Thursday, March 3, 2016

Looking Back on the March 1st Chapter Meeting

This week’s chapter meeting was at First Baptist Church on King Street since Durant was a polling place for the VA primary.

Lots of guys helped haul in the risers and equipment to get set up for our work session.  Chuck McKeever conducted a 6 pm choreo review session for Friday Night from the Harvey Milk music.  A good crowd of guys were there to drill and reinforce their homework on it using the videos Chuck makes and sends out.

Associate director Tony Colosimo did the warm up session and then turned the chorus over to director Joe Cerutti. We worked hard on the contest ballad and even allowed time for more guys to make their personal recordings to submit.  It seems we are ready for the retreat this Saturday with our coach Tony DeRosa.

And we worked on the uptune helping more guys get it under their belt for the retreat.

After the break, we returned to the risers with all our “milkmen” pals to work on the Harvey Milk music.  Joe was at the piano as well as directed with Tony as well.

Executive Director Terry Reynolds made announcements (which were emailed today to all members).  Highlights include reminder of the Thursday nite, Mar. 3 rehearsal at Convergence Church Black Box Theater; reminder of the retreat this weekend at Durant from 9-5 –donuts and coffee served.

President Randall Eliason explained the chapter’s angel fund that helps anyone needing some financial assistance with chapter matters such as dues or convention registration. Anyone in need should speak privately with Randall, and anyone who can make a contribution to help our brothers should also talk to Randall.

Personal announcements regarding Harmonizer family include the recent passing of Will Cox’s father who was 94; the sudden passing of Brian Miller’s wife Michelle; and a health update that Frank Fedarko is on the mend.

Congratulations to fellow Harmonizer Rick Taylor who joined Harmony Foundation International in early February as National Development Manager. Based at his home just outside Baltimore, Maryland, Rick will be representing the foundation at chapter meetings and events all over the country.

Chapter secretary Chris Buechler presented membership renewal cards to Joe Cerutti for 15 years; Tom Kern for 18 years; Calvin Schnure for 21 years; Walt Page for 22 years; Keith Jones for 38 years; and Bob Wachter for 64 years!!!

Director of membership Rich Hewitt introduced our guests,  current applicant and newest member, Jay Sorensen.  Rich also was asking for volunteer help on planning and operating the afterglow following the Aca Challenge.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 67th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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