Looking Back on the Sept
16-17 fall M-AD Contest and Convention
There was nearly 50
Harmonizers at the fall contest for our Mid Atlantic District in Lancaster, PA,
at the Marriott and Convention Center Sept. 16 and 17. The members were there
as leaders and workers to conduct the district business, as quartet
competitors, as fans of the quartets in the contest from our chapter, as
supporters of our fellow chapters’ choruses several with current and former
Harmonizers on the stage with them, and as friends to have fun and relax.
We had a lot to cheer
about as DA CAPO won the quartet contest – getting a district championship for
new bass Andrew Havens. Tony Colosimo and Joe Sawyer earned championship medals as members of IGUANAS IN
FLIGHT quartet in 2005. Ryan Griffith won his medal in New RELEASE quartet in
2008. (In other news, the convention
audience was invited to vote for some of their favorites of the weekend. Ryan won favorite tenor, Tony won favorite lead and Joe won favorite bari!)
The quartet was welcomed
into the association of past district champs (MADAQ) as part of the Saturday
finale with several fellow Harmonizers on the risers for that event.
Other quartet
placements: PRATT STREET POWER with Ed Schubel was second. THE BOURBEN STREET
FOUR with Mike Pinto was
fourth. HERSEHY TRANSIT COMPANY with Pookie Dingle and Joe Eckert was
Wallen was seventeenth. HANDSOME REWARD with Mike Edison and Michael
Gilmore was twenty-second. Great to have them all represent our chapter in
the exciting quartet contest.
The chorus contest on
Saturday was a close battle. Our chapter decided not to compete this year so
there was a certain amount of scramble for this year’s championship which was
won by the relatively new Hershey, PA, Parkside Harmony Chapter. Former members
Sean Devine and Jay Butterfield are the directors. In addition to those two on stage, there were
several other current or former Harmonizers on the risers with Hershey
including Chris Yates, Mike Vlcej, Fred Womer, Kenny Toula,
Joe Eckert and Scott Disney.
Second place chorus was
Hells Kitchen NY, the Voices of Gotham, with Spencer Wight on the risers with them.
Third place was East
Coast Sound Chorus from Caldwell, NJ, headed by members of GIMME FOUR quartet.
Fourth place chorus was
The Garden Statesmen directed by Jack Pinto with our own Joe Cerutti doing a cameo appearance as part of the comedy routine.
Fifth place chorus was
newly formed Baltimore Vocal Corps directed by Rick Taylor. Kellen Hertz and
Tom Jackson sang them.
Bill Colosimo, Jim Lake, Bob Hirsh and Al
Hanenbaum sang with the DC chapter. Mike
Fasano sang with Queen Anne’s County. Sam
McFarland, Art Medici, Drew Fuller and
Austin Cotton sang with Richard Lewellen with Fairfax. Jim Herrick sang with Red Rose Chorus,
Lancaster, who were hosts for the contest weekend.
A chorus mic tester
group labeled as the Joe and Jane Barbershopper Chorus met early Saturday
morning to be prepared for the 9 am start.
Harmonizers singing in that group included Bruce Minnick, Howard Nestlerode, Matt Doniger and Mike Wallen.
Dennis Ritchey and Shawn
Tallant worked back stage all weekend as district leaders and helpers for
the operations team. Mike
Kelly was the sound and light guy for the weekend and provided recording
services for the contestants.
Dennis was elected as incoming president of M-AD. Also Bob Eckman was elected as executive
vice president, Keith Jones as
secretary and Chuck Harner as member
at large.
John Santora and Jay Butterfield were elected to the M-AD Hall of Honor
joining 22 other Harmonizers previously honored: Snyder, Sparks, Dominy, Werner, Casey, Latzko,
Pitzer, Wachter, Arberg, Hohl, Gorham, Plaag, Jordon, M. Wallen, Wile, Harner,
S. White, B. Colosimo, R. Taylor, K. Jones, T. Reynolds, Kelly.
President Randall Eliason headed up our chapter’s
contingent at the House of Delegates meeting Sunday morning. Executive director Terry Reynolds attended the special session on Saturday afternoon
with Gary Plaag explaining the new performance category for contests. Chris Buechler assisted the contest
administrators for the weekend.
next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you
were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record
of the great things going on each week during the 68th year of the
Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd
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