Amazing to observe the jobs guys do to help their chapter. Last nite, YeEd noticed Bob Blair carrying in his tool box and getting under the risers for some repair work. And the gang had all the sound stuff ready, tables up, chairs set for guests, the screen ready. Carl Kauffmann was adding new tape onto the two sections of reversed risers the Harmonizers use to give our riser configuration a better spread to face the audience. The tape will hold the risers skirts. Ike Evans was adding mug shots to the Harmonizer Picture Board and also the bios of the newest guys he posted. There was a good crowd practicing on the stage with Chuck McKeever too. And the pizza boxes were delivered on time and Tim Buell filled in for Steve Lingo to collect from the customers.
When ticket man Steve Murane arrived, he was swamped with guys picking up their block of tickets on consignment.
Tonite the guys had to find a new spot on the risers as the music team had rearranged the riser position. Chorus manager K12 had the chart up front and ready for all to check before taking their place. (YeEd didn’t hear why, but it seemed to be spreading out the basses from the center.)
After a good vocal warm up session by Will Cox, Director Joe launched work on “Stars and Stripes” which will be a combined chorus song for the June 27th show. Joe is introducing it in chunks – tho it appears a lot of guys have been doing their homework and learning at home. We used the projector to show the music for all – Joe Sawyer had projector operator duties.
We missed Dan O’Brien tonite (he got called to stay at work at the last minute. Terry Reynolds and Jim Lake had pitch pipes ready tho. And Chris Buechler managed the guest sign in.
Joe welcomed back coach Kirk Young; and as promised last week, he spent a huge time period on the uptune for contest. At one point he said, “Rhythm – it won’t kill you. It may hurt a while, but it won’t kill you!”
Before break, Joe and Kirk turned the mic over to operations guy Klostermeyer. Secretary Buechler presented a new member packet from the Barbershop Harmony Society headquarters to Andrew Havens, and a Man of Note pin (his first) to Tony Colosimo who brought Andrew to the chapter. Chris presented membership renewal cards to Bill Stewart for 7 years and to Dick Newton for 26 years.
Chris continued at the mic to introduce our guests including Lou from Canada again, and two local men from the DC area. One of them, Jack, attended our youth festival two years ago and has been tapped for participation in the Youth Chorus being formed within the chapter. (Later in the evening, Tony Colosimo, announced that THE CAPTIAL FORCE youth chorus will have its first meeting this Saturday. The chorus is for men under 30.)
After the guys emptied the snack table and coffee pot during break, they were called back to the risers with cheers led by Griff again.
Ken Fess brought everyone up to date on the plans and details for the huge show June 27th. Over 900 seats have been sold. He visited the hall and it is gonna be terrific. He reminded all to get some consignment tickets from Steve Murane, and then turn in the money or tickets by May 25th. Ken stressed the need for guys to sign up to house the chorus members in our homes, to help get them in to see DC and such, and to stay tuned for a chance to get tickets for the afterglow event being organized at a location within walking distance of the show.
Quartet promotion chair, Eric Wallen, led cheers for Noah Van Gilder who is singing with his quartet this weekend at the Northern Division.
Joe’s Sweet Adeline chorus, PRIDE OF BALTIMORE, won the Region 19 contest this past weekend. Congrats to Joe and our friends in the chorus.
Terry Reynolds reminded guys of the Thurs. midnite deadline for getting in eval things. AND he stressed that next week starts the mandatory rehearsals. PLEASE submit absence forms if work will take you out of town, or other major events prevent you from attending. Better to come late that miss it all, too.
There will be a board meeting on Thursday.
Guys should pick up their uniform parts after the meeting.
The finance committee met in the kitchen during break with President Newton.
Back to work then on the contest songs. Kirk worked more on the uptune. And since Chuck Hunter was here for one more nite before returning to Damascu, Joe asked Chuck to spend some time on the ballad interp.
When it was time to quit and put things away, Joe thanked our coaches. Kirk directed us out on KTWWS.
We just didn’t have time to record our songs for the new CD tonite – so keep practicing them for next week.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
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