Looking Back on the August
19th Chapter Meeting and Market Square show
The weather was awesome for this year’s Market Square show on
Friday, Aug. 15th at 7:30 pm in Old Town. A huge crowd – some of us think it was the
biggest in years – was there to hear us sing our hearts out in competition with
the airplanes headed for the airport.
When we finished, Joe
challenged the guys to go and meet all those guys in the audience and round up
some guest singers for next Tuesday!
When the chorus arrived at 6:30, the riser and truck crew had done their
work already and sound checks for emcees and soloists were underway. The front
row worked on some last minute details inside the City Hall and the chorus did
their warm ups in the lobby. Thanks to John Pence again for bringing the song
board for the stage. Chorus manager Mark
Klostermeyer helped us all get our parking lot tickets approved for free
parking! Quite a few guys who are working on getting enough songs learned were
in the audience too, as well as many family members.
Also the chapter had its first All Sectionals rehearsal on
Saturday, Aug. 9th at First Baptist Church. Other All Sectionals are
scheduled for the rest of the year, so check the Harmo calendar.
This Tuesday nite rehearsal was pretty regular with lots of work
on new music, and continued quick reviews of songs we will sing for the Dog
Days of August show in Manassas. It is
the annual event hosted by the Bull Run Troubadours at Sacred Heart Catholic
Church, 12975 Purcell Rd., Manassas 20112.
The program starts at 7 pm with other choruses from NoVa singing a few
songs each. The Harmonizers sing last,
so even if you can’t get there at 7, come on out. Plan ahead for traffic as well as getting
rides since no Metro out there. Plenty of parking tho. And great
refreshments. We will wear black travel
shirt, jeans, and black everything else.
Associate director Tony
Colosimo warmed up the chorus for director Joe Cerutti. Chuck McKeever conducted stage presence
reviews before the meeting began. Operations vp Bob Blair conducted the chapter meeting.
Show vp Nick Leiserson
announced that the tickets for the holiday dinner show will resume sales online
on Monday, Aug. 25th at 7pm. The show is Dec. 5 and 6 at First
Baptist. There is some urgency for members to be sure to get their orders in
before the show is sold out.
Kris Zinkievich,
who sings with us and also directs the Germantown, MD, chapter, announced that their
chapter is having their fall show on Sept. 13.
Kris has tickets.
Assistant director Terry
Reynolds confirmed that the new songs are online including revised editions
of “Welcome Christmas.” Terry also announced that since we will
be singing “Undecided” with the Pride of Baltimore Sweet Adeline chorus (that Joe also directs), there will be some
combined rehearsal – Mon. Oct. 6 in Baltimore and Tues Oct. 28th
here in Alexandria. The show is on
Monday, Nov. 3rd.
Clyde Crusenberry
announced for Shawn Tallant that
members need to make their reservations for
the hotel for Wildwood, NJ, for the fall contest
Secretary Chris Buechler
presented a membership renewal card to Rusty
Orvik for 10 years.
Rich Hewitt
welcomed and introduced guests for the evening.
After a good break, we worked hard on the new contest ballad and
transitioned into doing the contest set.
Before we left, Joe
lead us in singing “A Place on the Risers for You” to Ben Roberts who is headed off to college in Philadelphia. His family was on hand for the farewell too!
Until next time –
(This message is
prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to
miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during
the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.)
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