Friday, October 10, 2014

Looking Back on the October 7th Chapter Meeting

Our annual chapter election was held tonite.  Thanks to the nominating committee for offering a slate of candidates – Scipio Garling, Troy Hillier, Mark Klostermeyer, Bob Rhome and Alan Wile, chairman.

Current president Terry Reynolds called the annual meeting to order.  Chapter secretary Chris Buechler responded that no members had been nominated according the bylaws provisions to oppose the slate and that a quorum was present. Immediate Past President Alan Wile conducted the official election and invited all the candidates up front for all to see. All were present.

The chapter elected the following slate to serve in 2015:


    President – Terry Reynolds

    VP Chapter Development – Rich Hewitt

    VP Marketing & Public Relations – David Branstetter

    VP Music & Performance – Steve White

    VP Operations – Todd Ryktarsyk

    VP Shows – Nick Leiserson

    Secretary – Chris Buechler

    Treasurer – Carl Kauffmann

    Board Members at Large for 2014-2015 Ross Felker and Michael Gilmore (not subject to election)

    IPP – Alan Wile (not subject to election)

In addition to those on the above slate, four members of the community have been identified as potential At-Large Board Members. When they all agree to serve, two will be asked to join the chapter as non-singing members and two will serve as non-Society members. These board members will be elected at another time.

This week’s rehearsal time was packed!!!  We have good news that we will now be able to conduct our meetings from 7-10 pm from now on!!! We will also continue the 6:30 time slot for visual review on the stage for riser singers and in the lobby for the front row. The young man and woman who have been at the front desk of Durant the last few weeks are the new management team – Tyler is head of the team. We welcome their enthusiasm to help us. Thanks to our chapter leadership for working to make this change!

But it seems there is always a snag – this week the AC was not working and we about died in the heat.

But we worked thru it.  Carlos Barillo conducted a vigorous physical warm up and Tony Colosimo conducted a strong vocal warm up. Then director Joe Cerutti took over and went immediately to work on the contest songs.  We touched on many spots of the songs, with moves and visual plans being used at all times.

Joe was also pleased with the rehearsal with the Pride of Baltimore SAI chorus on Monday nite in prep for our singing with them on the Harmony of the Harbor show Nov. 3rd in Baltimore.

After working on the contest set a long while, we switched to the new holiday show songs.

Operations vp Bob Blair conducted the general chapter meeting.  Calvin Schnure announced his throat issues and the need for vocal rest and possible surgery. We are all pulling for him and happy he is gonna perform at volume zero for the fall contest. Chuck McKeever announced that John Pence is home following a repair operation to fix his broken arm last week.  He will be getting home care as needed. Hang in there buddy!!

Brad Jones announced final plans for the online auction that he is operating for the chapter.  We need about 75 more items to add to the auction – things worth at least $25.  Give them to Brad or let him know what you are planning.  He even offered to come haul heavy things. He wants to launch the online operation in time for the fall Mid Atlantic District contest.

Ken Fess provided a gift bag where guys could drop in donations to buy HoH tickets for youth which Joe will identify.

Chapter secretary Chris presented membership renewals to Marvin Evans for four years; Ken Henderson for 11 years; Dave Reyno, Bob Blair and Chris Yates for 15 years; Bob Mattes for 16 years; John Pence for 30 years; and Terry Reynolds for 31 years.  The secretary reports that all men planning to sing in the fall contest are full paid members!

Interesting how many long time members continue to rejoin the Harmonizers even tho they are not able to sing with us such as Rick Taylor for 46 years, Ed Allen for 40 years; Mike Geipel for 23 years; Nick Aiuto for 19 years; and Rob Korsan for 9 years.

Rich Hewitt welcomed our guests this week which included a group of young men and women from Germany.

For the break, there was a nice supply of special goodies which guys brought in.  Thanks to all for that and for donations to the kitty.  The cupboard will be full now for a good while.  But we all love the homemade goodies guys brought in to share!!!

After break, we worked on some of the holiday music from last year as well as used the longer meeting time to revisit the contest set.

Everyone was drained from the heat and hard work, and it was raining hard when we had to load everything into the Harmo truck.  A crowd of regulars did make it to the afterglow too.

Planning ahead – there is not a chapter meeting on Tuesday Nov. 4th since Durant is a polling place for the election.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.)


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