Friday, December 9, 2016

Looking Back on the Dec 6th Chapter Meeting

We got to use the new risers tonite.  Thanks to the crew that helped haul them in and set them up.  Very comfortable.  And no squeaks!! The large chorus went right to work on the holiday show music after warm ups by associate director Tony Colosimo.  Director Joe Cerutti was excited about the show and he prompted us to be ready for a busy nite with guest artists for the show who would be coming to Durant. He also welcomed the many ladies from the Pride of Baltimore SAI chorus who fought their way to Durant thru traffic on a cold and really rainy nite!


Past President Rick Wagner arrived early to continue issuing consignment tickets for the show.  And Sandy Stamps was issuing White House Ornaments to salesmen Harmonizers. An new team was on hand too for selling 50/50 tickets – Bob and Sandy Ulibarri and Walt Page.


Executive director Terry Reynolds reported more donations from the “6th Row” campaign.  He also reported several thank you notes received from the Ladies Club some of us sang for last week.  Terry also thanked the guys who made the trip out to Fairfax Country Club for the lunch time gig. As always, there was great response to Will Cox reciting “The Night Before Christmas” in his comedic delivery! Thanks to Chris Huber’s wife, Judy, who introduced us at that show (and brought two yummy chocolate cookies for each guy after the show.)


Holiday show producer Mick Stamps reported a decent tickets sales progress and reminded all that consignment tickets must be returned or you pay for them. He reminded us that next Tues nite is a tech rehearsal for all of us to attend.  He needs a riser crew at 5 pm at the GMU venue. He promises maps and a detailed call-time schedule for show weekend.


President Randall Eliason reported a couple family matters: Ian Poulin is having knee surgery on Wednesday.  We wish him fast recovery.  Randall also heard that Chris Buechler was in recovery room following his kidney operation today.  Again our best wishes to him.


Randall explained the road trip to Lake George NY to sing at the Northeastern District convention the weekend of May 6.  He asked for a show of hands and almost 100 % of the men on the risers said they would want to go.  Sooo – we are off on a road trip.  Has been a long time since we did one.


Next, Randall announced that Art Medici is taking reservations for the Presidents’ Banquet on Jan. 28th, 2017.  Tickets are just $25 each.  Certainly hope all of the members will come to celebrate our year, honor our award recipients, and socialize with the gang.


Mr. President thanked the new 50/50 team and also reminded everyone to drop in a buck or so in the coffee fund container at break. (The response was good – many thanks all!)


For those marking their 2017 calendar, don’t forget to set aside July 23-30 to go to Harmony University with the chorus in Nashville, TN.


Terry returned to the mic offering to collect any pledges from guys for the matching fund campaign for a new Harmo truck.


Membership director Rich Hewitt welcomed guests and applicants.


After the break we worked more music including with the male soloist for two songs.


Before we closed the hall for the nite, we sang farewell to Mike Moncibaiz who is going to work in Mexico for the State Department.  He will be missed in the bari section. Mike directed “Keep the Whole World Singing” as our sign-off for the nite.


Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 68th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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