Saturday, July 14, 2012

Looking Back on the July 10th Chapter Meeting

We were all happy that so many guys made it out on this summer nite.  It was a good chance to get a running start on upcoming shows and the very important fall contest.

Will Cox did the vocal warm ups.  Prior to 7 pm, Chuck McKeever was on the stage teaching contest stage moves for a bunch of our newest members.

Director Joe Ceruitti congratulated Ken White and his MAYHEM quartet buddies for their great start up the ladder toward International quartet champ. As well, he recognized the guys from DA CAPO and TOP SHELF.

Joe also shared some of the fun events of the week in Portland. (See more details in an upcoming Looking Back column.)

Before we started singing, Will and some other leaders met with the new members this year.

And Joe went right to work on “Circle of Life” which we are learning for our shows and for the show in China. One of our guests this week, Lou Bergner from Toronto, shared with us some of the interp they use for the song and that helped us be one step closer to ready to sing with their chorus in China.

We also worked on “That’s Amore” and “Jersey Boys.”

Operations vp Scott Kahler conducted this week’s chapter meeting.  He reminded guys about the special barbershop event at Arena Stage this Saturday nite, July 14th, for the “Music Man” performance.  You can get a huge discount by calling 202-488-4380 and mention code word Barbershop.

Jacob George, part of the membership committee, introduced our guests including some first timers and a number of applicants.

For break we had FrostyPops and other goodies.

Noah Van Gilder announced plans for the chapter’s audition nite on Wed., July 25th at Durant from 6-9 pm.  He asked members to assist in announcing the event by using Facebook, getting out flyers and making personal contacts. The team of Noah, Scipio Garling and Chris Clark are in charge. Candidates will be auditioned and accepted on the spot.  Current chapter applicants are welcome to come and speed up their audition process.  This is not a change in our procedures, but a one-time attempt to make contact with singers who are used to having to audition to be in a group.

Assistant director Terry Reynolds reminded everyone to be off the music for “Circle” by next week. 

Then Terry shared some kudos from General Petraeus about the Harmonizers which Terry learned from some folks at work.  Similarly, Nick Leiserson also reported that his congressman boss congratulated the General, who was surprised he knew.  The congressman shared that one of his staff members sang in the Harmonizer chorus, and the General responded with good comments about the chorus.

Next Joe spoke about our plans to prepare for the contest cycle leading to Toronto starting with a very important fall contest in Ocean City.

He moved on to working on “Sweet Georgia Brown” and then had the guys work in sectionals.

We finished the singing portion of the nite with review of several songs.

Without AC, it was good to hit the 10 pm hour, pack up and move out to the afterglow.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —YeEd.)

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