Looking Back on the June
28th Chapter Meeting and Charter Nite Celebration
This was a milestone nite in Harmonizer history – celebration of
our chartering as a chapter 68 years ago – and right here in Durant
Center!! There were 19 guys who signed
on that nite. Jack Pitzer spoke briefly about that charter nite in1948. Director Joe Cerutti spoke about where we go
from here based on the foundation of those great barbershoppers. (YeEd wonders how many other chapters
are still meeting in the same hall where they got their first charter?)
Martin Banks and John
Smith prepared a historical display for all to enjoy including the actual
charter signed by O C Cash, and Bob
Blair with help from Kevin Kaiser
had “birthday” cake for all served in the lobby, Joe brought another cake made by SAI member Ashley Miller featuring
our medals and logo and historical points. All yummmmy.
But of course the chapter was also hard at work in preparation for
our trip to Nashville for the International convention and contest.
Even with the large crowd of family and friends and other barbershop
guests, the front row worked on their routine in front of the risers in the
main hall. At 7 pm, associate director Tony
Colosimo did the vocal warm ups. (He
got a lot of cheers of congrats for his quartet appearance singing the National
Anthem this weekend for the ball game.)
When Joe took the helm,
he welcomed some long time members with us this week and also welcomed the
early arrivals from BING who will be singing with us at the send off on June 30th.
He then had the chorus start each contest song three times in a row to get the
juices flowing. He and his team used every minute to refine and remind and
rekindle excitement.
Chapter executive director Terry
Reynolds reminded everyone about the send off on Thursday at the Providence
Presbyterian Church on Little River Turnpike.
Chapter singers due there at 7 pm dressed in contest uniform. Actual performance for guests will be at 8
Our convention director Craig
Kujawa covered a few last minute points: he will be passing out remaining
convention registrations; Mark
Klostermeyer is coordinating chorus photo sales; every Harmonizer is
welcome to attend the Togetherness breakfast on Friday in Nashville and should
get a ticket for it from Steve Murane or buy a guest ticket from
Jacob George on Thursday nite; there
will be a Harmo Hideaway on Wed and Thurs nite in Nashville at our hotel; the
combined hospitality room with other M-AD choruses will be Sat nite in our
Chapter secretary Chris
Buechler reminded all members to alert him if there is an change in contact
info or address if you move. Membership director Rich Hewitt welcomed our guests and we sang the Harmo welcome song
to all.
The coffee and goodies for break were a welcome treat for all –
especially those who had to rush in early from work or dodge the rain storm to
get to chapter. Thanks to those members
who brought in some goodies to restock the cupboard for break time.
next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you
were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record
of the great things going on each week during the 68th year of the
Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd
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