When you got to Durant this week, you could tell it was gonna be a musical work out. The stage was full of guys working on SP. The crowd was big and hall full early.
As usual the same guys seem to be the ones to get up the risers. So Director Joe asked the guys with young or healthy backs to pitch in and set up the 11 sections each week. There seems to be a good crowd to take things down, so now we gotta lend a hand before the meeting.
Will Cox did the warm ups this week and turned the hot chorus over to Joe Cerutti. We welcomed Special Forces guys Pete Frank (in from Erie, PA) and Bob Wilson (up from Richmond on his motorcycle) who are working to be in the contest chorus. Joe welcomed coach Geri Geis. She didn’t hesitate to jump in early to help the men build upon the work they have been doing visually and actually musically. Amazing to the listeners in the hall how much better the contest package sounds when the guys add true performance mode all the time.
Geri and the chapter visual team reviewed and worked on major moods for the songs, and refreshed and helped the guys get the feel for the focals. They also staged various floor movements and groupings.
It was hard work and the progress was apparent. The self-evaluation recordings for sound and for visual reviews are getting better.
All this is good as the chapter prepares for David Wright’s coaching visit next week.
Operations vp, Mark Klostermeyer, conducted the weekly chapter meeting. Dick Dangel, one of this week’s birthday guys, brought a huge birthday cake to share with all the gang at break. Thanks Dick and Carol. Dick Hall and Joe Cerutti were also mentioned as birthday guys this week.
Secretary Chris Buechler presented renewal cards to Michael Gilmore, 18years; Ken Ives, 26 years; and Michael Calhoun, 42 years. Chris also suggested everyone go online to do their renewals asap.
Chris also manages sending renewals to our Harmonizer member who don’t get to the chapter often for one reason or another: Dean Martin, 9 years; Lou Manfre, 18 years; Jeff Taylor, 19 year; Paul Grimes, 24 years; Michael Calhoun, 42 years; and Terry Jordan, 47 years.
Music vp, Terry Reynolds, encouraged (reminded everyone they need to go to one) guys to sign up for the vocal studio sessions. [At the end of the meeting, Chuck McKeever also gave a plug for the visual studios guys need to attend.]
Membership vp, Phil Ashford, introduced the line of guys which included two or three first-timers, a new applicant and a returning guest. Will Cox directed the “Harmonizer Welcome” song.
We broke for refreshments and business matters. Coffee and the cake were served in the kitchen area – a new way to keep things flowing.
After the break, the chapter meeting continued.
Shows vp, Ken White, asked the guys to please read the emails he sends out as so often the answers to the questions they email back to Ken are in the original message. And he gets a ton of messages from the troops. He also alerted us that there is gonna be new details as to location for the cultural reception with the Japanese singers on the Carnegie Hall show.
Ken also thanked Howard Nestlerode for collecting payments for three big events coming up soon – Carnegie Hall meal and breakfast/reception; coaching retreat; and Harmony College East (HCE) weekend. Terry Reynolds reminded guys that they can do a one-day on Saturday at HCE, or come early or stay over nite, or attend the entire school weekend. Speak to him if you want to learn more about barbershop singing, music and management. (You can learn more about HCE on the Mid-Atlantic District website – www. Harmonize.com/MAD/
President Steve Murane reminded the board of their meeting Wed April 20th at Durant. The meetings are open to any members.
Bob Blair also reminded us that the old risers (the ones we keep in the truck for transporting) are available for rental. He and Dean Rust took them to DC last week for a choral group that rented them. He presented the check for $575 to chapter treasurer, Dave Welter. Thanks for setting them up and taking them down, Bob and Dean.
Then it was back to singing and working on the contest songs as well as reviews and work on the songs for Carnegie Hall. The risers were set in a straight line again this week as the chorus will be on choral platforms in NYC. Jim Lake was pitch man this week. And did you notice the two new faces working to move into the front row – Will Daniel Mudd-Simmons and last nite, Chris Clark.
Dick Dangel was invited to direct KTWWS to close the meeting and took the opportunity, since he had the floor, to remind the leads about the notes. You can imagine how much push back that got!!
A nice crowd went over to the afterglow at the Hilton.
Don’t forget to wear your name tag at all Harmonizer functions. Maybe keep it in your barbershop briefcase. It helps the guests and newer members!
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —YeEd.)
Saturday, April 23, 2011
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