Saturday, December 27, 2014

Looking Back on the December 23rd Sing at INOVA Hospital

Thanks to Alan Wile for taking notes for YeEd. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.


Note there is no meeting at Durant on Dec 30.


Folks interested might wanna go to the Blast party that nite at 7:30 pm. Hosted by Dundalk Chapter. $15 cover for food and drink. At Michael's 8th Ave. Hall, 7220 Grayburn Dr., Glen Burnie MD. Great time for tag singers and pick up quartet singers. There are usually many Harmonizers there.

On Tues. Dec. 23rd, 25 Harmonizers met in the lobby of the Alexandria Hospital at 7:00 p.m. Dec 23 to sing through the wards. Keith Jones took attendance, Dean Rust provided the pitch pipe and was the “keeper of the keys,” Assistant director Mike Kelly directed, and Community Service VP Clyde Crusenberry led the ensemble from station to station.


The route included stops at eight “units” (nursing stations, ICU, etc.) and included at least three special request stops to sing for individual patients. On average, four songs were performed at each stop, selected from the following list: Welcome Christmas, Fa La La, Felice Navidad, Jingle Bells, Little St. Nick, Oh Holy Night, Silent Night, The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, and We Wish You A Merry Christmas.


A few men donned Santa hats and song books were available for those who chose to use them. Oddly enough, no escort was provided by the hospital this year but Clyde did a terrific job shepherding the group from place to place. The singing, together with choreography, was well received by all and the last song was sung at 9:00 p.m. Every man left knowing that performing for hospital staff and patients was one more reason It’s Great To Be A Harmonizer!


Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Looking Back on the December 16th

Amidst the holiday preparations, it was great to have over 90 singers present for this week’s meeting.  Some came to be present for the special election, as previously announced.


The Chapter Nominating Committee selected the following four individuals from the community to stand for election at the chapter business meeting on December 16, 2014, to serve as at-large members of the 2015 Board:


S. Elizabeth (Liz) Birnbaum

Ms. Birnbaum has extensive leadership and management experience in both the public and nonprofit sectors. She has served as staff director of a congressional committee, staff counsel to the House Committee on Natural Resources, and was director of the Minerals Management Service, a federal agency within the Department of the Interior that (although since reorganized and renamed) employed over 1600 people. In the nonprofit world she has served as vice president and general counsel of American Rivers and counsel for the National Wildlife Federation. Liz is married to Harmonizer Dave Kohls.


Paul D. Dolinsky

A repeated major donor to the Harmonizers, Mr. Dolinsky is an historical architect and landscape architect and is the Chief of the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) and Historic American landscapes Survey (HALS) of the National Park Service. His undergraduate degrees in architecture and landscape architecture are from the Pennsylvania State University and his Master’s Degree is in Architectural history from The American University. Paul has lived in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area for 35 years and is involved with many non-profit civic organizations, in particular, Federal Lodge No. 1, the oldest Masonic Lodge in the District of Columbia. He is a 33rd° Scottish Rite Freemason. An organist and pianist with more than 50 years of experience, his life-long avocation has been in the field of music and as such has been a strong supporter of cultural and other arts program in the Washington metropolitan area.


Steven Sutton

Mr. Sutton is a friend of Mark Klostermeyer and fan of the Harmonizers. He has now assisted with our Silent Auction for the last two years and this year brought in over $3,000 from over 90 sold items. Steve is Vice President of Development (fundraising) for a $12 million a year non-profit. Prior to his non-profit career, he worked as a Chief of Staff to four freshmen Members of Congress over a 14 year period. He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and coincidently is a classmate of Harmonizer Shawn Tallant.


John C. Roots

Mr. Roots is the father of Harmonizer Josh Roots. Both a licensed attorney and a decorated Marine (Col, USMC (Ret)), John served in Vietnam as a helicopter pilot and a Forward Air Controller at the Battle of Khe San. He retired from the military after 33 years of service. Outside of the Marine Corps, John worked for several major corporations in DC as a vice-president of government affairs. Additionally, over the past 15 years, John has served on the boards of both the national USO and the Armed Services YMCA. Now retired, he lives in Virginia.


For the 2014 Nominating Committee

Alan Wile, Chair; Scipio Garling; Troy Hillier; Mark Klostermeyer; Bob Rhome


President Terry Reynolds conducted the election. All were elected to serve on the board next year.


