Monday, September 29, 2014

Looking Back on the September 23rd Chapter Meeting

The traffic mess outside caused some men to be late this week, especially with the new 6:30 pm start time.  But the risers were full for the solid work session in prep for fall contest.

In that regard, here is the reminder about the District Contest Retreat this coming Saturday at the First Baptist Church of Alexandria from 9:00 – 5:00. With 105 men competing, the risers should be nearly full. Morning refreshments (coffee, doughnuts) will be available at 8:30. The Chorus should bring scarves and the Front Row should bring jackets (all) and vests (only the 10 men assigned). As a special treat, we have arranged a coaching session with Steve Tramack (arranger of “Someone like You”) via Skype. There will be morning and afternoon breaks and an hour or so for lunch. Please wear comfortable clothing & shoes and bring your best game.

Musical leadership welcomed us to the risers playing some of the guest groups that will be on the Harmony on the Harbor show.  This week it was the GROWING GIRLS.

Our warm up period included a session with choreographer Carlos Barillo, then assistant director Mike Kelly conducted the vocal warm ups.

Before we started on contest songs, we sang happy birthday to Peggy Wagner via cell phone.

Director Joe Cerutti listed the many upcoming shows on the chapter calendar, then used some warm up time to teach us a new tag and finally went right to work then on the contest songs.

Part of the nite was used to make further progress for the holiday show songs including “Thriller” which will magically be included in that show!

Operations vp Bob Blair conducted the chapter meeting. President Terry Reynolds announced word that Keith Jones’s father died recently.

Terry also clarified that if a Harmonizer wants to sit in the audience for any part of the Harmony on the Harbor show, he will need to purchase a ticket.

Wearing his assistant director hat, Terry reminded all singers that the deadline to submit a Make Me Better eval form and recording is Sept. 28th.

Secretary Chris Buechler presented membership renewals to TJ Donahue for five years, Clark Chesser for five years, and Troy Hillier for 24 years.

Membership vp Jeremy Richardson with help from Rich Hewitt welcomed and introduced the guests this week.

There was a break as usual – by the way, YeEd reports that we need more of you to drop in a dollar or so now and then to help cover costs.  The cupboard is empty, so you may bring goodies too.

After break, we continued musical work for the shows and contest.

In other chapter news, the Chapter Nominating Committee has selected the following to stand for election at the annual chapter business meeting on October 7, 2014, as chapter officers for 2015:


    President – Terry Reynolds

    VP Chapter Development – Rich Hewitt

    VP Marketing & Public Relations – David Branstetter

    VP Music & Performance – Steve White

    VP Operations – Todd Ryktarsyk

    VP Shows – Nick Leiserson

    Secretary – Chris Buechler

    Treasurer – Carl Kauffmann

    Board Members at Large for 2014-2015 Ross Felker and Michael Gilmore (not subject to election)

    IPP – Alan Wile (not subject to election)


Each of the above has been contacted and agreed to serve in the positions indicated. The Committee will continue to identify successors for each of the officers identified above.  Those that were previously “on the list” (but are not on the 2015 slate because the 2014 incumbents are being asked to continue to serve for one more year) have been contacted and have agreed to continue in their separate capacities. 

In addition to those on the above slate, four members of the community have been identified as potential At-Large Board Members.  If they agree to serve, two will be asked to join the chapter as non-singing members and two will serve as non-Society members.

Secretary Buechler reminds all that our bylaws provide that any chapter member not on the slate wanting to run for a board position or nominate another member (with their permission) needs to advise the chapter secretary of their intent by September 30. There can be no nominations from the floor during the October 7 annual meeting. All members, not just current singers, are invited to attend the annual meeting if at all possible.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.)


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