Looking Back on the March
20th 2018 Chapter Meeting
This week’s gathering at Convergence was a very busy one, but the
first day of spring with a winter storm approaching bringing in snow/ice/sleet/rain
caused the numbers to be small.
Associate director Tony Colosimo
did the vocal warm ups, was in charge of the music for the nite, and opened the
evening with work on the first “bring back” song for our 70th
anniversary show – “Glenn Miller Medley.”
The support team had brought projector and screen for us to
project the music for all to see.
Chapter leaders then presented info about our possible trip to
Brazil in 2019. Brad Jones, project manager for the trip, introduced Sean Fagan,
president of Opus Performance Tours agency, who reported plans for the possible
trip. Currently scheduled for early
August in 2019 and departing from Dulles. This trip idea is an outgrowth of a
request to help launch new barbershop singing groups in their country and thus
the trip will include several concerts or performances in local venues.
Our chapter president Shawn
Tallant summarized the next steps for the chapter: a survey will go to all
members soon seeking a “go or no go” vote.
Members and any family members they wish to pay for will be part of the
trip. A guest quartet will likely be invited to make the trip with us. The
chapter is seeking some possible financial support for the trip too, but
everyone will pay their own fees.
During the chapter meeting, president Shawn also announced a plan to acquire new performance suits. Carlos
Barillo show-cased two choices and there was unanimous support for one.
Chapter leaders have determined that we will manage this acquisition
differently that in the past – this time each member will buy his own outfit (about
$100) and maintain them. New uniform chairperson Robyn Murane previewed some steps on how chorus members will be
responsible for their uniforms.
The plan is to use the new outfits for our contest appearance in
Orlando in July and for our 70th anniversary show on Sept. 8th,
2018. Everyone needs to be measured right away – so be sure you are included on
the order sheet with correct sizes. Current plans do include a new tie but we will
wear the current white shirt we have been wearing with the all black
suits. Those black suits will be turned
in and offered for sale to other groups.
Terry Reynolds, executive director, reminded us that next week
the meeting is back at Durant with coach Kevin
Keller present to help us prepare our contest package.
Terry also reminded everyone about the Youth Harmony Festival
all day on Fri. April 13th.at Restoration Anglican Church, 1815 N
Quincy St., Arlington. Many helpers will
be needed during the day – stay tuned for volunteering. The chorus will sing three songs in the
evening with a 6 pm chorus call for the 7 pm show. Uniform will be black camp shirt, jeans,
black shoes.
The fifth-annul Aca-Challenge is the next nite, April 14th
at the Sixth and I Historic Synagogue in DC (600 I St. NW) from 7-10 pm. Presented
by the Harmonizers, hosted by contemporary a cappella spokesperson Deke Sharon,
and co-sponsored by the venue. Six east coast groups will compete for a $2000
prize from the chapter and chosen by the audience. Tickets are $25 for general admission or $45
for VIP seats which includes ticket to an afterglow with Deke and the
contestants. Attendees who need to use the lift for entry may call 202-408-3100
to make arrangements for entry to the building and seating. Our chapter’s a
cappella group, TBD, will do a set on the show while the results are being
President Tallant asked members to buy tickets, and for sure, to promote and sell tickets to
Because of the
bad weather this week, the Private Voice Instructions will resume in two weeks.
Good news that Dick Hall’s name will be on the Keeping
America Ringing Wall at BHS headquarters in Nashville. Terrific that many have made a donation to
make that happen thru Harmony Foundation International.
Jack Pitzer continued the
series of Moments in Harmonizer History – this time explaining why we shout
“Hark” each time Will Cox comes up
to direct our welcome song for guests.
Some rehearsal
plans for the chorus in Orlando were announced, There will be only three
rehearsals – morning sessions on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The Togetherness breakfast will be changed to
a dinner event during the week. Long-time members who always attend the
International convention should take special note in the major changes in the
week’s schedule.
The chorus retreat
in preparation for Orlando will be June 8-9-10 at McDaniel College in
Westminster, MD, (about 70 miles from Springfield). Friday June 8th will be mandatory
for front row and optional for all others with special session for the small
groups to be coached. There are many good restaurants in town and it is a good
social time on Friday nite.. Fees include lodging; three meals on Saturday and
breakfast on Sunday; plus linens and a Saturday evening party. There are three
price levels – Friday-Sunday attendees; Saturday-Sunday attendees; and
commuters who won’t be staying any nite. Non-competing members are welcome to
attend. Fees are due in advance and should be given to Howard Nestlerode or Jack
Cameron before May 29th All requests
for roommate assignments are due to retreat master, Chuck McKeever, by Tues. May 8th.
Chapter secretary Chris
Buechler presented membership renewals to Bob Rhome for 17 years; Walt
Page for 24 years; Dean Rust for
38 years; and Will Cox for 40
years. He also was given his 40-year
lapel pin.
Last week, YeEd missed
a couple things. First, chapter secretary Chris
Buechler presented new member packets to Gary Cregan, Connor Goss, and
Jerry Jayjohn. And Ken Ives
received his membership renewal for 33 years. Second, president Shawn Tallant announced that past
president Randall Eliason was in MN
with family matters since his mother-in-law was placed in hospice recently.
Guest this week was David
Wagner. Welcome to him.
After the chapter meeting, musical work continued on our contest
music. Assistant director Chuck Hunter helped do some of the
Then about 8:45, the work moved to the music for “Iron and Coal’
for those who will be singing at that event.
In other news, Keith Jones
was in a car accident (a tractor trailer side-swiped him while he was stopped
at an intersection) near Richmond last Friday, on his way to relocate to
Florida. He was not injured or hurt, thankfully. He spent the nite with former
Harmonizer Paul Laurenz while he
waited for auto repair shops to open.
Until next time –
(This message is prepared for your review if you
were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record
of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the
Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd
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