Friday, March 17, 2017

Looking Back on the Mar. 14th Chapter Meeting and Weekend Ceremonies

Two events this past weekend to report.

First was the retirement event on Fri. Mar. 10th for Commander Rusty Orvik.  There were 22 singers present and assistant director Terry Reynolds was our conductor.  We opened the ceremony by singing the National Anthem when his boys (in their Scout uniforms) posted the flag. We helped Rusty sing a tribute to his wife Jennifer joining him to sing “Let Me Call You Sweetheart.” We sang happy birthday to Rusty and a friend during the cake cutting, and a wrap up for the ceremony which Rusty came and sang with us – “Stars and Stripes Forever.” Rusty completed 24 years of service in the Navy.  The ceremony was at 2pm at the Naval Support Facility in Arlington. A reception followed the events.

Our second weekend event was the memorial service for long-time Harmonizer Chuck Harner Sat. March 11, 2017, at Andrew Chapel United Methodist Church. The church was packed with friends and lots of barbershoppers including many former Harmonizer family folks, some district leaders and members of DELSUSQEUHUDMAC, and members from other chapters and leaders from the Harmony Foundation board. We sang “I’ll Be Seeing You” and “I’ll Walk With God” and joined the Harmony Heritage Singers on “Amazing Grace.”  Terry Reynolds was director for the Harmonizers.  Drew Fuller directed the HHS. In addition to family, BHS executive vice president Dick Powell and HHS president Mike Everard gave memorial tributes. A reception followed the service. Donations are suggested to Harmony Foundation International, Inc., 110 Seventh St. Ste. 200, Nashville, TN 37203.  Mention you wish your contribution to honor Chuck as part of the Keep A Melody Ringing program.

Tuesday March 14th was a busy one starting with tag singing at 6:50 pm.

Director Joe Cerutti did the vocal warm ups and taught us a tag (and provided tips on how to learn a tag being taught). We worked on our gospel songs first half of the nite. Joe told us more about Dr. Barnwell who will be with us next Tuesday nite to help us capture the spirit of the gospel songs and the fun of singing in general. Joe invited us all to attend one of her community singing events on April 19th.

On Wed. April 5th the chapter will go to Virtue Feed and Grain in Old Town as part of the Spring2Action event.  We will have our own room and sing off and on all eve for their patrons (it has been a popular stop on our annual pub sing during the holidays). We practiced “America” to sing that nite.

Executive director Terry Reynolds congratulated Rusty Orvik and thanked all who were there to sing.  Terry also reported on the service for Chuck Harner.

Call time for ACA Challenge is now 4 pm. There will be break for dinner. See the announcements emailed to all.  Dress is black suite with narrow black tie.

Latest details for the Put Together Quartet contest on March 28th: meeting will start at 7 pm for some chorus work and transition into the quartet contest later in the eve depending on how many quartets sign up.

Harmo Youth Festival is coming up on Sat. April 22nd  at Durant.  The chorus will sing that evening for the students and music educator. 

Joe spoke to all about the need to sign up for Harmony University (the chorus school portion).

The question about going to Russia was presented to all attendees and men raised their hand to indicate if they would or would not go on the trip if chapter leaders decided we should. Because of the bad weather and somewhat-lower-that-usual attendance, an email request was issued to all.

Chapter secretary Chris Buechler presented membership renewal cards to Adam Afifi for 2 years, Chris Odell for 8 years; Noah Van Gilder for 10 years; and Joel Golden for 12 years.

After the break, the chorus worked on the “Chicago” medley.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 68th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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