When folks arrived at Durant, there was the usual buzz of sales for White House Ornaments, scrip cards for holiday gifts from the FRIENDS IN HARMONY, payments for Pittsburgh registrations, and lots of work with uniform “wranglers” for Pittsburgh.


Choreographer Carlos Barillo began the chorus warm ups and associate director Tony Colosimo continued them.  Tony was in charge for the singing portion of the nite as director Joe Cerutti was in Nashville at headquarters. President Terry invited comments from the chorus to celebrate the successful holiday show and many men reported great customer reactions.


Tony introduced us to the new contest uptune and helped us wade thru some of the more difficult sections. After a chunk of time working on that, Carlos taught a new presentation plan for “Thriller” which will be used for our show later this year.


We did have to sing farewell (“There Will Always Be a Place on the Risers for You”) to Bob Griesemer who is relocating to another state.  He was a great member of the Harmo truck driving team.


The announcement period was a busy one, since there won’t be another chapter meeting and rehearsal at Durant until Jan. 6th.  NOTE – we will sing at Inova Alexandria Hospital on Tues. Dec. 23rd. Meet in the lobby at 7 pm.


Chris Huber shared news and communications exchange with our friend Peggy Harris who we sang to in France.  He read a poem she sent to the chorus.


Calvin Schnure prompted guys to plan ahead to help with Singing Valentines Feb. 13 and 14.  We won’t be selling these gigs, but making appearances throughout our community for public relations such as the city council, major donor stores, youth groups, senior groups, major shopping areas.


Craig Kujawa reviewed his recent email blast about plans for Pittsburgh, and especially the need for guys to pay for their registrations – to Ian Poulin.


Terry also reported the successful shows by our guys in TBD last weekend.


Brad Jones is wrapping up the auction and had a few unsold items on display.


Secretary Chris Buechler presented membership renewal cards to Vince Cazenas for 28 years and Chuck Harner for 47 years.


Membership vp Jeremy Richardson welcomed folks to the afterglow at LaPorta’s tonite.  And then Rich Hewitt introduced and welcomed our guests for this week.

Operations vp Bob Blair welcomed guys to take a break – there were goodies from our friends at Pride of Baltimore SIA chorus. And several homemade platters of goodies from our guys.  Thanks to all for sharing.  [By the way, YeEd (also the holiday show cookie monster) was asked to try to find out who brought the almond gluten free cookies to the show.  People want the recipe. Let YeEd know.)


Chapter historian Martin Banks brought another interested display for all to enjoy about our chapter.


After the break, we were released early this week.  Several front row guys worked in the lobby while other men put things away.  And some guys who will do a special performance in mid December, worked on their song list.


In other news, about two dozen guys were able to make it to the Francis Scott Key Middle School on Monday, Dec. 15th to help Joe conduct a youth harmony presentation about  barbershop singing.  We conducted the session twice – once with the boys’ chorus and once with the larger mixed chorus.  The students were great.  It was fun.


Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Looking Back on the December 9th Caroling in Old Towne

Despite another rainy nite, a good group of just over 30 Harmonizers gathered at Durant on Tuesday, did a little warm up with Tony and Joe, got a little briefing on meeting at Market Square and how we would sing in the various restaurants, and headed out.


We sang at seven places (which Mark Klostermeyer had prearranged) and were hugely received by their patrons.  It was fun.  The rain held off actually and even tho most of us had holiday sweaters or Santa hats etc, it got warm in the eateries.


Don’t forgot that we have a special chapter election next Tuesday nite at chapter meeting.  Also it will be our last meeting til after New Year’s.


Be sure to settle up on your White House ornaments sales matters with Sandy Stamps.  And contact Christina Ammerman to order scrip cards to be delivered to you on Tues nite the 16th.  She needs to hear from you before Dec. 11.


Alan Wile sends his usual invite:  Yes, it’s that time again – time for the annual TubaChristmas concert at the Kennedy Center’s Millennium Stage. The time is 6:00 p.m. and will run for about 45 minutes. Expect to see (and HEAR) a collection of 250-300 tubas and euphoniums/baritone horns play Christmas carols in four part harmony. It’s not quite like barbershop but is definitely a musical “happening!” It’s a free show, too. Go, enjoy the music, and then eat dinner upstairs.


Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.

