until next time – editorjack!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Looking Back on June 24th Chapter Meeting and Send Off

Looking Back on June 24th Chapter Meeting and Send Off

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

The risers were set facing the stage and against the far wall with lots and lots of chairs in place for an audience. And the audience came. Even filled seats on the stage. Many were there at the start of the evening.

This annual tradition to have an open rehearsal and then a mini show for friends and family was another huge success. The rehearsal part was typical – serious work for warm up and pitch exercises our coach taught us.

Then some quick starts on the songs for the mini show and then concentrated work on the contest package.

Most men had already changed into the new contest outfit for the dress rehearsal and mini show. Fuschia tux shirts with black bow tie, mirrored button covers with black pants and shoes. The hall was extra warm with the crowds of guests, so the guys got a real workout.

Terry Jordan was back and did his usual MC job for this event. Many former members and long-time chorus friends were with us for the evening and were leading the cheers. But it also seemed there were lots of new friends and family members there last nite.

The chorus sang and entertained. As did CAMERON STATION, who sang a couple of their new songs for the crowd. Then Director Joe expressed his personal thanks to his team and the chapter leaders for their efforts in getting us to this point. He was not embarrassed to say he liked having 80 men to go to the International contest vs. 50 or so.

Ken White presented gift checks to our quartets going to Nashville to compete. Jean Stewart presented a check for $1000 from the FRIENDS OF HARMONY to the chapter in support of the trip to the big battle.

There were reps from other local chapters of the BHS and SAI who attended and made remarks.

After the show and then refreshments, the chorus continued its open rehearsal for guests who chose to stay – and many did so.

The rehearsal went right to the wire and everyone had to help get things packed and put away to clear the hall. It is on the extra rehearsal on Thurs. June 26th. AND THEN TO TN. The first rehearsal is Tues nite there.

Until next time – editorjack!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Looking Back on June 17th Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on June 17th Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

The call to the risers was a few minutes early this week since there was so much to do and most of the troops were already sitting or standing on them!

Tony took charge right away and implemented the serious and important warm up exercises we learned at the retreat.

Then Chuck used “Danny My Boy” tag as a learning exercise to utilize the better singing skills learned at retreat.

Director Joe plowed thru the Anaheim package songs really fast – just so the troops get a chance to work on them as an ensemble. He is counting on all to be working on them at home!

Terry Reynolds checked on his buddies on the risers to see how many had made their goal of 15 minutes a day working on this year’s contest package. Great results!!! Keep it up guys.

Then we did the contest package. And introduced coach Kirk Young. (Also introduced Burt Szabo who had been at Harmony College East this past weekend and as he usually does, he came to see us before going back to FL. He usually stays with Wachter.)

Kirk jumped right in to work on many little details that now pop out since the chorus had made many improvements in big things and is singing and performing well.

During the chapter meeting, members were invited to sign a get well card for Fred King.

Regarding Nashville: the annual chapter member convention book, prepared by Dixie, was distributed. Reminder that there is a rehearsal this Thurs at Jeff Houston school next door. And that the send off is on June 24th at Durant. Guests and former members should come about 8 to cheer and see the package. There were shirts to pick up if you ordered one from Roger Day. There were uniform parts, including a new tux shirt for this year’s contest chorus to get from Tom Kern AND any other clothing items you need like the Harmo bow tie. Jack Cameron has extended the chance to order and pay for chorus photos from Nashville – see him by the 24th.

Roger Day gave emphasis regarding uniform plans for Nashville. He stressed that the new blue casual shirt with kaki pants and black accessories is only for official functions. He stressed that you try on the new tux shirt from Tom so if you need a different size you can get it Thurs nite. TOM is gone next week! And be sure you press the new shirt.

Button covers will be used with the new tux shirt. So there is a call to all former members to bring in their’s. And current members who have one or two extras – they will be needed too. See Roger.

Keith Jones needs all members (any member gets a ticket even if not singing in the contest) to pick up or speak up for their ticket for the Togetherness Breakfast on Fri in Nashville. And to buy any extra tickets for friends or guests. Need to clean that up on 24th!!

I was told that the Harmo schedule in the convention packet has some time changes etc. compared the early bird edition published by our chair Rhome. So be sure you take note.

Secretary Chris gave a second Man of Note award to Vince Cazenas for bringing a man into the Fauquier Chapter. And Bob Sutton got a certificate for having brought ten men into the BHS.

Roger introduced the guests.

