Monday, February 13, 2017

Looking Back on the Feb. 7th Chapter Meeting

We met in a ring or circle in Durant again this week.  Guests were on the stage (The 50/50 team is gonna set up in the kitchen next week, so more of you can get your tickets).


Director Joe Cerutti did the vocal warm ups and taught us a new tag as part of that time. Before we started work on our music, he announced that the bus trip to NED has been cancelled and consequently, we will not be singing “New York, New York” or “Ring of Fire.”


We worked a lot on the new gospel songs which we will do as part of the FAIRFIELD FOUR shows.  In fact, near the end of the nite, Joe had us face the stage and he stood there and filmed us singing the chorus for “There Is a City” to send to the quartet.


The chapter leadership organized another team building session and every singer went  to attend one of the operations team meetings for a 20 minute session.


Executive director Terry Reynolds conducted a meeting before the break.  Our efforts for Singing Valentines is ongoing and quartets will make appearances that the chapter arranges to promote a cappella singing and our chapter.


Late breaking news about the March 5th Whiffenpoof show – if a member wants to hear them, he needs to buy a ticket too.  The space at Convergence won’t hold all of us and an audience too.


Aca Challenge is underway too. Contestants have been chosen. Chorus will sing. Event will again be held at famous Lincoln Theater, 1215 U Street NW from 8-10 pm.  The audience will vote for their favorite too. 


President Randall Eliason announced that Calvin Schnure is recovering from a vocal nodules situation and missing the chance to sing.


Randall also signaled the date for this year’s Spring to Action – Wed. April 5th.  Last year the chapter earned a significant amount.  One new wrinkle – all customers who eat at Vola’s Dockside Grill, 101 N. Union St., Alexandria, VA 22314,  between Feb. 10 and Mar. 10 and check the Harmonizer code 310-500-050 will earn the chapter 20% of the bill. Spread the word and get lots of folks to eat there.  The local group that earns the most with this plan also earns a $500 bonus.


Robyn Murane, volunteer chairman on the operations team, passed out a pink slip for each member with this message: “As volunteers supporting the Harmonizers, we usher and run the house; sell snacks, CSs, tickets, and take donations at shows; work on fundraisers like White House ornaments and the holiday show silent auction; create, sew and mend costumes.  We help with membership, host parties and events, help populate databases and assist with correspondence, and are admitted to the shows we work free of charge.  Any member or family member or former member or chapter friends can help.  Contact Robyn at”


Rich Payton has stepped up to be chairman of another of our popular Put Together Quartet contests for the chapter and all barbershop singers in the area.  It will be March 28th – sort of a Dog –Days-type event for quartets.   All our singers should work on a song to sing. Some comedy songs would be a happy addition. Figure there will be trophies as usual.


Conventions chairman, Craig Kujawa, has sent a very detailed message to all members about registering as a chorus for Harmony University in Nashville.  Don’t delay in making your plans.


Secretary Chris Buechler presented a four year membership renewal card to Aaron Simoneau.


Ike Evans was taking mug shot pictures of members for the picture board that is hung in the meeting hall each week. 


Membership director Rich Hewitt welcomed guests and applicants and a new member, Jerry Foil.


Thanks to all those who brought goodies to share, and those who put cash in the kitty to help cover costs.  Keep it coming.


After break, we worked more on our gospel music.


In other news, the chapter’s education committee hosted a meeting for local school music educators on Sat. Feb. 4th at First Baptist.  Chairman Vicki Dennis was in charge and director Joe Cerutti was the major presenter.  He spoke about the art form, how we teach, how we involve students and men (and women) in a cappella singing.  SAI quartet CLASS RING was present to demonstrate good quartet singing (They have reached fifth place in their organization’s International contest.) Harmonizer executive director Terry Reynolds managed the audio tasks for the presentations.  President Randall Eliason and a few other members were present to welcome and greet attendees and help with coffee service.


Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 68th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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