Looking Back on the Dec 5-6 Holiday Dinner Theater Shows

This year’s holiday shows were a great success in lots of ways including great singing, a great mix of new music for our audiences (including a sneak preview of “Thriller”), new fund raising efforts, a huge silent auction extension of our online auction, great team work by all chorus members and their families and the FRIENDS OF HARMONY, a sold out show for all three performances including an extra table for a two shows, many fun costumes, and some great laughs.


There were a lot of former Harmonizers in our audiences and there was a great tribute to our friend Roger Day in memory of his efforts to help us get into the holiday spirit over the years.


The chorus worked almost all week on the show with Tuesday nite rehearsal at First Baptist, tech nite, dress rehearsal, all day Thursday to decorate and convert the church hall into Santa’s workshop, and then Friday nite at 7:30, Saturday afternoon at 1 and Saturday nite at 6 for the shows. 


At  the shows, we did the usual warm ups with Tony, Will, Reed Livergood and Joe.  Joe took some extra time to help us all rediscover the meaning/story behind some of our holiday songs that helped us give them a fresh performance.


Here is the thank you note sent recently from show chairmen Josh Roots and Scipio Garling that gives a great summary of how many team players it took to make the show weekend go!


Josh and I would like to thank all of you for the time and effort you put into making this year's holiday show the best ever as well as a delightful experience for us, the participants, and the audience.


  • The ultra-competent Production Triumvirate of Nick Leiserson (Producer), Christina Ammerman (Stage Manager) and Robyn Murane (House Manager), upon whom everything relied and who made the show run so freakishly smoothly;
  • Our hilarious principals Terry Reynolds as the incomparable Jack-in-the-Box, Tony Colosimo as Cousin Juan-in-the-Box, and Nick Leiserson as Johann Sebastian Box;
  • our masterful musical directors at the show, Joe Cerutti, Tony Colosimo, Mike Kelly, and Terry Reynolds; TBD director Tom Kraus; and Choreography Carlos Barillo;
  • our adorable bit-players/cousins, Troy Hillier, Amy Roots, Dave Kohls, Kellen Hertz, Todd Ryktarsyk, Jeremy Richardson. Peelee Clark, and Hawaiian Cup Girls Diane Halick, Kristen Halick, and Elizabeth Ryktarsyk;
  • our able tech crew (Master Carpenter Doug White, Mike Kelly and Dennis Ritchey on Sound, Dixie Kennet and Chris Buechler on Lights, Joia Hertz on Videography, Tena Branstetter on Photography, and Noah Van Gilder on Programs);
  • the efficient outgoing and incoming Ops VPs, Bob Blair and Todd Ryktarsyk on Strike;
  • our Auction Masters Brad Jones, Randall Eliason, and their crew, as well as Major Donator Steve Sutton;
  • our welcoming Head Usher Bob Rhome and all the Ushers;
  • our efficient Head Waiter Randall Eliason, his Table Captains, and all the Waiters;
  • Kitchen Masters Janet and Joe Cerutti Sr (with special guest start Gary Plaag) and their Kitchen Crew;
  • confident Chorus Manager Mark Klostermeyer:
  • sweet Cookiemonsters Jack Pitzer and Kevin Kaiser;
  • Truckmaster Bob Blair for hauling everything in the world;
  • Sandy Stamps and the entire FRIENDS IN HARMONY for the many roles they played;
  • our entertaining guest performers Word of Mouth and Bruce Minnick as Santa Claus;
  • The 12 Days Quartets and TBD;
  • Ever-cool Ticketmaster Ian Poulin and the brave Will Call Crew;
  • The inspired Decorating Team;
  • charming Greeters Shawn Tallant, Clyde Crusenberry, and Brian Ammerman;
  • Eleemosynary donation masters Alan Wile and Jeremy Richardson with their Square Crew;
  • The board members whose generous contributions made our wildly successful Matching Grant Program possible.
  • The singers of the chorus, who are the centerpiece of our holiday tableau.

Truly, it is great to be a Harmonizer!   Scipio Garling and Josh Roots


So that is a wrap up of another great Harmonizer holiday show weekend.


Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Looking Back on the December 2nd Chapter Meeting and Calvert County MD Show

Despite the rainy nite, the gang made it to the rehearsal and meeting at First Baptist Church.  We have not often, if ever, gotten to use the church hall for our Tues nite meeting during show week – so it gave everyone a few extra chances to get things set, moved in, hauled into place and such.  Tho there is still much to do.


