Friday, September 12, 2014

Looking Back on the September 9th Chapter Meeting

We all knew the challenge had been thrown out to the chorus for this week – to start the nite at the high level where we left things last week.  So the musical team helped us and prepared for that goal.  And it worked.  Joe was happy – and we responded in spades.

Choreographer Carlos Barillo did physical warm ups getting us headed to the right brain side for the nite.  Later he presented a skit to help us understand the story or scenario of the ballad that we had discovered last week with coach Cindy Hansen.  It worked. (Thanks to Peelee Clark, Reed Livergood and Robyn Murane – improv actors!)

Vocal warm ups were conducted by Rich Hewitt.  Since long-time assistant director Will Cox has retired as warm up director, the chapter will be auditioning new directors for this task.  We learned some new exercises with Rich.

When director Joe Cerutti took over the ready-chorus, we jumped right into the ballad and made tons more progress to raise the performance bar.  We took time to self-record as part of the “Make Me Better” program before chapter meeting.

Operations vp Bob Blair conducted the meeting. Ken Fess, chairman of the Harmony on the Harbor show Nov. 3rd  just before the start of the Sweet Adeline International convention in Baltimore, reported what kind of tickets are still left.  He announced plans for an afterglow.  He announced incentive prizes for ticket sellers and he reminded us that we need a ticket to get into the hall after we sing to see the major part of the show. Ken is also asking for help to sell ads for the printed show program.  This is a good way for guys to help Ken and the team. 

Did you know that our online auction will go live in just 6 weeks! We need to add at least another 100-150 items to our auction and it takes time to write descriptions and photograph items for the auction...please bring in your auction donations and give them to either Randall Elliason or Brad Jones as soon as possible. Let one of them know in advance if you have a larger item to donate. At chapter meeting on Tuesday, Randall announced the auction needs items to be valued at $25 or more and that gift cards or certificates from business firms or tourist spots are good ideas.


President Terry Reynolds invited Rick Wagner to the mic to explain his health concerns.  We are all pulling and cheering for Rick and his medical team as he resumes his battle with the returning cancer.


Terry also reported that the reason some guys are not here tonite – our a cappella group TBD had a paid gig to represent the chapter tonite.


NOTE:  our TBD guys also invite us all to come see them at another gig this weekend:  TBD's performance is this Saturday Sept. 13th from 3-4 pm in Market Square for the King Street Arts Festival. If any Harmonizers are area in the area, they’d love to have them drop by (and the King Street event is a lot of fun!).


Rich Hewitt introduced the guests for the evening and welcome them to our rehearsal.

After the break, it was back to work on the risers.  A chunk of time was used on our contest uptune, and then some time on the newest songs we are learning including “Thriller” and a couple holiday show songs.

At the end, we rushed to put things away.  The afterglow was fun as usual.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.)


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