Thursday, November 17, 2016

Looking Back on the Nov 8th Chapter Meeting, Wounded Warrior Event and Veteran's Day Sing, Red Cross Fund Raiser

The chapter returned to First Baptist on Nov. 8th since Durant was used as a polling place for the election.


On Sunday afternoon, Nov. 6th, about 25 of us sang at the Old Dominion Boat Club at the end of King Street.  The event was to help a local non-profit group raise monies for Wounded Warriors.  Joe Cerutti was out director.  We did mostly patriotic tunes plus a couple of the Beatles songs.  We sang twice and both times had great audience response including some sing-along time.


Thanks to Alan Wile for the notes from the following events while YeEd was in NYC.

On Friday, Nov. 11th we sang again at Oakton Elementary School for the all-school assembly to honor Veterans Day: 24 Harmonizers participated; Terry Reynolds directed. Riser crew at 8:00 a.m. Set up three risers. Rehearsed in the Library before joining the 830 students, guest veterans, teachers, et al in the gym. Ms. Kathleen Marshall originated the program following her experience in 9/11/01 - 16 years ago – she highlighted this and ran the show this year as she has in the past. Veteran guests included reps from all three services, with several flag and general officers. One student’s father, a BG, visited on Skype. We sang three songs: “Armed Forces Medley,” “Stars and Stripes,” and “God Bless America.” The last of these we sang through twice, asking all to join in … which they did. And did they sing!!! A great experience. Gerry Fuller drove the truck and supervised the unloading and reloading of the risers. After the show a few of the veteran participants enjoyed free lunches at Applebees.

That same day was a memorial service at the Mount Vernon Unitarian church for former member Jim Stockton. A total of 17 active and inactive members of the Alexandria Chapter participated with the Harmony Heritage Singers/Mount Vernon Chapter chorus, together with a number of former Harmonizers. Drew Fuller is the director and directed four of the songs; Bob Wachter directed one song; Mike Everard introduced one of the songs.. Following the service, there was a reception for all at the church.

On Sunday, Nov. 13th. 41 Harmonizers performed at the seventh annual (first for us) First Presbyterian Church of Arlington musical benefit program – this year to benefit the American Red Cross flood relief effort, primarily in the southeastern United States. The program consisted of 15 vocal and instrumental selections by quite a renowned list of musicians. We sand two songs (during which director Joe Cerutti  encouraged the audience to sing out). We received a boisterous response at the conclusion of our set. Most of us remained for the balance of the program and several enjoyed punch and snacks in the social hall afterwards.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 68th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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