Lots of guys brought their two wrapped boxes with many more expected on Thursday at our dress rehearsal 7pm at the church.  Guys can start bringing in their three dozen holiday cookies on Thurs nite too.  (NOTE the cookie operation will be on the other end of the hall – near where Santa meets the children.0 at Clariden Presbyterian Church this past weekend.  ing with guys in prep for the Pittsburgh ou)


Assistant director Will Cox did the vocal warm ups in the rehearsal room so the tech guys and producers could work in the dining hall and stage area. Then director Joe Cerutti was up front helping us add more interp and quality to the songs for the show.


Some time was used to assign guys to lead the 12 days of Christmas singing groups.  And of course there were lots of announcements about ushers and table captains and such.  We did some drills and will do more Thurs.  The show team did a good job getting things out in advance – that were well written and clear.  Robyn Murane will be house manager. Christina Ammerman is stage manager. Randall Eliason is head waiter. Bob Rhome is usher captain. Mark Klostermeyer is chorus manager.  Bob Blair seems to be moving boxes all week!!  Thanks to all for their extra work.  More thanks yous as the week rolls on.


To prepare for the Thursday, Bob Blair needs a load out crew at 8:30 am to unload the huge amount of holiday decorations from storage and bring to the hall.  Contact him as to the location to meet. The decoration team will begin at 10 am on Thursday – not Friday this year – in the church hall.


Most important announcements for all – chorus call times for rest of the week:


Thursday – 7 pm rehearsal at church

Friday – 5:30 pm chorus call for the 7:30 pm show

Saturday – 11 am chorus call for the 1 pm show; 4:30 pm chorus call for the 6 pm show


Good to have all our sound guys working hard to get ready – Mike, Doug and Dennis.  And Joe Sr and Janet Cerutti were on hand as usual – YeEd hears they are heading up things in the kitchen.  Thanks to all.


There was a pretty active buzz in the hall before rehearsal of uniform wranglers working with guys in prep for the Pittsburgh outfits.


Congratulations to Clark Chesser and Michael Bagwell who were married at Clarendon Presbyterian Church this past weekend!


Note this special tax related suggestion from president Terry Reynolds: “If you agree that "It's Great To Be A Harmonizer" and are still deciding what to do with your 2014 charitable giving, don't forget that donations to the Alexandria, Virginia Chapter of SPEBSQSA are indeed tax deductible. If you would like to give, you may write a check and hand deliver it on a Tuesday night, mail a check to our Po Box, 11274, Alexandria VA 22312, or donate on our website at (click Donate).  If you'd like you can specify a specific purpose for your gift (e.g., Youth Programs, Music Program, Harmonizer Endowment Fund). Happy Holidays! Terry

 For the record, the chorus did a hugely entertaining, EXHAUSTING concert Sunday afternoon Nov. 21st, in across the bridge in MD.  We were hired a band booster group to help them raise funds for their band. The crowd loved the show and wants to know if we'll be back next year. We gave a fitting “possibly” final performance for some of these songs.


Show producer for Harmo gigs, Greg Tepe, offered big thanks to the directors - Joe, Terry and Mike.  And big thanks to the truck driver - Bob Blair! Thanks to the early riser crew -Todd Ryktarsyk and son Luke, Craig Kujawa, Ross Felker, David Hood, Joel Golden, Shawn Tallant, Michael Gilmore and Harold Weinberger. Thanks to the tear down crew - Rusty Orvik, Craig Kujawa, David Hood, Michael Schwartz, Scipio Garling, Stan Quick, Don Dillingham, Carl Kauffmann, Peter Hubbard, Brian Ammerman and Dean Sherik


Thanks to Mike Kelly for sound; thanks to emcees - Don Dillingham, Gerry Fuller, Ross Felker and Terry Reynolds.


Greg thanked John Pence for the song board for the show and Chuck McKeever for transporting it.


He also thanked TBD – our modern a cappella group who appeared on the show with us; and the soloists for the long afternoon show - Andrew Havens, Josh DesPortes, Terry Reynolds, Noah van Gilder, Rick Savage, Mike Kelly, Don Dillingham and Drew Fuller.


Greg also offered that it would be nice to see more names helping with risers. He concluded with this wrap up – “it was a busy day for all. Thank you for your time, effort and entertainment today.”


