Thursday, October 27, 2016

Looking Back on the Oct 18th Chapter Meeting

The chapter met at First Baptist this week again to record our contest package. Associate director Tony Colosimo headed up the music team for the nite.  Mike Kelly and Dennis Ritchey did the sound work and all the set up.


We had sectionals to start the nite after warm ups and then recorded the uptune from contest.  Then after break, repeated that schedule to record the ballad.


The annual meeting for election of officers was postponed until next week when there would be a quorum.


Members should be sure to watch for the weekly announcement summary from the executive director’s office as there are many shows and events coming up.


All sectionals will be on Sat. Oct 22 at First Baptist working on the new holiday music.


President Randall Eliason reported on some member news.  Shawn Tallant has had shoulder surgery and is recovering.


John Adams, longtime member of the chapter who now lives and sings in NC, suffered a stroke on Friday nite Oct. 14th.  He is already making some recovery according to barbershop informants.  John was tenor in the NOVA CHORDS quartet and in the gold medal seniors quartet champ from our chapter, REMINISCE.  He was chapter president too.


President Randall has announced plans for the memorial services for Jim Stockton and reminds all that if you wish to sing at the service (with the Mt. Vernon Chapter guys), contact their director Drew Fuller for music details.


In other news. Jordan Haedtler and his brother Patrick (lead in the gold medal quartet MATERPIECE) and their dad David sang in a quartet DON’T TELL MOM this past weekend that won the Far Western District quartet contest.  Congrats Jordan and family.


David Ellis was in the quartet that won the Pioneer district contest called HEMIDEMISEMIQUAVER4. Congrats.


Michael Gilmore sang with the Alliance chorus this past weekend in the Johnny Appleseed District chorus contest where they took second place.  

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 68th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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