And then after a good break we worked hard the rest of the nite on the contest package with our coach.

Until next time – editorjack!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Looking Back on June 10th Chapter Meeting and Retreat

Looking Back on June 10th Chapter Meeting and Weekend Retreat

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

The Retreat was at McDaniel College in Westminster, MD, over the weekend of June 6 and 6. For those of us who drove up Saturday morning, it was a VERY foggy trip. But as promised the retreat organizer, Chuck McKeever, had things well organized. And the coffee and muffins and juice ready. The Harmo truck was a welcome site and the starting point for registration and getting to the rehearsal hall in a new facility we had not used before. Luckily the AC was working well – some guys were cold but no one complained cause we were glad to have the AC. The rooms this year were new and really nice too.

Coach David Wright made a lot of new barbershop friends this weekend. His advice was easy to follow, it made huge differences in the sound and total package, and it lifted the level of the chorus. Joe and his musical team were busy all weekend too adding, taking notes, asking questions, seeking advice, coaching the visual and helping the chorus members benefit from the experience.

The Saturday morning program started with a check to see that the Class of 2008 had their bandanas. They did! The warms ups were as usual. All tenors were present for the weekend! As is tradition, there were members asked to give reflections – Garling, Fess, Grimes, Sutton and Reynolds. All were different in approach and in message. All were strong.

The Saturday nite party tradition continued, and the Class of 2008 presented a really funny skit that made us all laugh and laugh. Good job guys. The class is Kieba, Kraus, Hughes, Grimes, Kim, Ammerman, VanGilder, Poulin, O’Brien, Kelly, Adams, and Blomgren.

Sunday morning was an early one after such a long day and evening on Saturday, but David did one of his famous warm up sessions (they are often open to the public at International and attract a crowd to see how the Ambassadors do it).

We concentrated on adding meaningful and personal visual plans to the ballad on Sunday. We ended with our usual “Friends” tag – which it turns out was arranged by David Wright.

Tuesday nite the 10th, the gang was ready to go. Many had worked hard to learn and refresh from the Retreat. We met in the school, since Durant was used for a graduation ceremony. The crowd arrived early and eager.

There was a pledge to keep silent and not talk or ask questions and interrupt the musical leaders up front. It worked and was a welcome treat.

Terry “Regular Joe on the Risers” Reynolds extended his challenge to the guys to spend at least 15 minutes on their music and the package. Many hands went up when asked who had done that since the retreat!

Director Joe reviewed the new tag for the ballad and some important spots in the song. Then on to the important reminders for the uptune. There were some good laughs when we worked to recall the new cutoff for the uptune too.

For the chapter meeting period, Bob Blair substituted for Bob Rhome. President Stamps announced no Thursday rehearsal this week (but there will be Thrs rehearsals on the 19 the 26th of this month). There will be NO board meeting this week either.

Terry Jordan is on the mend and sends his regards. He is up and about the house but not out driving just yet. He also has been on the phone a lot – line is always busy!!

Dick Dangel was guest accordion player for Ben Horen’s high school music concert at W.T. Woodson recently. Dick provided background rhythm for one girl’s ensemble number.

Jim Connaughton was quoted and photographed on the front of Washington Times recently as environmental advisor to the Bush administration

Retreat chair McKeever thanked his team: truck driver, Blair; presentation spotters, K Jones and Pitzer; sound, Kahlor; booklet, Pence; logo design, Day; music spotter, Hohl; logistics, Riffer, Eckman, Dornberger; quad leaders, Day, Blair, Cameron, TJ Jones.

Tom Kern has make up kits for sale.

Secretary Buechler offered to order Harmo logo clothing items for the members.

Some one announced the Harmo Send Off on Tuesday nite June 24th at Durant. Usual start time at 7 pm, guests can arrive about 8 pm. No one said, but I bet we have to wear the contest uniform that nite too.

Roger Day announced newest member who passed audition – Ben Nelson (age 14, I hear) and a new bass. His grandparents were there last nite too and his Dad and fellow chapter member. At the end of the nite, he directed KTWWS.

There was a FRIENDS meeting last nite.

Before the break, the CLASS OF 2008 was asked to show their bandanas. Two penalties were issued.

Chuck Hunter taught another tag – “My Love Is Your Love Til I Die.”

Luckily the AC was working in the school. And the strawberry lemonade was a hit too.

After the break, the rest of the evening was used to polish the contest package. There is a huge amount of energy and excitement in the air. Hang on.

Until next time – editorjack!