This past weekend was also the annual meeting of the M-AD honor club (DELASUSQUEHUDMAC – named for the four rivers in the district).  A large number of Harmonizers have been invited to become members of that group over the years.  In fact, 28 of our members were there from Nov 21-22 near Carlisle at an old resort in Boiling Springs Pa.  Our chapter quartet MAYHEM was part of the weekend’s entertainment.


The chapter secretary has announced a general chapter meeting to elect the four new community members to the chapter board on Tues. Dec. 16th.  Please plan to attend.  

Chorus members are invited to come support our own modern a cappella subgroup, TBD, by attending their joint concert with other DC area a cappella favorites VOX POP and THE DISTRICT.  The concert will be in Chinatown at the First Congregational United Church of Christ on Saturday, Dec. 12 at 8 pm. Tickets are now available for purchase online. TBD would certainly appreciate your supportive attendance at this event, which is part of the chapter's strengthening ties with the broader a cappella community.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Looking Back on Harmony on the Harbor Show with Pride of Baltimore Nov. 3rd

(Thanks to show chairman, Ken Fess, for this wrap up report from the show.  He was far too modest to suggest how many hours he and Mick Stamps had spent on getting this show off the ground!) YeEd.)

Harmony on the Harbor was a show two years in the making, beginning in the summer of 2012.

Coordination with a dozen quartets, several choruses, Sweet Adelines International, the Cornet Club and the BHS, along with trips to the SAI conventions in Denver (2012) and Hawaii (2013), culminated in the presented show.

Show day began early for the producers, Ken Fess, Mick Stamps, and Carmel Tuttle, as well as Bob Blair, Greg Tepe and Mike Kelly, setting up the curtain, risers, lights and sound system beginning at 8am. A special thanks to the riser team that brought the risers, and also got them to the SAI chorus that was renting them from us for the week.  Bob Blair noted these at our last rehearsal. Also a shout out to Bruce Lauther who helped get the buses for Ronninge chorus.  

Preparations continued into the afternoon with Mick being assisted by Jack Cameron, Carl Kaufmann, Mark Klostermeyer, Dean Rust, Chuck McKeever, Don Dillingham and members of the Pride of Baltimore, setting up the backstage rooms and food service.

At the same time Carmel was assisted by her husband Tim, Dean, Brad Jones, Brian Ammerman, Bob and Sandy Ulibarri, and a couple of POB members set up the reception area for our VIP patrons.

Dixie Kennett and Mick were also busy setting up the quartet rooms so that each was prepared to receive our special guests. Nina Krzysko helped to get the ticket operation in full swing.

Beginning at 2:30 in the afternoon, with the able assistance of Clark Chesser, Brad Jones, Sandy Stamps, Kim Fess, Adele Jones, and several other POB members, the choruses and quartets began arriving. They were ably received and escorted by Bob Rhome, Dean Rust and Joel Golden. Stan Quick assisted with making sure the buses and shuttle vans knew where to park.

For the next couple of hours the stage crew, led by Greg Tepe, ran all of our acts through sound checks and stage time to ensure all was ready for the big show.

After a short meal break, we were ready to go. The theater rapidly filled up with the over 1700 patrons for the show, including nearly 100 high school students from the Baltimore area that were experiencing a barbershop show for the first time.

The show was led off by the Pride of Baltimore Chorus, with the Harmonizers joining them for the second song. Then followed MAXX FACTOR, 2011 Queens of Harmony; GQ, the current Region 19 quartet champs; and then the CZECH! IT OUT QUARTET from Prague (actually LUNCH BREAK doing an impersonation of a female quartet).

Then the Harmonizers hit the stage, presenting their contest set they used in winning their 25th Mid-Atlantic District Chorus Championship the weekend before in Wildwood, NJ, and earning a standing O from the audience.

THE VOCALITY and SPEED OF SOUNS quartets followed, and then LUNCH BREAK returned to present more of their craziness.

After a short intermission the fabulous 1989 Queens of Harmony, GROWING GIRLS, put on a great set to the delight of the audience. Then followed SPITZER, FRENZY, LUSTRE  and the ultimately crowned 2015 Queens of Harmony, BLING!

And then, to the surprise of the crowd, LOVE NOTES, the 2014 Queens of Harmony, gave us an unscheduled set, again wowing everyone in the place. And finally, The Rönninge Show Chorus crushed us with an incredible set, clearly demonstrating why they were the 2014 Sweet Adelines Chorus Champions!

WOW! What a show! The crowd left the theater, many of them headed for the afterglow nearby, buzzing about the great singing they had just seen. There were many responsible for the success of the show, but none more so than the producers and our intrepid stage manager, Greg Tepe. Thanks belong to all who contributed, to include all of those whose donations enabled all those students to attend the performance. (Ken Fess)

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going during the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.)

Looking Back on the November 25th Chapter Meeting

Hi all – YeEd was not doing well last Tues nite  and didn’t realize til too late that he couldn’t get to Durant for the meeting.  So – sorry I didn’t get a sub for making coffee nor from taking notes for the Looking Back column.  Have pieced this one together with help from Bob Blair.  Jack

The chorus did a hugely entertaining, EXHAUSTING concert Sunday afternoon Nov. 21st, in across the bridge in MD.  We were hired a band booster group to help them raise funds for their band. The crowd loved the show and wants to know if we'll be back next year. We gave a fitting “possibly” final performance for some of these songs.


Show producer for Harmo gigs, Greg Tepe, offered big thanks to the directors - Joe, Terry and Mike.  And big thanks to the truck driver - Bob Blair! Thanks to the early riser crew -Todd Ryktarsyk and son Luke, Craig Kujawa, Ross Felker, David Hood, Joel Golden, Shawn Tallant, Michael Gilmore and Harold Weinberger. Thanks to the tear down crew - Rusty Orvik, Craig Kujawa, David Hood, Michael Schwartz, Scipio Garling, Stan Quick, Don Dillingham, Carl Kauffmann, Peter Hubbard, Brian Ammerman and Dean Sherik


Thanks to Mike Kelly for sound; thanks to emcees - Don Dillingham, Gerry Fuller, Ross Felker and Terry Reynolds.


Greg thanked John Pence for the song board for the show and Chuck McKeever for transporting it.


He also thanked TBD – our modern a cappella group who appeared on the show with us; and the soloists for the long afternoon show - Andrew Havens, Josh DesPortes, Terry Reynolds, Noah van Gilder, Rick Savage, Mike Kelly, Don Dillingham and Drew Fuller.


Greg also offered that it would be nice to see more names helping with risers. He concluded with this wrap up – “it was a busy day for all. Thank you for your time, effort and entertainment today.”


This past weekend was also the annual meeting of the M-AD honor club (DELASUSQUEHUDMAC – named for the four rivers in the district).  A large number of Harmonizers have been invited to become members of that group.  In fact 28 of our members were there from Nov 21-22 near Carlisle at an old resort in Boiling Springs Pa.  Our chapter quartet MAYHEM was part of the weekend’s entertainment.


The chapter secretary has announced a general chapter meeting to elect the four new community members to the chapter board on Tues. Dec. 16th.  Please plan to attend.  

Chorus members are invited to come support our own modern a cappella subgroup, TBD, by attending their joint concert with other DC area a cappella favorites VOX POP and THE DISTRICT.  The concert will be in Chinatown at the First Congregational United Church of Christ on Saturday, Dec. 12 at 8 pm. Tickets are now available for purchase online. TBD would certainly appreciate your supportive attendance at this event, which is part of the chapter's strengthening ties with the broader a cappella community.

Now a brief report about the Tues Nov 25th meeting:  A major change in our schedule is the cancelation of the tree lighting ceremony in Alexandria.   

NOTE next Tuesday nites’ meeting will be at 7 pm at First Baptist Church, 2932 King St. Then later in the week there are rehearsals on Thurs for a dress rehearsal at the church.  We will have a sound/tech nite on Wed, and the first show of three is Friday nite at 7:30 pm.

Obviously the music team worked hard on the music for the holiday dinner show.   PLUS they introduced the new uptune for Pittsburgh convention, arranged by Clay Hine. It was well received and has the singers “talking” about the great piece of music for us to use in demonstrating our entertainment skills.

Back to show topics, don’t forget that each members is asked to bring 3 dozen nicely decorated holiday cookies and two large boxes wrapped in colorful papers.

Remember to inform the chapter of any names and table assignments for your customers.

Stay tuned to volunteer for decorating the hall on Fri Dec. 5th  likely from 11 am on.  Check with Robyn Murane if you will help.

Also some of your guys need to offer to help Bob Blair unload the huge amount of holiday decorations from storage on Thurs at 8:30 am.  Watch for details or speak to Bob.

BTW  -- get behind the chapter’s online auction and the White House Ornament sales program!!!

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.